toldailytopic: How should the USA respond to the attacks on it's Embassies and Consul


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Mat 5:38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
Mat 5:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Mat 5:40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.
Mat 5:41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
Jesus was speaking regarding actions on a personal individual level; He was not speaking regarding justice.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well said.


:rotfl: Isnt that the truth

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Generally speaking if you sort issues by talking rather than shooting the world is a better place.

Shooting usually ends up with someone shooting back at you.

I agree that you and several liberal friends should get on the next plane you can and go talk to them, that should fix everything.


New member
Hall of Fame
Generally speaking if you sort issues by talking rather than shooting the world is a better place.

Shooting usually ends up with someone shooting back at you.

Who was the American embassy shooting at when they scaled the wall and attacked it, and wasnt the murdered ambasador adept at "talking" instead of shooting?


New member
Are Christians responding in prayer for the ungodly who've perpetuated these things?

Acting and reacting for men :angrymob:


Well-known member

Interesting, isn't it, that your first thought was to "punish" me for expressing a thought about Christians that you didn't like.

So how, exactly, are you different from those Muslims looking to "punish" Americans for insulting their religion?


New member

Interesting, isn't it, that your first thought was to "punish" me for expressing a thought about Christians that you didn't like.

So how, exactly, are you different from those Muslims looking to "punish" Americans for insulting their religion?

There is a huge difference!
If Mary is taking issue with you, it is a one on one proposition. The possible offense is between the two of you.
For Muslims to take exception to a deed whose provenance is murky at best and blame it on all Americans thereby justifying their homicidal rage and murder of four innocent Americans and the destruction of millions of dollars of other peoples property is beyond contempt and indefensible.
They show themselves to be extremely dangerous and utterly beyond negotiation.


TOL Subscriber

Interesting, isn't it, that your first thought was to "punish" me for expressing a thought about Christians that you didn't like.

So how, exactly, are you different from those Muslims looking to "punish" Americans for insulting their religion?

There are numerous threads on this subject Trad and it looks like maybe you posted this comment on the wrong one...Mary hasn't posted on this thread, at least I couldn't find any by her?


Well-known member
There is a huge difference!
If Mary is taking issue with you, it is a one on one proposition. The possible offense is between the two of you.
No it isn't. She doesn't know me at all. Her objections HAS to be to the thought I expressed in my post. she wants to publish me for what I think. How is this any different from anyone else who wants to punish people for what they think?
For Muslims to take exception to a deed whose provenance is murky at best and blame it on all Americans thereby justifying their homicidal rage and murder of four innocent Americans and the destruction of millions of dollars of other peoples property is beyond contempt and indefensible.
Do you really believe that the fact that those Muslim protesters didn't know who actually made the video makes any difference at all? How about all the times they protested anti-Islamic images, text, and speech when the did know who was behind it? I really don't see how the accuracy of authorship matters to these people at all.

And yes, their anger is being directed at "the west". And we are the icons of "the west" to them. But how is this any different from all those "Christians" here on TOL who likewise aim all their anger with what these particular Muslims did, at all middle eastern Muslims?

I see no difference at all.
They show themselves to be extremely dangerous and utterly beyond negotiation.
And this is different from those American Christians who will be loudly encouraging our government to "nuke 'em!", how?


New member
No it isn't. She doesn't know me at all. Her objections HAS to be to the thought I expressed in my post. she wants to publish me for what I think. How is this any different from anyone else who wants to punish people for what they think?
Do you really believe that the fact that those Muslim protesters didn't know who actually made the video makes any difference at all? How about all the times they protested anti-Islamic images, text, and speech when the did know who was behind it? I really don't see how the accuracy of authorship matters to these people at all.

And yes, their anger is being directed at "the west". And we are the icons of "the west" to them. But how is this any different from all those "Christians" here on TOL who likewise aim all their anger with what these particular Muslims did, at all Muslims the in the middle east?

I see no difference at all.
And this is different from those American Christians who will be loudly encouraging our government to "nuke 'em!", how?

We haven't nuked them, we haven't stormed their embassies and murdered their ambassadors in retaliation. We keep on sending them billions of dollars to bolster their military might.
By the thousands, all over the Middle East, Muslims are rioting in the streets and expressing their vitriolic hatred for America and Americans. We haven't started to do that...yet.


