Anti-islamic behavior????
They back up their behavior with Islamic holy writ.
How is that anti-islamic?
All 'religions' / 'ideology clubs' back up their policy-making
with some kind of scripture,
but some members understand their scripture better than others.
And some religions deal with their hypocrites, but others don't.
Good religions deal with their hypocrites; bad ones don't.
Reasonable aggression in defense for self or others is reasonable;
going 'over the top' is not, and it's the hypocrites who go 'over the top'.
Christianity has a bad reputation in some quarters because it doesn't deal with it's hypocrites.
Islam also doesn't deal with its hypocrites very well,
but this doesn't matter much away from war zones
because Islam tends to go hand-in-hand with a culture of uniformity/conformity.
In war zones, however, where hypocrisy is tempting, this uniformity/conformity
can and does cause big problems.
Vocal Atheists, with the help of their leader Richard Dawkins,
attack Christianity a lot more than they attack Islam
because they see Islam as less of a threat (not because they're scared of Fatwas).
Personally, I'm a lot more worried about bad Christians than I am about bad Muslims.
Anyone can call themselves a Christian, and when they behave in unChristian ways,
they're ignored, tolerated, prayed for or invited to pray.
Christian Libertarianism can easily degenerate into debauchery.
Muslim Disciplinarianism is actually anti- any kind of degeneration.
Do you still not understand that the real enemy is hypocrisy?