toldailytopic: Have you played a musical instrument? If so which one?

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Four O'Clock

New member
Yes sir. My grandfather and his brothers had a bluegrass band that got a lot of radio time. My cousin's husband is in another bluegrass band and my aunt sings in many local venues, she often interchanges local talent to help get unknown people more exposure. That is one of my fondest memories as a child, just staying with my grandfather on the weekends and watching them all have marathon jam sessions.
On my father's side of the family, most of my uncles, and my dad, played guitar (and pedal steel). I remember them plugging in and playing together during the holidays. My dad's younger brother, uncle Larry, was one of the top rock/blues guitarists around Indy in the mid-sixties. He even networked in Chicago looking to make it big. Finally figured the odds weren't in his favor and went back to school and got an engineering degree. He still picks up and plays on occasion for us when we're over. He owns a real nice acoustic, a Fender Strat, an old 50's something one pick-up Gibson (like the one Santana played for years because of the rich tone) an imitation Les Paul, & a Fender Jazzmaster bass.
My grandmother and her sister were both very good pianists.
My mom actually got a rent to own piano in her mid-50's and took lessons for over a year tho she didn't really have the ear for any real progress.


New member
A little guitar but my main instrument was the flute.

I also sing, which is kind of an instrument :)

Morning TM, I have sung in choirs all of my life and find it one of life's greatest pleasures. To be in the midst of the music with the other parts blending with mine is wonderful. The admonition to "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" is actually an opportunity for joy!

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Morning TM, I have sung in choirs all of my life and find it one of life's greatest pleasures. To be in the midst of the music with the other parts blending with mine is wonderful. The admonition to "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" is actually an opportunity for joy!

Good Morning Bybee :)


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I didn't do much choir singing until about 12 years ago. That's when the church I was in allowed women to sing the low vocal parts. I cannot sing alto or soprano.

The Horn

I'm a classically trained musician, and used to be a free lance hornist,or French hornist ,as the instrument is called in America to avoid confusion with other instruments which are sometimes called horns,such as trumpets,trombones , clarinets ans Saxes etc.
In Europe, the term French horn is not used ,and in German speaking countries it's called just horn, and in France Cor, and Italy corno.
I don't play any more because of a physical disability, but I did a heck a lot of performing on it since I was a kid ,in countless symphony orchestras,concert bands, opera compnaies etc, and in the pit for broadway musicals etc.
I've performed in Italy,Switzerland, Australia,New Zealand,Fiji and Samoa, and many places in the US,mainly in the greater New York area.
I've had lessons on guitar,piano ,and other instruments, but the only one I was good at was the horn. I could never play the piano because I have trouble with motor co-ordination between my two hands. There are some people who are born with a deficit of this kind of co-ordination.
My classical music blog called "The Horn" is at the website,which ahs blogs on a wide variety of topics,and I cover all aspects of classical music for the site. You can easily access it from the blogiversity home page, or from a link at Please try it. I hope you'll find it interesting.


New member
Well dang, if we're now considering the voice an instrument...

I've been singing solo and in choirs for as long as I can remember.
Actually sang soprano until a choir director convinced me to use my chest voice.
Soprano to Bass in less than a month. Yeah. I rock.

Dad's a tenor, mom's a mezzo-soprano, my wife is a soprano, maternal grandpa's a bass, mat. grandma's an alto.....


New member
I always like to think an electric bass is a BASS, more similar to an upright bass than to an electric guitar. Many 'rock' bass guitarists simply play the bottom of a tune with little or no counterpoint, etc. AND use a pick exclusively.
True bass playing should virtually always be played with the fingers.
My weak $0.02

I couldn't agree more . . . I long to play a double bass (or upright bass), another instrument I have never played. However the set up to playing an electric bass is essentially the same to playing the guitar e.g. structure of the actual bass layout and body, which was my point, they have the same shape etc.

As for actually playing bass music and the theory behind it, it is very different from the guitar and something I don't confess to understand.

I play mostly finger-picking on guitar; but I found transferring that over to bass playing a challenge . . . so yeah I mostly stick to a pick.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Does anyone else have a lot of musicians in their family?

My dad plays trumpet, my mom plays piano, my sister-in-law plays oboe, my aunt plays clarinet, my great-aunt plays piano and banjo, my older brother plays guitar and drums in a band, I have a second-cousin who plays clarinet.........................

...yeah, musical family.

Both my sisters played the trumpet and clarinet in school. A lot of my aunts play the piano. And, quite a few of my cousins play the guitar. On top of that, I sing and at least one of my cousins (that I know of) has recorded an album.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Morning TM, I have sung in choirs all of my life and find it one of life's greatest pleasures. To be in the midst of the music with the other parts blending with mine is wonderful. The admonition to "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" is actually an opportunity for joy!

I agree with you, Bybee, although I haven't been in a choir since I was in my 20s (none of my churches that I have attended over the years had one). Now, I sing solos at my church and do karaoke whenever our local pizza joint has it.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Well dang, if we're now considering the voice an instrument...

I've been singing solo and in choirs for as long as I can remember.
Actually sang soprano until a choir director convinced me to use my chest voice.
Soprano to Bass in less than a month. Yeah. I rock.

Dad's a tenor, mom's a mezzo-soprano, my wife is a soprano, maternal grandpa's a bass, mat. grandma's an alto.....

Do you and your wife sing together? I love the sound of a bass mixed in with a soprano.


TOL Subscriber
I have a far as playing it is concerned, I've made sounds...but it sounds more like an animal in distress :rotfl:

I'm still working on it!
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