Well-known member
We haven't nuked them, we haven't stormed their embassies and murdered their ambassadors in retaliation. We keep on sending them billions of dollars to bolster their military might.
By the thousands, all over the Middle East, Muslims are rioting in the streets and expressing their vitriolic hatred for America and Americans. We haven't started to do that...yet.
But the only reason that we have not "nuked 'em" is because our government is smart enough to ignore the cries of bigots and haters, many of whom are "Christians" wishing to do harm to those who disagree with their vision of "God".

In the middle east, at this time, many of the governments are only barely hanging onto power. They don't have the ability to ignore the bigotry of their own people, or to control their behavior, as we are able to do. But I don't see how this is relevant to my observation: that many American religious Christians are just as bigoted and hateful as the Muslims they are directing their hatred at. Hate is still hate and bigotry is still bigotry, after all. The current difference in the ability to act on it doesn't really change that.


New member
But the only reason that we have not "nuked 'em" is because our government is smart enough to ignore the cries of bigots and haters, many of whom are "Christians" wishing to do harm to those who disagree with their vision of "God".

In the middle east, at this time, many of the governments are only barely hanging onto power. They don't have the ability to ignore the bigotry of their own people, or to control their behavior, as we are able to do. But I don't see how this is relevant to my observation: that many American religious Christians are just as bigoted and hateful as the Muslims they are directing their hatred at. Hate is still hate and bigotry is still bigotry, after all. The current difference in the ability to act on it doesn't really change that.

Yes, the bleeding obvious! Hate is hate. But my statements still stand, so far we have not retaliated against their outrages here in America.
Let's just deal with the deeds and words that have been done and are continuing to be done. Muslim extremists and rioting against America. Americans are not rioting again Muslims.


Well-known member
Yes, the bleeding obvious! Hate is hate. But my statements still stand, so far we have not retaliated against their outrages here in America.
Let's just deal with the deeds and words that have been done and are continuing to be done. Muslim extremists and rioting against America. Americans are not rioting again Muslims.
Sure, but that's only because their governments don't have control over their people. I'm talking about religious hatred and bigotry, and you're talking about their lack of government control. What does one have to do with the other?


New member
Sure, but that's only because their governments don't have control over their people. I'm talking about religious hatred and bigotry, and you're talking about their lack of government control. What does one have to do with the other?

In effect? Everything!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Sure, but that's only because their governments don't have control over their people. I'm talking about religious hatred and bigotry, and you're talking about their lack of government control. What does one have to do with the other?

In effect? Everything!

Well said bybee, we never saw this level of muslim extremism when the petty dictators Mubarak and Gadaffi were in power in fact they kept all this at bay. Goverment control did in effect have everything to do with religious hatred and bigotry, and the crazies were under control...very tight control. Obama and Clinton in their ignorant or purposeful way have took that balance out and we have the mess these two have left in their wake to deal with.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 13th, 2012 09:23 AM

toldailytopic: How should the USA respond to the attacks on it's Embassies and Consulates in Yemen, Egypt, Libya, and elsewhere?


Like Stonewall Jackson said about the Yankees: "Kill 'em. Kill 'em all."

(just kidding, I guess..... )


Well-known member
Well said bybee, we never saw this level of muslim extremism when the petty dictators Mubarak and Gadaffi were in power in fact they kept all this at bay. Goverment control did in effect have everything to do with religious hatred and bigotry, and the crazies were under control...very tight control. Obama and Clinton in their ignorant or purposeful way have took that balance out and we have the mess these two have left in their wake to deal with.
So now you're suggesting that we should have left tyrants like Saddam in power? Oops! You forgot about him. You were so busy trying to blame everything on the democratic presidents that you forgot that we spent billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives ridding the Muslim world of that particular dictator. But I'm sure you'll think up some excuse for our eliminating him while still blaming Obama and Clinton for all Muslim violence, everywhere.


New member
I don't see how. And I don't see you explaining how, either.

My dear PureX, explanations appear to have no effect on you. You have been "Sanforized" and have an impermeable crust.
No matter what I have said, you deny it's validity, question my premise,and resort to any number of "yes buts" and "what ifs" to refute my statements.
So, I do not feel obligated to continue an exercise in futility.