toldailytopic: I am so sick of...

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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
People that end a fragment in a preposition.

And one other thing. Hoity-toity, jet set people that just go every where when ever they want.


New member
People who can't act their way out of a paper bag but get starring roles in Hollywood movies simply because they're good-looking or musical superstars.


Uh, not quite. Chess Club Regional Champion, 1985.

Wow you're old. Unless you got that when you were 9. :p That's really impressive in all seriousness. I got bored with chess. You go to a tournament and everybody has the same army as you and half of them are the same colour. At a 40K tournament every army is unique. I've got some pretty cool looking Orks and soon I'll be putting together a Chaos Noise Marines Army.


New member
Wow you're old. Unless you got that when you were 9. That's really impressive in all seriousness. I got bored with chess. You go to a tournament and everybody has the same army as you and half of them are the same colour.

I was 15, and I'm sure things have changed quite a bit since then.

At a 40K tournament every army is unique. I've got some pretty cool looking Orks and soon I'll be putting together a Chaos Noise Marines Army.

I didn't even realize people still played the tabletop version of Warhammer. I have only one word to describe those who do...



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Those who overlook responding to complex posts, yet hammer on simple one-liner exchanges.
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