No but it was a struggle...Damascus having a drive thru and all...:chew:
I guess you powerwalked it back off?
No but it was a struggle...Damascus having a drive thru and all...:chew:
I base it on how most people answer the question, "What religion are you?" The most common response is I'm CatholicCan you state in specific terms what you think the differences are? What separates Catholicism from Protestantism that makes it an entirely different religion instead of just something like a denomination within Christianity?
I'd go further and say that not a soul around TOL would even remotely entertain the idea...oh, fixed that for you.I also grew up in a charismatic environment and would not really label myself as that anymore.
I see very little difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. I don't see either one of them being in line with Biblical Christianity. They have both evolved, and in my view are both apostate.Can you state in specific terms what you think the differences are? What separates Catholicism from Protestantism that makes it an entirely different religion instead of just something like a denomination within Christianity?
I see very little difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. I don't see either one of them being in line with Biblical Christianity. They have both evolved, and in my view are both apostate.
I base it on how most people answer the question, "What religion are you?" The most common response is I'm Catholic
I see very little difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. I don't see either one of them being in line with Biblical Christianity. They have both evolved, and in my view are both apostate.
Right, me too.By Protestantism I basically meant anything other than Catholic.
Lewis?Then why quote a man who was an Anglican?lain:
Right, me too.
:nono:Except I include you in that too. :chuckle:
If the Pope says 2 + 2 = 4 am I now a Catholic?
Are you saying that everything someone says is wrong? Not everything godrulz, andyc,You aren't quoting a math problem, now are you?
Quoting an apostate on a worldview question seems a bit odd...:idunno:
If you have ever changed your religion, what where some of the reasons you did so? |
Well, to make a long story short, my ex-mother-in-law attended the same church I had been a member of since the age of 12. She made it her mission to gossip and play the *victim* card in hopes that people in the congregation would feel the need to choose sides even though her son had NEVER been a member of our church.
I left the Charismatic / Pentecostal cult to also be in the Body of Christ.