I completely agree that marijuana impairs you to some degree, but alcohol impairs you to the same degree if not more.
Many marijuana users imbibe in alcohol as well, thus adding to the problem even more.
So why is it that alcohol is legal and marijuana is not?
Because our laws were based on God's word, and according to God, it is wrong to intoxicate yourself.
In other words, you can drink alcohol responsibly and not get intoxicated; if you don't get high off of drugs, you're doing something wrong.
My view on constitutionalism holds true %344 here.
I'm not sure what you mean by %344, but in order to understand the constitution, you have to know about the men that wrote it (they were Christians, not dopers).
The government shouldn't determine right or wrong when it comes to an individual, when the individual is the only one affected by his or her choices.
That mentality would be fine if a person were alone on a deserted island.