Noah would definitely not have survived hydroplates.
Because you say so?
Creeping things, animals that breathed only need water to be killed. Melting rock kills EVERYTHING.
And where was this supposed melting rock that you keep championing as a rebuttal to the HPT?
Walt Brown's hydroplates probably would have boiled off the oceans, which means no Noah or ark.
Nope. Sorry.
The fountains were extremely cold (think sub-zero temperatures), and the hydroplates, by definition, slid on top of supercritical fluid, meaning there was hardly any friction from the plates moving.
You know what a supercritical fluid is, right?
Why? because Walt Brown said so?
The laws of physics say so.

Not stated in scripture and today anything that's very deep isn't cold, it is hot.
No one, including myself, has argued that the water beneath the crust wasn't hot to begin with.
You DO know what happens when a fluid expands, right? What happens to it?
Serious question, you need to answer it.
Uh huh. Is that why tiny perturbations in rock today cause huge tsunamis and earthquakes? The kind of movement talked about in hydroplate stuff is many, many times worse than even the worst modern earthquake.
That's because the earthquakes we see are the
aftershocks (relatively speaking) of what happened during the flood.
:rotfl: Cause Walt Brown said so. You have no right to criticize me for making statements that are based on scientific data when you just state stuff like this. What you just said is A. Impossible without melting the rock due to friction
And if there was hardly any friction due to the supercritical fluid beneath the rocks that acted like a lubricant? Would you agree that it would be possible then?
and B. Without any supporting evidence of any kind.
There is evidence for the hydroplate theory in both scripture AND in the world.
One only has to look to the Pacific ocean to see the latter, and the former:
Argument from incredulity.
to get a rock face that even had these properties to begin with,
What are you talking about? "Rock face"?
much less have a perfect sheet of water under miles of rock.
Why? Because you say so? Just look at the Pacific Ocean, there's literally supercritical coming out of the floor of the ocean. Which fits with the idea that there was originally supercritical water below the crust of the earth.
As you have stated before, you don't take Genesis literally (not woodenly literally, but literally).
If you were to take Genesis to be literal, instead of claiming it's a poem or what have you, you might be able to grasp the idea that God made the crust of the earth in the midst of the deep (the vast globe spanning ocean that existed on day one before God created the "Earth" and the "Seas."
In other words, the cross section of the earth would have looked something like this on day 2:
And would have looked something like this on day 3:
In other words, God created the firmament in the midst of the waters, dividing the waters above (which later became "Seas") from the waters below (the source of the "fountains of the deep").
It amazes me that a thinking person can believe this fairy tale
It's not a fairy tale.
It's a scientific theory that is fully testable.
(that's not even Biblical mind you)
The Hydroplate theory literally came about because someone looked at scripture and noticed that the firmament was in the water, not the atmosphere. How is it not Biblical?
and yet reject evolution that has dozens of lines of evidence that support it.
Question begging, and it's false.
The evidence does not support evolution.
What friction? The hydroplates (I mean, come on, it's literally in the name) rode on water. They didn't grind against rock (except at the pillars which supported the entire shell).
Any debris that was eroded away would have been chilled by the time it reached the surface (supercritical fluids expanding for all of 60 miles mean that it was extremely cold, not hot).
There are other forms of energy besides heat, such as electricity.
Which, if lubricated, produces very little heat.
all of these produce heat, and lots of it.
Nope. Not lots of heat.
Very little, actually.
It's called the second law of thermodynamics.
Um... huh?
The second law of thermodynamics is about entropy, not heat.
See above.
Yes I can make up a fictional world where everythign sounds realistic to, to the scientifically illiterate (and I have) but I digress.
To anyone else with any knowledge of physics or biology,
That's funny, since Dr. Walter Brown has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from MIT, if we're comparing degrees. What do you have again?
(Note, I'm not saying that because he has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering it makes him correct, I'm merely pointing out that he's no fool when it comes to this topic.)
it's patently ridiculous.
Appeal to ridicule is a logical fallacy.
Try making an actual argument.
See here for anyone following along:
Is there anything specific in the giant wall of text monstrosity that you wish to bring forth as an argument against my position? Or are you so incapable (not for lack of trying) of arguing against my position that you have to link to other people who have not made any new (to the discussion) arguments in order to make you seem like your position is more reasonable/well established?
See here for anyone who actually wants to stay on topic, which is currently the heat transfer problem (or lack thereof) of the HPT.
You might want to take your own advice.
See, here's the thing, all of the arguments I've made so far can be tested for veracity, and are based on the laws of physics.
You've already made several logical fallacies in the post I'm quoting here alone, including but not limited to, straw man, appeal to incredulity, and appeal to ridicule, question begging, etc.
In logicality alone, I have a much more solid basis for my arguments.
Primarily, the magical ocean of liquid nitrogen
Sorry, where have I ever made such a claim? Or where has Dr. Brown, for that matter?
keeping the energies released from cooking every living organism on earth.
I'm going to leave this image here for you to consider.
Now that you've considered it (and yes, Bryan's hands are just fine)...
- As stated above, fluids cool rapidly as they expand (as in from below the crust to the surface) as well described by the Joule-Thomson effect.
- Directed energy comprised of molecules with great momentum strongly resists change in direction.
- Boundary conditions, rather than total amount of heat, determine how much will transfer, e.g., to the atmosphere or ocean.
- Water that is supercritical (its state in the subterranean chamber, and unlike liquid water at Earth's surface) is highly compressible and at sixty miles deep it was compressed by pressure greater than 370,000 lbs per square inch.
- Understanding the behavior of supercritical water helps to quantify the heat of the fountains including that as it enormously expands to reach the 15 ppsi at Earth's surface the formerly SCW has cooled tremendously according to the slope defined by the Clausius-Clapeyron relation.
- Outer space functions as a virtually infinite heat "sink" radiating away (cooling) the fountains most energetic water and debris (including much of the heat generated by friction as many water molecules and some debris falls back through Earth's atmosphere); as most of the large (and sometimes hot) solids were ejected into space.
- Air is a great insulator [like home insulation and Thinsulate].
- Z-pinch (crustal lightning making heavier nuclei including dangerous radioactive elements like uranium and thorium) is adiabatic (i.e, it doesn't produce heat) and is even called cold repacking.
- Time, even the duration of weeks and months (or years and even a few centuries of aftermath effects), can allow for the dissipation of large quantities of energy that would otherwise melt more of the Earth than actually did melt.
- Estimates provided by critics trying to falisfy the hydroplate theory can be shown to stop suddenly short of affirming the hydroplate.
- Forty days and nights (especially the nights) of torrential rain brought massive quantities of supercooled hail down onto the Earth.
- The specific heat of water (i.e., a watched pot never boils), also called its heat capacity, is higher than any other common substance enabling the surface waters to absorb a tremdous amount of energy while raising its temperature minimally.
- Greater albedo (reflectivity) of the Earth from increased cloud cover would have significantly reduced incoming solar energy (and reflected away heat radiating earthward from debris falling through the upper atmosphere).