toldailytopic: Is drinking alcohol a sin?

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Well-known member
Good point Elo. How does one define "drunk"?

Right. I define drunk as buzzed to any degree on alcohol. I always drink to get drunk, i.e. to get a buzz and loosen up--to enjoy myself.

A drunkard, on the other hand, is someone who has made alcohol an idol; where he puts his love for alcohol above his love for his neighbor, so to speak. It's just another form of idolatry.

The way some people claim that it's only a sin if you get "drunk" makes me think they believe we can use alcohol breath tests to find sinners. :chuckle:

Your B.O.C. is .08%!? Sinner!


Well-known member
I thought that this topic was pretty clear to those that profess to know something about Christianity.

Oh, it's elo, never mind.

What are you saying, and why? :idunno:

The poster I addressed (not you) made two claims that are not supported by scripture, as far as I can see, and are at odds with what other Christians on this thread have claimed. You are free to support that poster's claims, if you can.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Right. I define drunk as buzzed to any degree on alcohol. I always drink to get drunk, i.e. to get a buzz and loosen up--to enjoy myself.

A drunkard, on the other hand, is someone who has made alcohol an idol; where he puts his love for alcohol above his love for his neighbor, so to speak. It's just another form of idolatry.

The way some people claim that it's only a sin if you get "drunk" makes me think they believe we can use alcohol breath tests to find sinners. :chuckle:

Your B.O.C. is .08%!? Sinner!

Fair enough. I think a 'common' view is that being drunk is akin to slurring words and falling over etc, but even mild effects such as a buzz are an effect and I admit the same as you. I drink because I enjoy it and it's a good feeling. There's not a much better social relaxant than a few chilled beers or fine wine etc :D Good point regarding breath tests too. I wouldn't drink and drive at all because even if the effects of just one pint aren't noticeable to any degree I know that it's still going to be having an impact. Responsibility seems to be key rather than the amount consumed on any given occasion itself.....

PS: Je vouldrais un vin blanc....



The poster I addressed (not you) made two claims that are not supported by scripture, as far as I can see, and are at odds with what other Christians on this thread have claimed. You are free to support that poster's claims, if you can.

If you're referring to this post:

Originally Posted by SovereigntyIsGods
I think to drink with the purpose of getting drunk is definitely a sin.

Originally Posted by SovereigntyIsGods
I would also say that do drink casually is a sin, because it is unnecessary.

then SIG is batting 500.

As shown in the link I attached, it is a sin to get drunk, as God needs us alert and sober (self controlled).

Regarding the latter statement by SIG:

Despite what some Christians teach, there is no prohibition in God’s Word against drinking alcoholic beverages. It is not a sin to drink beer, or even whiskey. There is, however, a clear prohibition against getting drunk. A Christian might then conclude that drinking no alcohol at all would surely eliminate the possibility of abusing it, and choose never to partake. Each of us must choose for ourselves how we relate to “booze,” but we have no biblical basis to think less of our brethren in Christ who enjoy a drink once in a while, but do not get drunk.

Miller Genuine Draft (in a bottle) please. I hate micro brews.


Well-known member
As shown in the link I attached, it is a sin to get drunk, as God needs us alert and sober (self controlled).

The link doesn't even define drunk. The term "drunk" as you are using it, based on the link you dropped, is just a moving target that people who want to boast in their flesh can use to judge others by their subjective standard. If it makes you feel more righteous than another because you only have one beer and your B.O.C. remains under .05% then you are very far from the kingdom.


New member
I wasn't asking about legal. It is legal to dismember your unborn child. I was asking if it was wrong.

I think so. I think it's wrong. Off the top of my head I can't think of anything that is both unlawful and morally right. Maybe there is something? On the other hand, as you have illustrated, there ARE things that are lawful but considered morally wrong...

I would also say that do drink casually is a sin, because it is unnecessary.

Because something is unnecessary, does that make it sinful? :think:



The link doesn't even define drunk. The term "drunk" as you are using it, based on the link you dropped, is just a moving target that people who want to boast in their flesh can use to judge others by their subjective standard. If it makes you feel more righteous than another because you only have one beer and your B.O.C. remains under .05% then you are very far from the kingdom.

There are two standards of drunkenness. One being God's standard (He knows when you're not alert and under self control).

The other would be man's laws.

(I'm thinking that this guy would qualify under both):


I'm sensing someone loves his booze quite a bit; getting a bit defensive are we elo?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The link doesn't even define drunk. The term "drunk" as you are using it, based on the link you dropped, is just a moving target that people who want to boast in their flesh can use to judge others by their subjective standard. If it makes you feel more righteous than another because you only have one beer and your B.O.C. remains under .05% then you are very far from the kingdom.

Exactly. One beer has an effect no matter how 'small' the degree so who decides as to when it's sin to continue or stop? People who believe they should remain "alert and sober" at all times wouldn't drink at all if their own parameters are so rigid, else it's hypocrisy. Not to mention that some people have a much higher tolerance to alcohol than others. For some folk, one glass of wine would be the equivalent to three or more to another so it's a completely subjective position.


New member
Hall of Fame
There are two standards of drunkenness. One being God's standard (He knows when you're not alert and under self control).

The other would be man's laws.

(I'm thinking that this guy would qualify under both):


I'm sensing someone loves his booze quite a bit; getting a bit defensive are we elo?
What makes you think this guy is not just getting a drink? btw... Isn't that the same guy holding the beer mug in your last picture? :think:


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Hall of Fame
godrulz replies:

Seriously, have you ever read the Bible?

"But he who doubts is condemned if he eats (drinks), because his eating (drinking) is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin." Rom 14:23

When I drink water, it is a physical need, not a moral issue. One does not have biblical faith or fleshly doubt with mundane things like drinking water. The verse is not an absolute statement, but has a context.

If I post on TOL, it is not a matter of faith or not. I am not sinning if I post a joke nor am I godly for posting biblical truth.

Never mind. Semantics is your stumbling block at the best of times.


Well-known member
What would you compare it to?

Blue Moon. :chuckle:

I set out to copy the recipe.

Mine tastes better than the commercial stuff. More hops in mine.

I've made a peach flavored beer, too. And that was pretty good; although not as good as a commercial peach beer I found once--wish I could remember the name.

Besides the taste, and that it's unfiltered, the best thing about home brew is that it's roughly half the price of commercial beer the way I make it.


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Blue Moon. :chuckle:

I set out to copy the recipe.

Mine tastes better than the commercial stuff. More hops in mine.

I've made a peach flavored beer, too. And that was pretty good; although not as good as a commercial peach beer I found once--wish I could remember the name.

Besides the taste, and that it's unfiltered, the best thing about home brew is that it's roughly half the price of commercial beer the way I make it.

Have you ever made a stout? I MUCH prefer thick, heavy stouts that you can't see through. Ever tried anything like that at home?
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