toldailytopic: How would you feel about serving in the military with openly gay soldi

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Pain Killer
Super Moderator
I have to agree with Knight on this one. My husband was in the Marine Corps back in the late 70's, early 80's. There was a flamboyant homosexual serving with him and even though they got along ok, my husband had to put up with his exaggerated "femininity." That kind of behavior is a bit difficult to tolerate under the circumstances.

A couple of weeks ago, my husband (who is now a cop) had to respond to a sexual assault at a military base. It seems there was a party and a certain gay soldier (Army) claimed he was drugged and assaulted by another soldier. His whole story was bogus (I'd explain, but it's too disgusting!) and who knows what the consequences will be.

This whole "openly gay" thing will undoubtedly lead to a lot more of this garbage!


New member
If I think about it... which I am now that Knight asked, I would say that I would be very uncomfortable working with a gay or lesbian nurse (which is how I would ever end up in the military).


TOL Subscriber

toldailytopic: How would you feel about serving in the military with openly gay soldiers?

I'd rather not, but IF the military had let me serve, I would have been more proud to serve my country than concerned with the sodomites I have to serve with.

I've zero interest in hearing about anyone's sexual exploits. I've heard all sorts of stories/innuendo from people in the workplace/elsewhere and it's just annoying and frankly tedious. Somehow though I doubt it's going to be a major topic of conversation either straight/gay while in a combat situation
I work on drilling rigs, and I hear more sexually explicit dialogue daily than a porn director. BOTH homosexually oriented (as jokes/harassment) and tales of last nights debauchery after the bars. I feel that EVERYONE- sodomites and the heterosexually promiscuous(whores) should keep their tales of bedroom romps to themselves and to their soon to be burning partners. Who cares whether its gay talk or straight talk? Its all sin and its all disgusting. People who talk about their sex lives in public should be banned from the military, and from public.


Does the word "perversion" register in any of your liberal PC minds?

(Let me guess; it's "perverse" if it's non-consensual).

I'm really quite surprised that a supposed Christian website wouldn't have more people quoting Scripture when it comes to the behavior of homosexuality.

Regarding keeping the perversion of homosexuality hush hush: A FRiend made this quote:

"Because we as a people tolerated and even changed our laws to permit these types of behaviors in our bedrooms, we should not be surprised when it comes into our living rooms via the net and TV, and then - of course - into our streets."

America will reap what it sows if we allow immoral behavior to go unchallenged.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If I think about it... which I am now that Knight asked, I would say that I would be very uncomfortable working with a gay or lesbian nurse (which is how I would ever end up in the military).

I would not mind if she looked very butch; the problem would be if she talked to me about her sex life, as one leads to another, or why tell me at all? The military is a living situation and it would bother me if women talked about other women as men would talk about us.

I disagree with the ERA because it would have made it possible to draft women.


New member
I would not mind if she looked very butch; the problem would be if she talked to me about her sex life, as one leads to another, or why tell me at all? The military is a living situation and it would bother me if women talked about other women as men would talk about us.

I disagree with the ERA because it would have made it possible to draft women.

That's true. Openly talking about their sexual lives would make me extremely uncomfortable.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
I'm really quite surprised that a supposed Christian website wouldn't have more people quoting Scripture when it comes to the behavior of homosexuality.

Perhaps you just haven't been here as long as it seems.


Perhaps you just haven't been here as long as it seems.

I wonder how others in here (the ones that profess to be Christian, not the moral relative atheists) would answer the following:

Would you have problems serving in the military (or any place for that matter) with someone that was open (i.e. proud) about his incestuous relationship with a family member?

Would you have problems working with someone that was open (i.e. proud) about his "relationship" with the family pet?

Would you have problems serving with someone that was open (i.e. proud) about having "relations" with his or her deceased lover?

Why has the perverse sin of homosexuality all of the sudden been "sanitized" and gets the clean bill of health in PC threads like this, when Christians (I would hope) would chastize anyone that made mention of the other perversities?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...I'm really quite surprised that a supposed Christian website wouldn't have more people quoting Scripture when it comes to the behavior of homosexuality.
Homosexuality has been discussed, scripturally, ad nauseum. This thread isn't about the Christian position on homosexuality as sin.

