toldailytopic: If I had 10 million dollars, I'd....

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New member
Oh cool. Buy this placed and I'll come down and join you.

Place looks nice. And you know, becoming a citizen of Avengard is incredibly easy, especially since I(We?) haven't signed the Constitution yet and am(are?) still an absolute monarch. Just take this oath and I(We?) will naturalize you.

I, X, do hereby solemnly swear and affirm that I will uphold the laws and customs of Avengard, and bear faithful and true allegiance to the Crown and the King of Avengard and his successors according to law, so help me God. I further do solemnly swear and affirm that I take on this obligation freely and voluntarily, and with no mental reservation or purpose of evasion.


New member
Addendum to my last post:

And I as King won't keep any child in the Kingdom who doesn't want to stay. If his parents don't want him to leave, that's unfortunate for him, I suppose, but hardly my fault. I'm actually a minor myself at this time and can't just up and leave these US, much as I might want to.


New member
True, I suppose. Are you suggesting a child would be harmed by growing up in my hypothetical kingdom? If so, how?

In this society there is tremendous pressure to believe something contrary to what your convictions might be. This is psychologically and sociologically damaging.

The Berean

Well-known member
1. Give 15% to the "church body". I've wanted to start a "soup kitchen" to feed the poor for some time.

2. Pay off all my debts

3. Build my dream house

4. Set up scholarships at my high school for students who want to study science/engineering

5. Get a degrees in theology and economics/business

6. Invest the rest stocks/bonds, real estate. etc.


New member
toldailytopic: If I had 10 million dollars, I'd....
Buy some real property and build my dream home on it and turn the rest into a small ranch. Set up a trust to pay the taxes and insurance on it. Start a small home-based business. Purchase a couple of reliable cars or trucks.

Anything left over would be converted into real money as quickly as possible to avoid devaluation.
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