toldailytopic: Has Obama eased or exacerbated racial tension in this country?


Did anyone see B. Hussein Obama or the Left owned media discussing this incident?

"As has already been reported, Allen was a victim of a vicious racial attack last week in which two older black teens doused him with gasoline and set him alight, saying, "This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy."

He doesn't comment on white victims of crime. :plain:

Obama knew that the moment he spoke out on this issue ("If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." ~ Obama. :Nineveh:), it would energize his base. What does that say about his base? Are they the racists of the country? Are they uncivilized? When his base takes to the streets with signs that say: "No Justice No Peace"--that is a threat of violence. Acts 21:35 :angrymob:

It Begins… Youths Screaming “This Is For Trayvon” Beat 78 Year-Old White Man in Toledo

‘Racially Motivated’: Black Attackers Allegedly Yell ‘Trayvon’ Before Beating White Man
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New member
Hall of Fame
He doesn't comment on white victims of crime. :plain:

Obama knew that the moment he spoke out on this issue ("If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." ~ Obama. :Nineveh:), it would energize his base. What does that say about his base? Are they the racists of the country? Are they uncivilized? When his base takes to the streets with signs that say: "No Justice No Peace"--that is a threat of violence. Acts 21:35 :angrymob:

It Begins… Youths Screaming “This Is For Trayvon” Beat 78 Year-Old White Man in Toledo

‘Racially Motivated’: Black Attackers Allegedly Yell ‘Trayvon’ Before Beating White Man

Of course bama wont comment on that, his 'church' teaches just that kind of thing. That kind of thing in that article is what black liberation theology teaches.

The Barbarian

And our two resident race-baiters as usual, want to make it all about race. It must be infuriating for them to see America becoming less and less about race, even if taking down barriers sometimes "stirs up trouble."


[Commenting on crime against white people] "Of course bama won[']t comment on that, his 'church' teaches just that kind of thing. That kind of thing in that article is what black liberation theology teaches."
Obama is about power and control. :Commie: If blacks help him to that end--great. If whites sign on, too--even better. He'll be all you want him to be. :Nineveh: Jn 10:10, 16:2


Minority Report: Stunning lack of diversity in Obama campaign, photos reveal

Obama Fun Quotes

Recommended Reading:

Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists​ts, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Antihumanism by Robert Zubrin
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The Barbarian

Heh, and our resident race-baiter is now insisting on affirmative action for the Obama campaign, because she thinks he isn't hiring enough black people.

For serpent, it's all about race. No wonder she hates Obama.


"Heh, and our resident race-baiter is now insisting on affirmative action for the Obama campaign, because she thinks he isn't hiring enough black people."
Provide proof that I call for affirmative action in Obama's campaign staff. :peach:
"For serpent, it's all about race."
You're projecting again. :noway:

Aren't you the one that believes :DK: we came from special monkeys that descended from the trees and used tools? :dizzy:


Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots


"No wonder she hates Obama."
I don't hate Obama. :idunno:

The Barbarian

Barbarian, regarding Serpent's
"Heh, and our resident race-baiter is now insisting on affirmative action for the Obama campaign, because she thinks he isn't hiring enough black people."

Provide proof that I call for affirmative action in Obama's campaign staff.

Serpent's cut-and-past from race-baiting website:
Minority Report: Stunning lack of diversity in Obama campaign, photos reveal

Pretty much what we've come to expect from Serpent.

Barbarian chuckles:
For serpent, it's all about race.

You're projecting again.

You brought it up. You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president. If you don't want to talk about it, don't bring it up.

Aren't you the one that believes we came from special monkeys that descended from the trees and used tools?

No. But it's telling that you brought it into a discussion about racism.

From Serpent's website:
“Although racism did not begin with Darwinism, Darwin did more than any person to popularize it.” - from Darwin’s Plantation

Darwin was assailed by creationists like Capt. Fitzroy, for doubting that black people would be happier if they were not enslaved.

On a memorable occasion in March 1832 at Bahia, Brazil, Darwin was horrified at tales of the treatment of slaves, but FitzRoy, while not endorsing brutality, recounted how an estancia owner once asked his slaves if they wished to be free and was told they didn't. Darwin incautiously asked FitzRoy if he thought slaves could answer such a question honestly when it was posed by their master, at which the captain lost his temper and, before storming out, told Darwin that if he doubted his word they could no longer live together; effectively he banished Darwin from his table.

Moreover, Darwin celebrated the banning of slavery in the British Empire:
And he did so in 1837-8, just as the West Indies slaves were being released (technically freed in 1833, they were forced to serve an "apprenticeship" which effectively kept them in bondage till 1838).

This freedom filled Darwin with a sense of pride and he declared that "we... have made a greater sacrifice, than ever made by any nation, to expiate our sin". He certainly had.
(same source)

Darwin, like virtually all people of European descent, thought that other people were inferior to Europeans. But he was considered a liberal on race because he opposed slavery and insisted that all men were entitled to freedom and the right to their own labor.

