And we're just supposed to take Washington's word, and believe Uncle Sam is being honest.
In the end, we're going to have to. Because we just can't know these things for ourselves. Which means we'd better start being more careful about who we elect and why.
Only if you believe in the fiction the war on terror's predicated on ...
9/11 wasn't a fiction. Neither were the declarations of war (murder) by the men who attacked us.
... and only if you believe we're only killing actual terrorists, and only if you assume the citizens we're blowing to bits don't amount to much in the grand of scheme of things because they're acceptable collateral losses.
Again, you seem to be seeking reason and justice in a circumstance where these do not exist. Collateral damage is never "acceptable", and it's never just or reasonable to kill our enemies just because they hate us and want to kill us. And yet these things will happen whenever war happens. Which is why we should never engage in war. Yet wars will occur, and we will be drawn into them.
No one "wins" a war. But some people survive them, and some do not.
You didn't answer my question.
"So in other words might makes right and the ends justify the means. Do you draw any lines at all?"
Is this your question?
I believe it's better to be alive than dead. I don't start wars and I don't want my government starting them, either. But wars will start, and they will be waged against us, and when that happens I want the others guys ending up dead, not us. It's heartbreaking that so many non-combatants get caught up in the insanity of war and are killed. And of course we should do our best not to increase their suffering and loss. But warfare kills people, often indiscriminately. And that's just the way it is.
So do hurricanes, auto accidents, and diseases. And I'm no more responsible for them than I am for war breaking out.
The "lines" aren't mine to draw. And there is no justification for any of it.