toldailytopic: IF you could push a button and immediately be in Heaven, would you do

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 14th, 2012 08:26 AM

toldailytopic: IF you could push a button and immediately be in Heaven, would you do it?Or would you choose to live out your life until you die?

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If Our Blessed Mother appeared to me at this very moment and told me that, if I were to confess my sins within the next day or so, that my confession would be valid, and immediately afterwards, I should fall down dead and spend the rest of all time in the fires of purgatory, I would immediately make haste to the nearest priest.

Nathon Detroit

If Our Blessed Mother appeared to me at this very moment and told me that, if I were to confess my sins within the next day or so, that my confession would be valid, and immediately afterwards, I should fall down dead and spend the rest of all time in the fires of purgatory, I would immediately make haste to the nearest priest.
No, no silly.... the question is about going to heaven, not hell. :doh:

Nathon Detroit

This is a great question. I would choose to live out my life here on earth.

Eternity is a long time, (it's forever). Yet life here on earth is quick, therefore I want to enjoy every possible second of it. I will have plenty of time to enjoy heaven.


Well-known member
No, no silly.... the question is about going to heaven, not hell. :doh:

Purgatory does not equal hell. (Not that I believe in purgatory)

WRT the OP, no since I have a husband and child that depend on me, unless they can come too, maybe. But I think we're placed here for a purpose, it's probably best to let that purpose play out.


New member
Nope. Because that means I would be DEAD.

I'm not ready to be DEAD yet, especially if that whole "no one shall be married or given in marriage" thing holds up in the afterlife.

My wife and I have only been married for about three years, and I'm not giving that up without a major fight.


This is a great question. I would choose to live out my life here on earth.

Eternity is a long time, (it's forever). Yet life here on earth is quick, therefore I want to enjoy every possible second of it. I will have plenty of time to enjoy heaven.

But to be in Heaven is to see, know and love God forever. Anything here on earth which you may enjoy or desire is only enjoyable or desirable because it reminds you of God in some way.

It's like looking at photographs of someone you love. Except in this case, the photographs are really imperfect representations of the one you love. They resemble the beloved, but looking at them is nothing like having the beloved one face to face.

If you didn't push the button, it would be like saying that you'd prefer to look at the photographs a little bit longer before you visit your loved one.

Do you know what St. Faustina tells us is the greatest suffering for the holy souls in purgatory? They long for God! Every moment that they still remain separated God, whom they love beyond everything else and so ardently desire, causes them indescribable sufferings. It's a heartache beyond all heartaches.

You say that you'd prefer to live out your life rather than go to Heaven at this very moment. Why would you prefer to remain in exile?


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 14th, 2012 08:26 AM

toldailytopic: IF you could push a button and immediately be in Heaven, would you do it?Or would you choose to live out your life until you die?

In other words, an ejection seat on life that we can operate outselves? No. That would be selfish. It is God's job to pull the rip cord and have me eject. With good reason we don't have a button we can just push and be in Heaven. Trying to eject ourselves is a cop out on life.


Well-known member
I have people to take care of, things to learn about, love to be received and expressed, ... too much to just up and leave.


TOL Subscriber

toldailytopic: IF you could push a button and immediately be in Heaven, would you do it?Or would you choose to live out your life until you die?

2 Corinthians 5:8 KJV We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

Son of Jack

New member
Philippians 1:21-26

21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. 24 But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, 26 so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again.

I want to stay and advance the Gospel as long as God would have me do it.


Hall of Fame
As long as my children and grandchild are alive and need me, I belong in the here and now.


Well-known member
I don't like the idea of pushing a button and making this choice for myself;so, No. Besides, I still think there are family members that need me - I may be wrong - but I think they do.

On the other hand, if the LORD were to say to me: "Now," I probably would not present that as an argument. I guess I would figure that he knows best.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: IF you could push a button and immediately be in Heaven, would you do it?
Or would you choose to live out your life until you die?

Heaven Today?

There are days I could say, "Do it," it's a health issue, but then comes that inner voice that says, "No not today." So no.​

Live life out?

This one, yes, I want to see it to when my last day on earth comes; with 19 grand kids and almost 11 great grand kids (I'm sure there will be more) there are exciting times ahead. Also to continue our wonderful marriage and being a part of the nursing home ministry with Mrs Psalmist.​

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'd stay to bring my son up in the love of God and see him established in his own family, then live out the span of my years doing what I can for the Body. Heaven will still be there when that's done.


New member
Hell yes (or should that be "Heaven yes"), press an actual real empirical button to go to a supposed supernatural place, yes I'll risk it, because I'm rather sure that nothing would happen. :carryon:

King cobra


toldailytopic: IF you could push a button and immediately be in Heaven, would you do it?
Or would you choose to live out your life until you die?

Heaven Today?

There are days I could say, "Do it," it's a health issue, but then comes that inner voice that says, "No not today." So no.​

Live life out?

This one, yes, I want to see it to when my last day on earth comes; with 19 grand kids and almost 11 great grand kids (I'm sure there will be more) there are exciting times ahead. Also to continue our wonderful marriage and being a part of the nursing home ministry with Mrs Psalmist.​

This reminds me of my great-grandmother a while back. She was quite elderly, had hip problems, losing some faculties. She would very often say, "I'm just ready to die." Then one night, the tornado siren went off. We ran to Grandma's house (she had a basement) and there she was, in the basement with fresh water, flashlights, blankets, food. I asked her, "Grandma, I thought you were ready to die." She said, "Not tonight I'm not!!"

Bless you and yours!