toldailytopic: Homeless people: how should a society handle them?


The Dark Knight
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toldailytopic: Homeless people: how should a society handle them?

For me it depends on why they're homeless.

We certainly shouldn't enable them to remain so. This is not such a hard thing if they do not want to remain so, if there are people willing to help. Education and job training, as well as giving them work to do in exchange for goods or the money to buy them, if it is indeed difficult to find work.

Also, they should work for the education and job training.

Of course, this is all if they are able and of age.

So, help those who want help and are willing and able to work for it. Help those who truly cannot help themselves. Allow vagrants, vagabonds, derelicts etc. [those who just want handouts] to starve to death.

These folks are derelicts. Building shelters for them is only enabling their behavior. It multiplies the problem instead of solving it and is in direct contradiction to what the bible says.

2 Thessalonians 3:10 - For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

I say throw the bums out and let them fend for themselves. Shelters should be for people wanting to get back on their feet--not derelicts. If a person is not willing to work, they need to be tossed out on their ear.
Yes, those who refuse to work should not be given handouts.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Some of them, not all of them. Depends on why they are homeless and what they do while homeless.

Well, lets just say those that have committed no crime in order to be in such an unenviable position then. Do you concede that there are plenty people on the streets who don't deserve to freeze in the winter and with a more compassionate attitude in general wouldn't be 'living' in cardboard boxes and newspapers for a blanket?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For me it depends on why they're homeless.

We certainly shouldn't enable them to remain so. This is not such a hard thing if they do not want to remain so, if there are people willing to help. Education and job training, as well as giving them work to do in exchange for goods or the money to buy them, if it is indeed difficult to find work.

Also, they should work for the education and job training.

Of course, this is all if they are able and of age.

So, help those who want help and are willing and able to work for it. Help those who truly cannot help themselves. Allow vagrants, vagabonds, derelicts etc. [those who just want handouts] to starve to death.

Yes, those who refuse to work should not be given handouts.

And the voice of compassion and understanding strikes again.....

Seriously, some of you guys should be dressed in purple linen....


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, lets just say those that have committed no crime in order to be in such an unenviable position then. Do you concede that there are plenty people on the streets who don't deserve to freeze in the winter and with a more compassionate attitude in general wouldn't be 'living' in cardboard boxes and newspapers for a blanket?

Good post!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
For me it depends on why they're homeless.

We certainly shouldn't enable them to remain so. This is not such a hard thing if they do not want to remain so, if there are people willing to help. Education and job training, as well as giving them work to do in exchange for goods or the money to buy them, if it is indeed difficult to find work.

Also, they should work for the education and job training.

Of course, this is all if they are able and of age.

So, help those who want help and are willing and able to work for it. Help those who truly cannot help themselves. Allow vagrants, vagabonds, derelicts etc. [those who just want handouts] to starve to death.

Yes, those who refuse to work should not be given handouts.

A good Christian attitude towards the poor!!! "Let them starve to death" I like that; it reminds me of those who have NO Spiritual compass!!!!! You truly are one compassionate example of humanity at its finest!!!!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The followers of Marie Antoinette's philosophy are plentiful around here!!!!

One wonders how they'd treat Lazarus if they were in the same position as the 'rich man' in the parable.

Darn easy to sit in pious judgement from within an armchair and the 'luxuries' of a roof and food at hand. I'm bemused that some of the most execrable attitudes towards the poor and those who are in dire straights come from those who should be displaying the very attributes of charity.

Thankfully they're just a minority among Christians albeit bloody annoying and ignorant.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I know a fellow around my neighborhood who holds up a sign!! He's about 60 something and when I see him, I try to hand him a $10.00 Safeway gift card. Today I was headed over to "Arby's" and asked him if he'd like something. He said; "sure" and I brought him back a sandwich and a soft drink. I'm having some relatives over tomorrow, and I'm serving up spaghetti and meatballs,
so I asked him if he'd like me to bring him a plate? He said; "sure, thanks a lot."

In some states, you can adopt a portion of freeway; animals can be adopted, and babies can be adopted!! Why not; in some small way; adopt a homeless man or woman just for one brief moment, or perhaps several moments?? It doesn't mean you have to bring them into your home, or pay for their lodging, etc...Just offer them a sandwich, a drink, or perhaps just a bag of chips!! As a Christian you're doing it in the name of the Lord, as a non-Christian, you're doing it in the name of humanity!!!!!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I know a fellow around my neighborhood who holds up a sign!! He's about 60 something and when I see him, I try to hand him a $10.00 Safeway gift card. Today I was headed over to "Arby's" and asked him if he'd like something. He said; "sure" and I brought him back a sandwich and a soft drink. I'm having some relatives over tomorrow, and I'm serving up spaghetti and meatballs,
so I asked him if he'd like me to bring him a plate? He said; "sure, thanks a lot."

