toldailytopic: Food stamps. Good idea or bad idea?

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New member
I think it would be a great idea if Food Stamps could only be used for certain foods. No junk!! Only real food with nutritional value.

The Graphite

New member
Food stamps and other socialist wealth-redistribution programs harm the recipient more than they hurt the one who was unjustly robbed of his hard-earned paycheck, to begin with. The latter only loses money; the former loses his dignity and gains a stumbling block to faith and obedience to his Creator.


My parents receive food stamps, along with social security and disability benefits. They have a rather extensive list of health problems. And technically it is only my father that receives these benefits, my mother did not work long enough and gets nothing. She was a SAHM until I was 13. My father worked until he had no choice but to retire.

I see no problem with them getting food stamps along with the other benefits they receive. They worked, they paid in to the system long enough and they are not abusing the system. If anything, considering that I pay some of their bills, the system is abusing them.

That being said, I don't think they are a bad idea as long as they are not being abused.

Four O'Clock

New member
This does not mean that we are less responsible for the poor, sick, and hungry, but even more so. We are charged with that job, and we are to do it without stealing from or hurting anybody else, which is what the government does.
But letting individuals alone contribute to those less fortunate leaves virtually millions of needy folks without. Every food stamp recipient, welfare receiver, etc. is not a deadbeat. Yes, there will always be abusers of the 'system', that will not change but do we totally eliminate the program because it (and virtually all programs) has inherent abuse?
My step-father, a Christian tho dyed in the wool GOP conservative, sends me constant links to right wing propaganda garbage.
However, one of those that I might agree with is:
Let all food stamp, unemployment, and welfare recipients be required to pass the same drug testing requirements that working people are taxed to support in order to receive their benefits.
I don't understand so many right-wing Christians on board here crying Socialism at the drop of a hat.
Our Lord is not Socialist and He's also not Capitalist (duh). God is neither a Republican nor a Democrat and not a conservative or a liberal.
Consider this scenerio: A Christian (or non-Christian) couple in a relationship with children. She chooses to forego any continuing education and opts for a career as a homemaker (not many career choices better than that we can all agree!)
After x number of years, the husband packs up and leaves in the middle of the night never to return (this happens more than you might think in this brain-dead amoral society)
Do we leave this woman to fend for her own or does our great country jump to the rescue and help her with a safety net of support?
I too object to government taxation that props up meaningless tripe but I have no objection to our taxed dollars helping those in need.
How can so many liberal 'Christians' support inane handouts?
How can so many conservative 'Christians' go political and object to helping so many that are in need?
In closing, another poster here recently said that if the Republican party would do a better job of supporting the poor, they might never lose another election.
Perhaps not totally accurate, but I certainly understand what they're saying.......


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Good in principle.....abysmal in execution. :plain:

Fun fact: The current going rate for food stamps (card useage) in this area is .50 cents on the dollar. :juggle:

I will have to agree most with Tom, it was an idea for giving the poor better food, but as he points out, many who got it, did not use it properly. Probably, in all fairness, most did, yet there is a second problem. Along with Medicaid and utility subsidies, many found it more easy to remain on the dole, rather than stand on their own feet.

There are not enough good jobs available to many which cover all the expenses paid for by government care. Some manage to hustle the system, others had reason for need, but became dependent. I would say a person of reason well entrenched in the welfare system, would not relinquish for less than a payment of $200,000. No, I am not saying most would go off the dole for less, sure they would, most do not think ahead. I am saying if one was both intelligent and prudent, one would not make out in the long run, paying all the utility bills, their food bills, rent, health-care, unless they had that amount well invested.

This is the great shame of our system of government and welfare. It takes the heart out of those caught up in it. They do not look for work because it does not serve them best. What we need is something to encourage these persons to work; the answer is not easy and that is why it continues.


Well-known member
Food stamps and other socialist wealth-redistribution programs harm the recipient more than they hurt the one who was unjustly robbed of his hard-earned paycheck, to begin with. The latter only loses money; the former loses his dignity and gains a stumbling block to faith and obedience to his Creator.
And when the Israelites were commanded to harvest a field once and leave the gleanings for the poor, the farmer certainly loses money and the gleaners lose dignity. At least nobody starves.

What do you expect people to do in an economy like this when many people simply cannot find a job?

Before you claim private agencies can make up the slack, when the economy goes south, so do donations. During the Great depression people were literally starving. The government programs to prevent starvation were put in place after the private systems failed.

Food stamps aren't a perfect program, but getting rid of them isn't the answer either.

Four O'Clock

New member
Probably, in all fairness, most did.
And therein lies the rub...
You can't cut the cord on this or millions will be left out in the cold.
How can right-wing tea-party leaning conservative 'Christians' not see the necessity of this (regardless of the abuses).


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Would you like to reconsider this? Take a look at your Bible. You'll find all sorts of commands about giving your stuff to those in need.
But none about letting the government take your stuff and give it to others.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Food stamps. Good idea or bad idea?

Originally Posted by Me:
Lousy. I like food and I like stamps, but that's just crazy talk. :poly:
On the other hand, bouillon flavored stamps would be getting a letter and a potential bowl of soup at the same time. :TomO: :eek:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
This is a bare technicality. It's in the Mosaic Law, LH. The law is the law, whether or not there's a penalty.
You really are an idiot, aren't you?

God's commands give no room for the government to force its people to give over their money so the State can help the poor. Especially since the State is in no real position to know the difference between the poor and the lazy.


New member
Without bread and circuses, the underclass tends to revolt.
It's in the best interests of the guys who run the show to keep the underclass fed and entertained.

That's why welfare is here to stay. It forces the underclass to have a vested interest in the continuation of government. Welfare does help, but it's help given rather cynically IMO.

Slavoj Zízek said: "Charity demeans and degrades".


You really are an idiot, aren't you?

God's commands give no room for the government to force its people to give over their money so the State can help the poor.

The Bible doesn't expressly condemn the practice.

Especially since the State is in no real position to know the difference between the poor and the lazy.

Does the law make this distinction? "Let the poor gather the grain, but not the lazy?"

No. It's not ok for people to starve. Period.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The Bible doesn't expressly condemn the practice.

Does the law make this distinction? "Let the poor gather the grain, but not the lazy?"

No. It's not ok for people to starve. Period.
For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
-2 Thessalonians 3:10
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