Yet, every time we keep correcting you as to what evolution is really about
Unfortunately for you, science has a very specific definition, while the creationists constantly revise what they think the word means. But science continues to use the scientific definition, so when you bring up those imaginary creationist meanings, it's always the same answer; "you got it wrong, yet again."
Because science has one consistent meaning. Must drive you guys nuts.
Barbarian observes:
But the scientific definition has changed once. Darwin defined it as "descent with modification." That's still true, but the rediscovery of Mendel's work allows us to be more precise. The modern scientific definition is "change in allele frequency in a population over time."
Because it was proven to be false.
You're wrong again. Darwin's was correct, but after genetics, the new one is more precise.
Because no one disagrees that species change over time.
In fact, most creationist websites now admit that new species, genera,and even families of organisms evolve. They just declare that it's "not real evolution", even though it's all just a change in allele frequencies in populations over time. This is why they have to invent new meanings for "evolution", and then insist that scientists have to believe them. It's very transparent. If the creationists retreat just a little farther, they'll have defined the argument out of existence.
You'd rather talk about all those weird notions of evolution (which no one, not even creationists, really believe), than talk about what evolution really is.
Yep. Evolution assumes life began, without specifying how.
Like you're doing right now?
Yep. Like Darwin, I believe God created the first living things. But of course, that's a religious belief, not a scientific theory. It's O.K. to be unscientific when the issue calls for it.
As noted before, creationists either intentionally obfuscate, or confuse things like natural selection (an agency of evolution) or common descent (a consequence of evolution), with evolution, itself.
Getting angry and abusive isn't going to make your story more believable. I'm just showing you the difference between evolution(change in allele frequency), agencies of evolution (like natural selection), and consequences of evolution, (like common descent). Your argument depends on conflating these and obfuscation.
Darwin didn't include the origin of life in his theory, but expressed a belief about how it began:
"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved."
Charles Darwin, last sentence from On the Origin of Species, 1872
Yep, he did. It's in my copy of his book (1872 edition)
The evidence indicates that God created over the process of six days
No, your modern alteration of Genesis says so. But if you accept His word as it is, there's no such thing.
(Barbarian notes that even most creationist websites admit evolution (as scientists define it) is a fact)
What, the evidence that species change over time?
And new species, genera, and sometimes families. Would you like me to show you that? They accept evolution, but they just don't want to call it that.
What we disagree with is that all species are descended from a single common ancestor.
Which, as you learned, isn't evolution; it's a consequence of evolution.
(Barbarian points out that Darwin said God created life)
Darwin rejected the Biblical explanation of how life was brought into existence.
Sorry, most Christians also think God created life. Why is that objectionable to you?
When the function of DNA was discovered, it allowed scientists to predict that the family tree of living things first discovered by Linnaeus (who was not an evolutionist) would be demonstrated in the genetics of all living organisms.
Except that the one thing it's done is toss everything up in the air into a scrambled mess for the evolutionists
Nope. As predicted by evolutionary theory, DNA analyses show the same family tree of life that was first discovered long before Darwin. And we know it works, because we can test it on organisms of known descent.
JR falls back on creationist talk...
Would it help you, if,instead of "evolution", we just called it by Darwin's term, "descent with modification?" Since you and your creationist websites have admitted that much, it would be a lot simpler to then discuss the details on how it happens. Shall we do that?