toldailytopic: Have you ever been persecuted for Christ, in a small way such as a ver


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I guess we need to clarify what it is to be persecuted then. Does it require a systematic abuse, perpetrated by a large group or government? Is one's death or torture necessary? Is it not accurate to say that Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, is currently being persecuted? :idunno:

Absolutely not. For me persecution involves or requires peril; clear and present danger.


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Absolutely not. For me persecution involves or requires peril; clear and present danger.

Okay. Will you acknowledge your application of "persecuted" doesn't match either the common definition of the word or its common use? And if you'll acknowledge that, do you apply this narrow, rather exclusionary use only to Christian persecution or to all use of the word?


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Okay. Will you acknowledge your application of "persecuted" doesn't match either the common definition of the word or its common use? And if you'll acknowledge that, do you apply this narrow, rather exclusionary use only to Christian persecution or to all use of the word?

I wouldn't limit it to Christian persecution, no. And I think it's insulting to people facing peril around the world to equate their situation to someone belitting you, or another believer. An insult isn't persecution. This is:

If you want to play the dictionary game, I'll see you and raise wikipedia: "Persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group by another group." While the article acknowledges a hard and fast definition is difficult to come by, this one seems pretty safe to me: "A program or campaign to exterminate, drive away, or subjugate a people because of their religion, race, or beliefs." Your lesser definitions (including annoyance) strike me as very antiquated; something you'd hear in Victorian England, say.

So no, I'd say your chicken mogul ain't in any danger of being persecuted.


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So I think that spiritual activity can draw spiritual activity of the opposite kind.
Oh, yes. Absolutely. From what I've seen it's almost a given.
So I think Tot was getting a type of a taste of persecution. And so was Jefferson.
But I believe Paul told us to live quiet lives and work so we wouldn't be putting ourselves in danger all of the time.
I agree this is wise. Still, there are times when, to do the right thing, you have to put yourself out there. Nonetheless, I agree it's best not to when it not needed. :eek:
But outside of Christianity and its position on this earth - people can be persecuted for race and beliefs and who knows what else too, I guess - and couldn't a single one person persecute another or a group on his own?
Regarding Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, they may've indeed been trying - but I'm hoping that has ended.
Has anyone heard otherwise? Is it still going on?
From what I gather it's largely blowing over. I'm curious to see whether a few politicians are going to be taught to be more careful what they say when they're blowharding about every little sensationalist thing that comes along. I'm not really concerned with the rest of all that. Just people being goofballs.


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toldailytopic: Have you ever been persecuted for Christ, in a small way such as a verbal attack or a big way?

I'm not sure that I've been persecuted, per se, but I have definitely received my share of grief for openly speaking of Christ at work. I have been told to "get real," and "join reality," and things of that nature.

On the other hand, I have also had folks at my work support me and stand by my love for the Gospel.


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I wouldn't limit it to Christian persecution, no. And I think it's insulting to people facing peril around the world to equate their situation to someone belitting you, or another believer. An insult isn't persecution. This is:

If you want to play the dictionary game, I'll see you and raise wikipedia: "Persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group by another group." While the article acknowledges a hard and fast definition is difficult to come by, this one seems pretty safe to me: "A program or campaign to exterminate, drive away, or subjugate a people because of their religion, race, or beliefs." Your lesser definitions (including annoyance) strike me as very antiquated; something you'd hear in Victorian England, say.

So no, I'd say your chicken mogul ain't in any danger of being persecuted.
The word has a meaning, you know, and it's a well known word. Everyone knows what it means. Twisting to definition to fit your little agenda here couldn't be, and hasn't been, done without being glaringly obvious. Do you not realize how this makes you look to every objective, rational person reading this? :idunno:

I mean, dude. You call "dictionary game" and throw out wikipedia to counter my Webster's? Seriously? :doh:


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The word has a meaning, you know, and it's a well known word. Everyone knows what it means. Twisting to definition to fit your little agenda here couldn't be, and hasn't been, done without being glaringly obvious. Do you not realize how this makes you look to every objective, rational person reading this? :idunno:


The definitions I cited came from and wikipedia. If you think either website is being used by anyone to "twist" the meaning of a word into an "agenda," I'll tell exactly what it means: that you're incapable of holding a rational intelligent discussion with someone who disagrees with you. End of story. You're not being objective here, you're not being honest. You see just red when you see my posts. So maybe do yourself a favor and stop reading them. I'm sick to death, frankly, of trying to have an adult conversation with you when you always wind up accusing me of having an "agenda." My agenda here is to discuss an interesting issue. If you can't or won't, leave me the heck alone.