In some states, you can adopt a portion of freeway; animals can be adopted, and babies can be adopted!! Why not; in some small way; adopt a homeless man or woman just for one brief moment, or perhaps several moments?? It doesn't mean you have to bring them into your home, or pay for their lodging, etc...Just offer them a sandwich, a drink, or perhaps just a bag of chips!! As a Christian you're doing it in the name of the Lord, as a non-Christian, you're doing it in the name of humanity!!!!!

Good on you dude. That exemplifies true charity. I used to live in one of the 'homeless capitals' of the UK. I didn't do that much in retrospect and could have done a darn sight more really. The ironic thing I've found is that most homeless people I've encountered are often pleasant once you get chatting with them whether you have money/food or not. They're not this 'demon' who will attack you for no good reason in general and how much abuse they have to put up with is so often overlooked.

Someone please tell me how anyone of sound mind would choose to live on cold streets with no luxury at all. In my home town a homeless man was kicked to death by a couple of hoodlums in an alleyway not so long back. Another froze to death from hypothermia behind a department store around the same time.

Yeah, folk really 'deserve' and 'choose' this stuff....

*rant over* sorta....


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
James 2:16; "And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Good on you dude. That exemplifies true charity. I used to live in one of the 'homeless capitals' of the UK. I didn't do that much in retrospect and could have done a darn sight more really. The ironic thing I've found is that most homeless people I've encountered are often pleasant once you get chatting with them whether you have money/food or not. They're not this 'demon' who will attack you for no good reason in general and how much abuse they have to put up with is so often overlooked.

Someone please tell me how anyone of sound mind would choose to live on cold streets with no luxury at all. In my home town a homeless man was kicked to death by a couple of hoodlums in an alleyway not so long back. Another froze to death from hypothermia behind a department store around the same time.

Yeah, folk really 'deserve' and 'choose' this stuff....

*rant over* sorta....


Thanks for sharing that experience, and writing such a good post!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Some, fear catching the eye of what they consider; "The Great Unwashed!!" They don't realize; but for the grace of God, they could be thrown into such a dreadful experience!! They too, could be a victim of the elements, exposed to predators who prey on the homeless, and the fear of NO safety net in which to count on!!

The homeless has not four walls to protect them from a hostile environment that oftentimes is their only choice of lodging! As a Christian, are we not to help the poor and not ask for a resume of how and why they had the misfortune of ending up that way? Is it not OUR responsibility before God to minister in this way?? Is it not the responsibility of the non-Christian to help their fellow man, if only to be civil and to do the right thing??

It's true, most of us cannot take on the financial responsibilities, etc., of the poor, but we all can offer some small token of relief; if only we offer a kind word, and perhaps a cold drink, or a bag of chips, etc....
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Some fear catching the eye of what they consider; "The Great Unwashed!!" They don't realize; but for the grace of God, they could be thrown into such a dreadful experience!! They too, could be a victim of the elements, exposed to predators who prey on the homeless, and the fear of NO safety net in which to count on!!

The homeless has not four walls to protect them from a hostile environment that oftentimes is their only choice of lodging! As a Christian, are we not to help the poor and not ask for a resume of how and why they had the misfortune of ending up that way? Is it not OUR responsibility before God to minister in this way?? Is it not the responsibility of the non-Christian to help their fellow man, if only to be civil and to do the right thing??

It's true, most of us cannot take on the financial responsibilities, etc., of the poor, but we all can offer some small token of relief; if only we offer a kind word, and perhaps a cold drink, or a bag of chips, etc....


I've never been on the streets, but to think that spending just a night on some cold pavement without any amenities is sobering, and I wonder just how many who callously write off their own kind have ever actually experienced it....

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet you do not give away all of your extra income. Hypocrite. Don't say you give it away. You are on the internet.

Er, have I denied I have a roof over my head you bloody great plank or other amenities that others less fortunate lack? Nooooo. What I have acknowledged is that when I had more resources I should have done more to help, and even now I should have done so. Happy?

Do you give all your 'extra' income away Nick, or any of it? Or do you just sit on that blithering high horse of yours, piously judging people and waiting for that 'joyous' day when you can delight in the suffering of others even more than you do so now?

You're the epitome of a bile filled stupid little git who isn't content without the thought of pain for someone else. You are sickening....

Well, even more so then.


This Charming Manc

Well-known member
A fair question .......

to much badly done charity can create enablement, we nee dot be both wise and discerning in what we do with charity.

However any sensible reading of the NT as a whole would lead me to believe charity is fundamental to a Christian lifestyle and is seen as a virtue throughout the NT.

Where do you draw the line between charity and enablement?