I did. It was the very next sentence in my post.
I still don't get it:
"The way Jesus taught to pray and the words He actually used are not the same thing."This is garbled, even when read with it's following sentence.
He told people to pray for forgiveness and implored them to avow to forgive others.
Surely his example of how to communicate with the father was not a short-term lesson?
As a kid if you asked your parents for a sandwich and they gave you one, would you keep asking them for a sandwich?
The next time I needed one, yes.
And the lord's prayer states that humans should ask for forgiveness, and should always be prepared to forgive.
The Bible says what it says. If people deny that it says what it says then, yes, they're wrong.
If god told you to murder children and infants would you?
Or aliens... people such as myself. I believe in neither aliens or time travel and I can still tell you an awful lot about Doctor Who. And I just started watching it at the end of 2009.
Being from this side of the pond I've grown up with the Dr., but this does not make me more knowledgeable than you about time-travel.
On the other hand aliens are very probable.
Regardless, you've already made it clear that you don't know what the Bible says.
I also grew up with the bible, and know much more about it than I do time travel or aliens.
I also know that the bible has caused many arguments and deaths over how it should be interpreted.
Do you really think God would just let them go without hearing of Him?
How many had heard of Jehovah outside of Israel?
Apart from Persia the rest of the world was polytheistic, animists etc., or a mixture.
Good has nothing to do with it.
So, all the Europeans who had never heard of christ (or jehovah), before the roman empire spread christianity are doomed, whether they were good people or not?
The new worlds strangely enough were not monotheistic.
Whether it was christ's contemporaries outside of the Middle East, or the lands still to be discovered, billions of people died before being exposed to chistianity or Jehovah.
Were their souls condemned?