toldailytopic: Generally speaking does the Islamic religion encourage or discourage t


New member
I posted this in another thread concerning Islam: Has anyone else noticed the creepy connection to the Battle of Vienna in 1683 and the September 11th terrorist attacks? Creepy. It's almost like the date was chosen specifically to tell the West that the spread of Islam stopped in 1683 would be resumed by that attack in 2001.


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Tell it to the atheists.

Anyone can run a google search and find whatever they want in an attempt to discredit a religion. Anti-semites do it to the Talmud all the time. This is the exact same shtick.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Generally speaking does the Christian religion encourage or discourage terrorism by its adherents?

Well, if it does the vast majority of its 1.6 billion adherents understand their religion less than a handful of Christians here.

I suppose that's possible. :plain: But is it probable?


New member
Generally speaking does the Christian religion encourage or discourage terrorism by its adherents?

Well, if it does the vast majority of its 1.6 billion adherents understand their religion less than a handful of Christians here.

I suppose that's possible. :plain: But is it probable?

Apparently, all it took was two for the Boston Marathon slaughter to happen?


New member
Anyone can run a google search and find whatever they want in an attempt to discredit a religion. Anti-semites do it to the Talmud all the time. This is the exact same shtick.

Just read the Quran. You will find it for yourself.
Let the voices of moderate Muslims be heard denouncing the extremist activities. Many Christian voices were raised denouncing the nut case minister who burned the Quoran.


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Just read the Quran. You will find it for yourself.
Let the voices of moderate Muslims be heard denouncing the extremist activities. Many Christian voices were raised denouncing the nut case minister who burned the Quoran.

I did, once. It was pretty tedious. Reminded me of a weird, alternate version of the Old Testament.

The moderates of any movement usually are drowned out by the vocal minority of nutters. Happens all the time.


muslims are warm fuzzy bunnies

except for the ones who are violent psychopaths

but those guys are just misunderstood

Nathon Detroit

muslims are warm fuzzy bunnies

except for the ones who are violent psychopaths

but those guys are just misunderstood
The weird thing is.... there appears to be a vicious cycle going on here.

- Muslims want kill non-Muslims.
- Liberals think that if we be nice to them they will not want to kill non-Muslims
- The "nicer" we are to them the more they want to kill us
- The more they want to kill us the more liberals want to be nice to them

:mock: Liberals

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Apparently, all it took was two for the Boston Marathon slaughter to happen?
So the Bible/Christianity is responsible for Scott Philip Roeder? I'm sure he felt as righteous as any Jihadist. Empower any viewpoint in a culture without restraint and the sociopaths will use and distort it like they do with everything. They'll manipulate the ethnocentric principle and whip otherwise peaceful people into violence.

But like a certain comedian said recently about that Boston attack, most people aren't like that. Ever. And history will eventually bury the ones who are. The good may suffer set backs, but it prevails.


New member
So the Bible/Christianity is responsible for Scott Philip Roeder? I'm sure he felt as righteous as any Jihadist. Empower any viewpoint in a culture without restraint and the sociopaths will use and distort it like they do with everything. They'll manipulate the ethnocentric principle and whip otherwise peaceful people into violence.

But like a certain comedian said recently about that Boston attack, most people aren't like that. Ever. And history will eventually bury the ones who are. The good may suffer set backs, but it prevails.

Evil doing from any quarter cannot be ignored or brushed aside or compared to other evil doing as if two wrongs constitutes an answer.

Mulla Sadra

Today's Dailytopic, it is everyday daily topic and no one change his ideas.

All you will be doing, is instead of Qaeda (a small group Afghani nutcases) being your only enemy, you will acquire 1.6 billion Muslims as enemies.

Let me see you when that happens, what would your "liberal" views of "it's just a cartoon" be useful of, but the hatred of 1/7 of the earth, who can have allies to the east easily.

My advice as a muslim : keep the moderates while you can, and you won't do it with handpicking out of context verses of Quran.

[The Jihadist aren't attacking you because you are non-muslims (if that was their sole-reason, not even ten people would companion them in their quest), they say you are non-muslims who attacked muslims, and if they succeed to prove that, no Muslims would be moderate anymore, Ayatollah would've not hated you as much if you didn't help the Shah kill his people, and he had the hatred of people with him for that, including a good percentage of Iranian Jews]

Keep a reason not flipping 1.6 billion swords on you countries. It's lovely to act for children like us, if we don't like cartoon of the prophet, you better not do some, because this would be interpreted aggressive, and give reason to people like Qaeda to convince people like me, that you are an enemy.


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All you will be doing, is instead of Qaeda (a small group Afghani nutcases) being your only enemy, you will acquire 1.6 billion Muslims as enemies.

Only if the majority allow a minority to (sorry) hijack your faith.

Let me see you when that happens, what would your "liberal" views of "it's just a cartoon" be useful of, but the hatred of 1/7 of the earth, who can have allies to the east easily.

