toldailytopic: Have you ever been persecuted for Christ, in a small way such as a ver

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 15th, 2012 10:06 AM

toldailytopic: Have you ever been persecuted for Christ, in a small way such as a verbal attack or a big way?

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Does a "verbal attack" (whatever that exactly means) constitute persecution? I mean, I hear that word and I think of Christians being crucified in Sudan.


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Oh, I've had people scream in my face while I was displaying graphic anti-abortion posters in public. I even had one guy rip one of my signs in half. Cost me a couple hundred bucks to replace it. Don't know if I'd define that as "persecution" though.


New member
The biggest attack I had was in high school when the teacher asked if I believed in evolution. I told him evolution was just one scientific theory among many and doesn't require belief... and when you cross that line into belief, you are no longer a scientist, but a zealot. Then I told him I was a Christian.

Made the rest of my school year a living hell... but I got an A with the help of the principle (I saved all my tests and grades, and when the report card came out and I had a D, I took it to the principle and he made an investigation and had it bumped to an A.. which was my true grade).

The above is one of the reasons I have always had a disdain for the education 'profession'.


Oh, I've had people scream in my face while I was displaying graphic anti-abortion posters in public. I even had one guy rip one of my signs in half. Cost me a couple hundred bucks to replace it. Don't know if I'd define that as "persecution" though.

The way I see that is someone came against your right to voice your opinion in public.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
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I don't think anyone in America has faced true persecution for their faith yet. It may happen someday. But, when I read about Christians in Africa being killed for their faith, I thank God that I was born here.


New member
That was kind of my thinking too. I have had people disagree with me about Christianity but I never dwelt much on it and I don't think I would ever seek it.
Thank you sky. How could my trials ever be like CHRIST's? The same, yet not.
(Let's not play semantics with this statement please).
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New member
I don't think anyone in America has faced true persecution for their faith yet. It may happen someday. But, when I read about Christians in Africa being killed for their faith, I thank God that I was born here.

It's one of the biggest reasons why "Christianity" is perceived as an industry around here, and authenticity of faith is constantly questioned.

"Christianity started out in Palestine as a fellowship. It moved to Greece and became a philosophy. It moved to Italy and became an institution. It moved to Europe and became a culture. It moved to America and became an enterprise."
-Sam Pascoe


New member
I am not certian persecution was something even the apostles looked forward too, im sure they all attempted to flee when the crap hit the fan. While it is true that thoes who are killed for christ will have special reward, that does not mean I go out looking for problems.

Most in the USA are not going to try to kill you because you tell them about christ. We are just fortunate we live in such a civilized culture.

I have had people sternly tell me they are not interested but thats the extent of it. Also one has to be VERY careful that you are in fact being persecuted because of christ and not because you are touting some over zealous dogma that seeks to control others.

Its one thing to be persecuted for telling people the good news and quite another thing to be persecuted becasue people know you want to ban birth control or start legislating what consenting adults do in their bed rooms.

BIG BIG difference. Telling someone you believe something to be wrong and trying to staunchly legislate it are 2 very different things.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Been threatened with a knife, a fence post, had a table thrown at me :eek: been chased by a bottle wielding 70 year old. Had I guy set light to a waste bin outside the office where I worked the night shift, he then climbed on to the roof and threw slates at passers by refusing to come down unless that crazy Jesus freak [me :eek:] came.

there's more...


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Hall of Fame
: to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : pester

1. To oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs.
2. To annoy persistently; bother.
(Free online dictionary)


Yes. It's typically pretty funny once the noradrenaline wears off. :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't think anyone in America has faced true persecution for their faith yet. It may happen someday. But, when I read about Christians in Africa being killed for their faith, I thank God that I was born here.

Couldn't agree more.


New member
Hall of Fame
I guess we need to clarify what it is to be persecuted then. Does it require a systematic abuse, perpetrated by a large group or government? Is one's death or torture necessary? Is it not accurate to say that Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, is currently being persecuted? :idunno:


New member
I guess we need to clarify what it is to be persecuted then. Does it require a systematic abuse, perpetrated by a large group or government? Is one's death or torture necessary? Is it not accurate to say that Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, is currently being persecuted?

Wow, I appreciate definitions and questions that may clarify here, MaryC!
I was just wishing for it.
But I've enjoyed these TDT threads in the past many times with the sharing of people's thoughts and experiences. I've read amazing, sometimes exceptional and top drawer posts on
some of these TDT threads.

This can be a troublesome topic for believers, I think.

I've known and seen believing men (like I am guessing Jefferson is, see his post) stand up and dare the world to try to stop them or shut them up or anything.

And I've seen people who did not do nearly as much as Tot described become targets as she became one.

The origin of the word persecution appears to be tied to pursuit once you follow through to the legal word "sue." May have to ask a lawyer about that. But if so "persecution" apparently means - to "follow through"- which may mean "chase down" here.

Matthew 24:28
says Wherever the body will be, there will the eagles be gathered.

Do your translations say that?
Mine don't and I use three.

If you're a Presby you may know of the concept about the verse about the birds nesting in a tree means the tree is the church and the bird unbelievers, yes?
But once they went that way they (which may be right, I dunno) and
then popular Christianity went after them (which includes all you non Calvies too, :chuckle: ) then they couldn't do what I think is right with Matthew 24:28.

I do not think the body is a corpse, but alive and the word for the birds there should be eagles not vultures.. Because eagles are predators.

So I think that spiritual activity can draw spiritual activity of the opposite kind.

So I think Tot was getting a type of a taste of persecution. And so was Jefferson.
But I believe Paul told us to live quiet lives and work so we wouldn't be putting ourselves in danger all of the time.

But outside of Christianity and its position on this earth - people can be persecuted for race and beliefs and who knows what else too, I guess - and couldn't a single one person persecute another or a group on his own?

Regarding Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, they may've indeed been trying - but I'm hoping that has ended.
Has anyone heard otherwise? Is it still going on?
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