Today's Dailytopic, it is everyday daily topic and no one change his ideas.
All you will be doing, is instead of Qaeda (a small group Afghani nutcases) being your only enemy, you will acquire 1.6 billion Muslims as enemies.
Let me see you when that happens, what would your "liberal" views of "it's just a cartoon" be useful of, but the hatred of 1/7 of the earth, who can have allies to the east easily.
My advice as a muslim : keep the moderates while you can, and you won't do it with handpicking out of context verses of Quran.
[The Jihadist aren't attacking you because you are non-muslims (if that was their sole-reason, not even ten people would companion them in their quest), they say you are non-muslims who attacked muslims, and if they succeed to prove that, no Muslims would be moderate anymore, Ayatollah would've not hated you as much if you didn't help the Shah kill his people, and he had the hatred of people with him for that, including a good percentage of Iranian Jews]
Keep a reason not flipping 1.6 billion swords on you countries. It's lovely to act for children like us, if we don't like cartoon of the prophet, you better not do some, because this would be interpreted aggressive, and give reason to people like Qaeda to convince people like me, that you are an enemy.