It is just a cartoon. I understand that western freedom of speech and expression is at odds with much of the Muslim world but Muslims do themselves no favors when they act like angry children throwing a tantrum. Want to be taken seriously by the rest of the world and not treated like a pyromaniac holding a match and can of gasoline? Good. Prove that you can actually respect us, and we'll return the favor.

[The Jihadist aren't attacking you because you are non-muslims (if that was their sole-reason, not even ten people would companion them in their quest), they say you are non-muslims who attacked muslims, and if they succeed to prove that, no Muslims would be moderate anymore, Ayatollah would've not hated you as much if you didn't help the Shah kill his people]

I agree. U.S. imperialism has provoked much of this wrath.

Keep a reason not flipping 1.6 billion swords on you countries. It's lovely to act for children like us, if we don't like cartoon of the prophet, you better not do some, because this would be interpreted aggressive, and give reason to people like Qaeda to convince people like me, that you are an enemy.

Yeah, see, this right here? This threat? This not-so-subtle promise of violence? You really, really need to work on that. (If you can.)

Otherwise you'll continue to be dismissed as either maniacs, or maniacs in waiting.

Mulla Sadra

Otherwise you'll continue to be dismissed as either maniacs, or maniacs in waiting.

I know what I said, there's no need to highlight it.
[I can't get convinced by extremist by a cartoon, but when Phosphoric shells hit my children, they wouldn't need to do the argument, I would love to leave my side to theirs easily - which is happening these days in Syria, everyone is taking sides, even people I missed to be Agnostic for time, are now heavenly worshipers ready to kill anyone in the way, I am still sane under these ... stuff, And I say I am a one who knows the scripture, simple people - who make a vast majority - would easily - as people in this forum - be furious when people hold Quran, a message everyone believe in our countries is of non-violence, and no one care about the "109" or "119" verses you enjoy to scream of, hold it and dis-respect it and say it is a message of blood, not a muslim -even a Jihadist think that- and simple people can easily think it is an attack on Islam, because you wouldn't getting these out-of-context verses to the discussion, only if wanted blood, that has been between the two worlds, East and West, since before Islam.]

Maybe Atheists can get this easier, We are a Religion that refuses to abandon its tradition easily, We have been for that last 1400 year been propagandized as, the day this religion abandon its milestones, then this Religion would be ended.

So, Yes, We are children (And I am proud to be one), who still live in prophets and God-made miracles millennium, and (for some, NOT ME) it's easier to change your human-made laws in the West to respect our God-made laws of Etiquette.


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Hall of Fame
I can't get convinced by extremist by a cartoon, but when Phosphoric shells hit my children...

Look, I hate what's happened in the middle east and what continues to go on there. It's an abomination and war crime, plain and simple.

And I say I am a one who knows the scripture, simple people - who make a vast majority - would easily - as people in this forum - be furious when people hold Quran, a message everyone believe in our countries is of non-violence, and no one care about the "109" or "119" verses you enjoy to scream of, hold it and dis-respect it and say it is a message of blood, not a muslim -even a Jihadist think that- and simple people can easily think it is an attack on Islam, because you wouldn't getting these out-of-context verses to the discussion, only if wanted blood, that has been between the two worlds, East and West, since before Islam.

Like I said already, it's easy for folks who don't know your book to cherry pick it.

Maybe Atheists can get this easier, We are a Religion that refuses to abandon its tradition easily...

Uh, yeah. I've noticed.:chuckle:

So, Yes, We are children (And I am proud to be one), who still live in prophets and God-made miracles millennium, and (for some, NOT ME) it's easier to change your human-made laws in the West to respect our God-made laws of Etiquette.

This goes well beyond "etiquette." Something you need to understand is that there exists no right to not be offended.

Mulla Sadra

This goes well beyond "etiquette." Something you need to understand is that there exists no right to not be offended.

Believe me if I tell you, it is "etiquette", because if I accept it to be more than that, I wouldn't be sitting in a right-wing christian forum.

I know that you understand me, but you understand me to the extent you saw of us, you don't know what goes beyond that.

What is happening right now, is not a "Jihad" or anything near it, it is just small groups making skirmishes, Jihad happens when every Muslim's against you [One of the terms clerics put for Jihad is, the acceptance of whole Nation, if the whole Nation doesn't accept, it is a fitna, not the real thing], something your politicians acquired awareness of since Ottoman Empire, and made their tight precautions of. (and today, they are afraid of such thing, that all they love is to go around the middle-east and fight the century battle in East Asia -- Something Obama, as friends here refuse, is doing good in for his nation, this is a place you don't love to put your nose in).

Anyways, Everyone here would love to bring over verses, for what ? just to make Muslims angry. Nothing more Nothing less, the whole procedure Westerners are taking about my nation is Wrong X Wrong.

(But I for one people, might be on the favor of it, at least it will make us a one nation again ... remember my words).