Re: you friend's Free Republic quote...
"Because we as a people tolerated and even changed our laws to permit these types of behaviors in our bedrooms,
Except, of course, that we aren't changing laws to permit anything in OUR bedrooms by changing laws that attempt to dictate to consenting adults what they do in THEIRS.
we should not be surprised when it comes into our living rooms via the net and TV, and then - of course - into our streets."
Your television tells you what to watch? And streets? What, a parade? :plain:
America will reap what it sows if we allow immoral behavior to go unchallenged.
Were that the case we'd have plunged into the sea generations ago. Slavery didn't end us. Abortion hasn't ended us. Allowing adults to make their own moral distinctions among each other in matters that aren't our business to begin with won't either.


Pain Killer
Super Moderator
Update on the case my husband had to deal with. He talked to one of the investigators tonight and apparently, this guy has made several allegations against other soldiers. What a mess!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I wonder how others in here (the ones that profess to be Christian, not the moral relative atheists) would answer the following:

Would you have problems serving in the military (or any place for that matter) with someone that was open (i.e. proud) about his incestuous relationship with a family member?

Would you have problems working with someone that was open (i.e. proud) about his "relationship" with the family pet?

Would you have problems serving with someone that was open (i.e. proud) about having "relations" with his or her deceased lover?

Why has the perverse sin of homosexuality all of the sudden been "sanitized" and gets the clean bill of health in PC threads like this, when Christians (I would hope) would chastize anyone that made mention of the other perversities?
Have you just completely missed the things that have been said in this thread?

Many of us are not okay with queers, period. For many reasons. We're discussing the reasons for that, which are some of the reasons God not only pointed out it was a sin, but an abomination so severe it should be outlawed as a crime, a capital crime.

We should not allow them into the military, we should execute them for their perversion and deviancy.


And now a few words from the ACLU apologist:

Originally Posted by aSeattleConserv
"Because we as a people tolerated and even changed our laws to permit these types of behaviors in our bedrooms,...

Except, of course, that we aren't changing laws to permit anything in OUR bedrooms by changing laws that attempt to dictate to consenting adults what they do in THEIRS.

Ah yes, the "Christian principle" of "do your own thing, as long as it's consensual". I forgot, sorry.

we should not be surprised when it comes into our living rooms via the net and TV, and then - of course - into our streets."

Your television tells you what to watch? And streets? What, a parade?

Selwyn Duke had you in mind when he wrote this article entitled:

"Why Many American Christians Really are Un-Christian":

"Let us be blunt: It is simply not possible to espouse relativism — which holds that right and wrong are opinion — and be a true Christian.
Why? It’s simple: Jesus did not die for our opinions. Jesus did not say that His blood was the blood of the new and everlasting covenant and that it would be shed for you and for all so that opinions may be forgiven; He did not say, I am a way, a truth, and a life; He did not say, let he who is without opinion cast the first stone; He did not say to that dark tempter, “It is said, ‘Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God,’” but, hey, Satan, whatever works for you.
There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it’s the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital “T,” that it is absolute, universal and eternal."

America will reap what it sows if we allow immoral behavior to go unchallenged.

Were that the case we'd have plunged into the sea generations ago. Slavery didn't end us. Abortion hasn't ended us. Allowing adults to make their own moral distinctions among each other in matters that aren't our business to begin with won't either.

I'll tell you the same thing that I told a bunch of "proud" sodomites when they mocked me (and God, because I had used Scripture as part of my argument) after "winning" a State Referendum giving sexual deviants special rights:

"If you think that you can "beat" God, you're bigger fools than I gave you credit for."

"Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God":

If we as a society continue to mock God's Word, His "wrath" will continue to grow.


New member
Hall of Fame
Again: if other countries have successfully integrated gays into their armed forces, why should ours be any different?
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