Alas, his conversion to evolution wasn't so simple, but it was much more interesting. It didn't occur in the Galapagos, but probably on his arrival home.

And new evidence suggests that Darwin's unique approach to evolution - relating all races and species by "common descent" - could have been fostered by his anti-slavery beliefs.

Today, you will have to look hard for a racist scientist, since science has shown that there are no biological human races. But as late as the early 90s, the leader of American creationists was still writing about the supposed intellectual and spiritual inferiority of blacks.

ICR director Henry Morris:
Yet the prophecy again has its obverse side. Somehow they have only gone so far and no farther. The Japhethites and Semites have, sooner or later, taken over their territories, and their inventions, and then developed them and utilized them for their own enlargement. Often the Hamites, especially the Negroes, have become actual personal servants or even slaves to the others. Possessed of a genetic character concerned mainly with mundane matters, they have eventually been displaced by the intellectual and philosophical acumen of the Japhethites and the religious zeal of the Semites.
Henry Morris, The Beginning Of the World, Second Edition (1991), pp. 147-148

This is not to say that every creationist, or even most of them are racists. But it is certainly disturbing to see that so recently, a prominent creationist could spew such racist garbage without losing his position as a leader of the movement.

And it goes a long way explaining Serpent, doesn't it?


[Provide proof that I call for affirmative action in Obama's campaign staff. :peach:] "Serpent's cut-and-past from race-baiting website."
:yawn: Poisoning the well.

:peach: That's your proof? :rolleyes: I am not the author of the article. Would you like to know my opinion about Obama's campaign staff? :smokie:

[You're projecting again. :noway:] "You brought it up. You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president."
:yawn: Ad hominem. If you'd like to know what I think of Africans :listen: just ask.
[Aren't you the one that believes :DK: we came from special monkeys that descended from the trees and used tools? :dizzy:] "No."
Have you changed your mind about the theory of evolution? Do you finally believe that God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, 1:26). :freak:


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The Barbarian

That's your proof? I am not the author of the article.

You linked to it, so you're responsible. If you don't want to be considered a racist, don't act like one. Trotting out your racist stuff about Darwin was a huge mistake.

Would you like to know my opinion about Obama's campaign staff?

No one cares, Serpent.

Barbarian observes:
You brought it up. You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president."

Ad hominem.

If you don't want people drawing conclusions from your behavior, then improve your behavior.

Serpent tries a little misrepresentation:
Aren't you the one that believes we came from special monkeys that descended from the trees and used tools?


Have you changed your mind about the theory of evolution?

Nope. And I see you haven't stopped dishonestly misrepresenting what it says.

Do you finally believe that God did what he said he did

What gripes you is that I accept it the way He did it.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president.

Still playing the race card, Barbie?

If you don't like the issue, you guys shouldn't have brought it up.


[Article about Obama's campaign staff] [:peach: That's your proof? :rolleyes: I am not the author of the article.] "You linked to it, so you're responsible."
:yawn: Responsible for what? Is the author of the article a racist, too? :smokie: Do you call everyone you disagree with a racists? You walk about town, someone bumps into you on the sidewalk--racist! :mmph: Your driving in your car, someone cuts you off--racist! :sozo2:

A few housekeeping items:

I do not agree with all authors that I link to. :dizzy:

"If you don't want to be considered a racist, don't act like one. Trotting out your racist stuff about Darwin was a huge mistake."
:Commie: Silence the critic? :Shimei:

I am not the author of the book but I have read it and I do agree that your monkey theory helped to popularize racism.

“Although racism did not begin with Darwinism, Darwin did more than any person to popularize it.” - from Darwin’s Plantation


Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots
[Would you like to know my opinion about Obama's campaign staff?] "No one cares, Serpent."
I didn't think so. :Shimei:

Your tactic is: :yawn: call someone a name (sixhirb: sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigot [Prager]) so that you can dismiss them and their argument. :mario: Why argue with someone who is such a bad person? :idunno: Eccl 10:2

"You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president."
:yawn: Proof please. :peach:

Do you believe that I hate all Africans :scripto: and all Americans :scripto: or only African Americans? :scripto:

[:yawn: Ad hominem] "If you don't want people drawing conclusions from your behavior..."
Your :yawn: ad hominem attack is "drawing a conclusion"?
"...then improve your behavior."
:Commie: Agree with you--or else? :Shimei:

If I make another truth claim, you will respond with another :yawn: ad hominem or you'll :peach: address the argument? :noway:

"Serpent tries a little misrepresentation: ['] Aren't you the one that believes we came from special monkeys that descended from the trees and used tools['] No."
No, you no longer believe your monkey theory or yes, you still believe your monkey theory?
[Have you changed your mind about the theory of evolution?] "Nope."
You've been at TOL for a while but you still do not have a biblical worldview.

[Serpentdove quote: "Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?"]

