toldailytopic: If you could start your own country what form of government would you


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Hall of Fame
So when somebody kills one of your family members you have to forgive them and cannot retaliate? Sounds great.

As time has passed, the Amish have felt pressures from the modern world. Issues such as taxation, education, law and its enforcement, and occasional discrimination and hostility, are areas of difficulty.

Local police still handle it - sorry to break it to you.


New member
OriginalOatmeal said:
My country would mirror more how the United States was and less what they are now.
Agreed. A constitutional republic where rights come from God, just as our Christian Founding Fathers gave us.

stop lying,

that would include marijuana being legal in all states, and by your own admission you adamantly appose that.

you are farther from the founding fathers ideals than most people can be.

now to answer the question of the OP, with some sort of intellectual honesty..... :D

keep shinin

jerm :cool:
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New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 20th, 2013 06:00 AM

toldailytopic: If you could start your own country what form of government would you employ and why?

I don't know if you would call what Jesus started a government or not,

but if I could start my own country, His model would be used.

Acts 2:44-45
And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

If you confess with your lips Jesus is Lord, believe in your heart God raised him from the dead, and if you were willing to sell all your possessions and the goods you have be shared to all men you could be a citizen of His country.

there should be no need for laws in such a country though a one way ticket back to where ever you came from could be provided should you change your mind.

many people on this sight swear up and down Christians are no longer under the law, while out the other side of their mouth they work to make stricter laws for everyone, this country would be a good place for people to actually practice what they preach. :D

Galatians 5:22-23

keep shinin

jerm :cool:


The Dark Knight
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toldailytopic: If you could start your own country what form of government would you employ and why?

I honestly don't think I have enough time to explain why.

A theonomy through Constitutional Monarchy.


New member
I believe Acw uses the term dopetarian.

tho he would never use such a term for his beloved "founding fathers"

he's not an honest fellow that way. :)

keep shinin

jerm :cool:


New member
Hall of Fame
And you just broke the barrier between your hypothetical response and reality - of course police handle it now, but if you live in an Amish centred society... durh?

And someone was murdered like you said, Amish or not, the local police to that community still handle things like murder.


New member
No government. Just a single algorithm, that all would obey. It would bestow money, direct the economy, and order punishments.

Oh yeah, and I get to write the algorithm.


And someone was murdered like you said, Amish or not, the local police to that community still handle things like murder.

My point is, I'm uncertain the Amish would arrest someone for murder, perhaps only for future protection but not for punishment.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Freedom and capitalism. Voting restriction, no property tax, a flat income tax, small government, no welfare state, no public schools, no EPA, no regulatory agencies, just liberty, freedom to do what one is able to do. No government leveling, let everyone be self accountable.

Freedom of religion, restricted to Christian only, no tax exemption, as there would be no property tax, Government for national safety and dealing with international affairs, no domestic laws, other than crime. All criminals should be forced to earn their keep.

No government subsides, domestic, or international. Only a flat income tax to support the nation with regard to defense from intrusion of other nations, no interference with other nations

The right for people to form a community chest, to be distributed as per community decision.

Criminal law based on the principle of doing harm to others, not to oneself, as such is a babysitting adults. No abortions, free right to adopt my payment without agency. Child abuse clearly defined, solely based on harm, as defined by a representative body of appointed judiciary.

Laws made only by a congress, the House, by popular vote of responsible citizens, the Senate, appointed by the state. No death penalty because the dead cannot make restitution, as one may by, being in a prison where one is forced to make restitution. Cruel and unusual punishment defined as it was originally intended.

No frivolous appeals, as they waste taxpayer money. Appeals only on specific cases when there is a reasonable concern of a miscarriage of justice, or where a law is questionable.

Motto changed to what John Locke said, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Property. No government interference with individual owned property. Some laws pertaining to corporations, such being no outsourcing without a tariff equal to a fair wage to the nations workers.

Freedom to leave the nation at anytime.


Freedom and capitalism. Voting restriction, no property tax, a flat income tax, small government, no welfare state, no public schools, no EPA, no regulatory agencies, just liberty, freedom to do what one is able to do. No government leveling, let everyone be self accountable.

Freedom of religion, restricted to Christian only, no tax exemption, as there would be no property tax, Government for national safety and dealing with international affairs, no domestic laws, other than crime. All criminals should be forced to earn their keep.

No government subsides, domestic, or international. Only a flat income tax to support the nation with regard to defense from intrusion of other nations, no interference with other nations

The right for people to form a community chest, to be distributed as per community decision.

Criminal law based on the principle of doing harm to others, not to oneself, as such is a babysitting adults. No abortions, free right to adopt my payment without agency. Child abuse clearly defined, solely based on harm, as defined by a representative body of appointed judiciary.

Laws made only by a congress, the House, by popular vote of responsible citizens, the Senate, appointed by the state. No death penalty because the dead cannot make restitution, as one may by, being in a prison where one is forced to make restitution. Cruel and unusual punishment defined as it was originally intended.

No frivolous appeals, as they waste taxpayer money. Appeals only on specific cases when there is a reasonable concern of a miscarriage of justice, or where a law is questionable.

Motto changed to what John Locke said, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Property. No government interference with individual owned property. Some laws pertaining to corporations, such being no outsourcing without a tariff equal to a fair wage to the nations workers.

Freedom to leave the nation at anytime.

I'm sure that'd work out great, I think you've been playing too much fable.