To reduce persecution to a "verbal attack" is an insult to the millions of believers--including many of your brethern--facing actual persecution all around the world. (Go to the website. Make your blood curdle.) If you're here to insist that a comment like "Christianity's lame, and so are you!" constitutes persecution, you're just being dishonest, deluded, and stiff-necked as hell.


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Also, another thought: equating persecution with a "verbal attack" seems oddly like approaching hate speech.


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Also, another thought: equating persecution with a "verbal attack" seems oddly like approaching hate speech.

Hi Granite or as Ktoyou said Garnet,

I was shocked back when Anita Bryant was seemingly attacked for so long after trying to to stand in the way of some renting issues or something a long time ago regarding homosexuals in her area.
After a prolonged time she seemed to somewhat fall apart.

I thought it felt and sounded strangely similar when Dr Laura (whom I didn't really like) was seemingly attacked for so long after she said something called "anti-gay".
She also seemed to come apart after some time.

Then there was the Beauty Show contestant saying something like marriage should be for a man and a woman or something like that - and the ferocious reactions then seemed a bit old hat. I don't know if she fared better along term or if she fell apart.

Do you remember any of them? Do you think any of them may have been persecuted?

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
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Not in a criminal way. But the comments people say on TOL are...vulgar to say the least.


The Dark Knight
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toldailytopic: Have you ever been persecuted for Christ, in a small way such as a verbal attack or a big way?

I've only ever been verbally attacked, usually just mocked, for my beliefs. The worst of it here on TOL. So no big deal.

Oh, I've had people scream in my face while I was displaying graphic anti-abortion posters in public. I even had one guy rip one of my signs in half. Cost me a couple hundred bucks to replace it. Don't know if I'd define that as "persecution" though.
And I've gotten yelled at for that, but no one has ever gotten in my face about it.

Not even once; I offten wounder why not?
You're doing something wrong.


Proverbs 31:10
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I don't think anyone in America has faced true persecution for their faith yet. It may happen someday. But, when I read about Christians in Africa being killed for their faith, I thank God that I was born here.

All right. Let me clarify my previous statement.

Sure. I have been verbally attacked by many who see my beliefs as some kind of a threat. I have even been hit a few times by people who didn't like the fact that I don't accept certain things as right. But, I don't consider that persecution. I've read too many stories about Christians who are beaten within an inch of their lives or even killed just for believing that Christ is their Saviour. Compared to that, I am not persecuted.

We may well face real persecution, in the US, for our faith. I don't know if I'll live long enough to see that. But, I believe what the Bible says about people being martyred for not taking the mark of the beast. We're not in that time period yet.


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All right. Let me clarify my previous statement.

Sure. I have been verbally attacked by many who see my beliefs as some kind of a threat. I have even been hit a few times by people who didn't like the fact that I don't accept certain things as right. But, I don't consider that persecution. I've read too many stories about Christians who are beaten within an inch of their lives or even killed just for believing that Christ is their Saviour. Compared to that, I am not persecuted.

We may well face real persecution, in the US, for our faith. I don't know if I'll live long enough to see that. But, I believe what the Bible says about people being martyred for not taking the mark of the beast. We're not in that time period yet.

Exactly. If the worst we're talking about is verbal abuse or even a blow, sorry, that's not persecution. Crucifixion in south Sudan--that's persecution. For some reason the idea that a "verbal attack" could be construed as "persecution" strikes me as a good example of a First World Problem.


New member
Exactly. If the worst we're talking about is verbal abuse or even a blow, sorry, that's not persecution. Crucifixion in south Sudan--that's persecution. For some reason the idea that a "verbal attack" could be construed as "persecution" strikes me as a good example of a First World Problem.

I have little tolerance for namby-pamby, crybabies!
Of course I choose my battles.
Thin-skinned poor me precious persons who just need a little more than their share of attention make me want to puke!
They get a verbal kick in the slats from me!
On the other hand, people who engage in ethnic slurs or vulgar talk also get short shrift from me.
I stay away from blasphemers.


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Mat 5:10 Blessed [are] they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 5:11 Blessed are ye, when [men] shall revile you, and persecute [you], and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Gal 4:29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him [that was born] after the Spirit, even so [it is] now.