toldailytopic: Ideal employment. What would be your dream job?

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New member
I would do something artsy near the beach. If money grew on trees I'd try to go to Art school but unfortunately, it doesn't.


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Am I the only one who never dreamed of a particular job as a child/teen?

My dreams were more, "I'm going to write the great 20/21st century novel and never be forgotten by history."

I wanted to be a teacher, build houses (prolly the Lincoln Logs talkin' there), invent things, debate important subjects, act, be a doctor, fix stuff, sing, dance, and be a great wife who had a maid to do all the housework :eek:

So let's see how I'm doin'
I teach my kids all kinds of stuff as a home school mom; I teach the Junior High group how to study the Bible and next I'll be leading them through reading the Bible through.
I designed my own house and did some of the work in building it (hubby did 90%, contractors did 1-2%).
I invented all sorts of stuff in my hey-day of software design - stuff that's all common-place today I had a hand in creating from scratch; I invent new teaching methods all the time...
I debate important things, not only here, but also irl with my kids, my friends, my family - I'll talk to anyone :)
I've played some very interesting roles at VBS :eek:
I doctor not only my own kids (as long as no prescription pads or x-ray machines are needed), but also my animals (but not the rabbits since just about every medicine is deadly to rabbits except for the ones that need a prescription :mmph:)
I'm a mom; I fix stuff. Just yesterday, I fixed the pencil sharpener that was suffering from Lego overdose. It took tweezers, a hat pin, a pencil, and super glue... and about 3 weeks of time, 'cause I kept getting frustrated and ready to throw the stupid $80 thing in the trash :sigh: But I finally removed the final Lego yesterday.
I sing to my kids all the time :roses:
I dance with the kids in the kitchen when we're cleaning, and vicariously through two of my daughters who are beautiful dancers on stage :cloud9:
My husband brags about me both in and out of my presence :straight:
I have no maid :noid:
:idea: But I do have 6 kids! Not as thorough nor as reliable, but better than being left to do it all on my own :eek:


New member
Employment, a job, requires working for someone else. I would rather be a business owner than an employee, but that takes work and money to keep it going until it is profitable.

For a job, I would like to get paid to audit classes of my choice in colleges and universities around the country.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Independently wealthy international playboy. :plain:

It is easier to do it with the tax payers covering for you.

I would love to own a ranch. Not a large ranch that would require a lot of hands to assist, but a smallish ranch that I could run with the help of my kids and my wife (what things she is able to do, that is).

I am pressed to think of another location where I can better teach my children the joy of hard work. ..I'm open for suggestions as to where I should own this dream ranch.....

Douglas county, Colorado. But hurry. The Californians started moving in back in the early 90's, and they smell funny.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 31st, 2011 10:04 AM

toldailytopic: Ideal employment. What would be your dream job?

I'm already blessed enough to be doing my dream job. Launching rockets was just a dream for me for many years, now I am living that dream. Pretty Cool :thumb:


Well-known member
Ambassador to an interesting country like Montenegro or Ireland.
Advisor to the President
Owner of a bible college
Real estate developer with hundreds of millions at my disposal
Adventure Cruise operator in my own yacht doing the Inside Passage, Northwest Passage (Pacific to Atlantic through Arctic route - only open since 2007 due to global warming), Greenland Ice Fjords, Norwegian Fjords, British Isles, etc.
Got the idea from this guy:

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The two jobs I have now are fulfilling my dreams:

1. Theology professor
2. Intellectual property consultant - wireless communications domain

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