Barbarian quote: "I think you're wrong about that." link Eph 5:11


"I see you haven't stopped dishonestly misrepresenting what it says."
:yawn: Ad hominem. Proof please. :peach:

Is it dishonesty or disagreement? A racist and dishonest--you're a moral giant just speaking me such a terrible person? :kookoo:

"Do you finally believe that God did what he said he did"
You removed the scripture from my quote. I had asked: Do you finally believe that God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, 1:26). :freak:

"What gripes you is that I accept it the way He did it."
God did not do what he said he did? Or he did what he said he did? :sleep:

Creation took place in six normal days (Ex 20:11; 31:17).

God created man in his own image (Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) and likeness (Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9) from the beginning (Ge 1:1; Mt 24:21, Mk 10:6).
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New member
Barbarian chuckles:
You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president.
Obama is of Turkish descent, just like all his predecessors. They all came from the Ararat region.

I judge Obama on the quality of his character and am called a racist by people like you who only look at the color of his skin.

The Barbarian

Responsible for what?

Whatever you link to. If you present racism here, don't be surprised if people conclude you're a racist.

Is the author of the article a racist, too?

He's trying to play the race card against Obama. Is it possible he really doesn't hate black people, and is just using it to get to Obama? Sure. Do you think that's better?

Do you call everyone you disagree with a racists?

The Duck test applies here. If you don't want to be taken for one, don't quack.

You walk about town, someone bumps into you on the sidewalk--racist! Your driving in your car, someone cuts you off--racist!

That's the kind of dishonesty I'm talking about. Not everything offensive is racist. You want to somehow twist that fact into the idea that nothing is racism.

few housekeeping items:

I do not agree with all authors that I link to.

Make it clear each time you don't, or we'll assume you endorse the view you presented.

Barbarian chuckles:
"If you don't want to be considered a racist, don't act like one. Trotting out your racist stuff about Darwin was a huge mistake."
Silence the critic?

I am not the author of the book but I have read it and I do agree that your monkey theory helped to popularize racism.

Doesn't matter. As you see, Darwin opposed rating people by race, and your fellow creationists are still blathering about the supposed inferiority of blacks. Creationists should be very quiet when the subject of racism comes up. At least until you get your own house in order.

“Although racism did not begin with Darwinism, Darwin did more than any person to popularize it.” - from Darwin’s Plantation

I know you want us to believe so, but Henry Morris was the leader of American creationists, and as late as 1992, was still peddling the idea that God made blacks intellectually and spiritually inferior to other people. And none of you cared enough to criticize him, much less remove him from leadership.

Serpent asks:
Would you like to know my opinion about Obama's campaign staff?

Barbarian chuckles:
No one cares, Serpent.

We don't care what Fidel Castro thinks about capitalism, either. For the same reason.

Your tactic is: call someone a name (sixhirb: sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigot [Prager]) so that you can dismiss them and their argument.

Serpent, you just tried that tactic with Darwin. And it blew up in your face. Peddle your racist fantasies here if you like. But don't whine if people draw conclusions from your behavior.

Barbarian observes:
You can't stand the idea that someone of African descent was elected president."

Proof please.

Your habit of linking to racist sites (and then trying to back away from responsibility for it) pretty much settles that.

Barbarian observes:
If you don't want people drawing conclusions from your behavior then improve your behavior.

Agree with you--or else?

Or else what? It's simple; you are accountable for what you do here. Act accordingly.

(Serpent tries a little misrepresentation)
Aren't you the one that believes we came from special monkeys that descended from the trees and used tools

Barbarian replies:

No, you no longer believe your monkey theory or yes, you still believe your monkey theory?

No, I don't believe your silly misrepresentation of science.

You've been at TOL for a while but you still do not have a biblical worldview.

Serpent, you and a Biblical wordview don't share the same zipcode.

Serpent asks:
Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?"]

Barbarian replies:
I think you're wrong about that. Christ was clearly present physically when He spoke to His disciples after the resurrection. You can't have him eating, drinking, and having Thomas check out stigmata without having Him there physically.


Is it dishonesty or disagreement?

It's your dishonesty. A good example is above. You edited something I wrote earlier to make it appear I didn't believe in the Resurrection. (I replaced the text you removed, in red) That's the reputation you have here, Serpent. I don't know whether you're just pretending to be a Christian, or whether you think deception is a good way to serve God. But it hurts you.

You removed the scripture from my quote. I had asked: Do you finally believe that God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, 1:26).

The issue is, you don't approve of the way He did it.

Creation took place in six normal days (Ex 20:11; 31:17).

Even ancient Christians knew that was not true, and Genesis does not say six normal days.

God created man in his own image (Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) and likeness (Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9) from the beginning (Ge 1:1; Mt 24:21, Mk 10:6).

The "likeness" is in His mind and spirit. As Jesus says, God is a spirit and a spirit has no body.

You've just rearranged the Bible to make it more acceptable to you.