toldailytopic: During His earthly ministry would Jesus have approved of the homosexua


New member
If it's not a sin to be attracted to the same sex then homosexuality absent engaging in homosexual acts is not a sin.

You have been learning from the Pharisees but you haven't been learning from Jesus.

Matthew 5:27-28
27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.​

Jesus made that statement to counter the teachings of the Rabbis of that time who denied that adultery was being committed even after insertion had started. (Tractate Yebamoth 55b)

Being sexually attracted to someone of your gender is not a sin, it is a temptation. What you do about that temptation is another matter.

James 1:12-16
12Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
13Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
14But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
15Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
16Do not err, my beloved brethren.​



Well-known member
No one else has this much difficulty answering simple questions. Go chase your own tail, I'm not going to chase it for you.

What question did you ask that I didn't answer, Mary?

I can point to all the simple questions I've asked that were not answered on this thread.


Well-known member
You have been learning from the Pharisees but you haven't been learning from Jesus.

Look, you already answered my questions, and your answers clearly revealed that you don't think homosexuality a sin, but that you do think homosexual temptation and homosexual acts are sin.

Let's confirm that is what you believe. MaryContrary said the following on this thread:

Elo, I still to this day have a crush on Summer Glau. I watch Firefly or the Terminator Chronicles every once in a while and sigh wistfully. Still think Hilary Swank in Million Dollar Baby is super hot. If I had to pick between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, I'd have to think about it.

Is the homosexual attraction MaryContrary is describing above sinful? Yes or no.

My answer: No.

The Barbarian

Barbarian suggests:
One way to check it would be to see how much emphasis God puts on it. How much space in the Bible does He give to it, compared to say, theft, avarice, dishonesty, and other forms of lust?

Seems like it isn't the most offensive thing to Him by a long shot.

Still a sin to do it, though. But we all sin; none of us ever avoid sin entirely.

It's the "my sin is nicer than your sin" crowd that's the problem. Oh, that's a sin too, isn't it? And God spends a lot of space on that one.

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

God uses the strongest word of condemnation (abomination) and decrees the strongest penalty (put to death) for the act.

Oh, yeah, I see the difference. Much worse. God says so, in Leviticus 11:9-12.

Oh, wait, that's about eating catfish and shrimp. He uses the strongest word of condemnation for people eating catfish and shrimp.

Hush puppies are still apparently O.K., though.

That is a incredible amount of emphasis put into that verse.

Well, you know, some people just don't like seafood. He probably used "abomination" to let us know He really meant it.

"My sin is nicer than your sin." That's how it goes with the Pharisees.


Well-known member
Oh, wait, that's about eating catfish and shrimp. He uses the strongest word of condemnation for people eating catfish and shrimp.

You should have first asked genuineoriginal if he doesn't eat unclean food because it's a sin? I'm under the impression he tries to keep the dietary laws, i.e. he doesn't eat unclean meat, and would consider it a sin to eat it. He can confirm that, and probably will want to.

Hush puppies are still apparently O.K., though.

Do you want to know with certainty what's okay and what's not? It's simple. Anything not contrary to the principle of Matthew 7:12 is not a sin. Anything contrary to the principle of Matthew 7:12 is sin.

It's easy to see how murder, adultery, and theft violate Matthew 7:12, and easy to see how eating pork and wearing mixed fibres doesn't violate Matthew 7:12. It's easy to see how murder, adultery, and theft violates the command to love one another, and easy to see that eating pork and wearing mixed fibres doesn't violate the command to love on another.


New member
I think Jesus would disapprove of any sexual behavior outside of wedlock, but love is surely fair game. Real love that is, and not the kind that is just lust in disguise.


New member
Nope. You just didn't understand the questions or my answers. They were conditional questions, and my answers were based on the conditions. Why don't you just answer them so we can see if your answers are contradictory?

If homosexual acts are sin then homosexual desire/orientation itself is sin. Do you agree? Yes or no. (My answer: Yes.)
No. Homosexual acts are sin but homosexual desire is a temptation to sin.

If homosexual desire/orientation is not sin, then God approves of homosexual desire/orientation. Do you agree? Yes or no. (My answer: Yes.)
No. Homosexual desire is a temptation to sin, and God does not approve of temptations to sin, He approves of overcoming the temptation and not sinning.

If homosexuals who are sexually attracted to the same sex do not engage in sexual acts with the same sex, they are not living the homosexual lifestyle. Do you agree? Yes or no. (My answer: No.)
No. Even people that are not homosexuals can live the homosexual lifestyle without engaging in homosexual acts by having pleasure in those that engage in homosexual acts.

If homosexual desire/orientation is not sin, but homosexual acts are sin, the same sexual acts are sinful when married heterosexuals perform them. Do you agree? Yes or no. (My answer: Yes.)
No. Homosexual desire is a temptation to sin, homosexual acts are sin, but married heterosexuals do not perform homosexual acts with each other because they are not the same gender. Sexual acts that a married heterosexual couple do are not sin, but those same acts do become sin when done by two people of the same gender.


New member
Oh, yeah, I see the difference. Much worse. God says so, in Leviticus 11:9-12.

Oh, wait, that's about eating catfish and shrimp. He uses the strongest word of condemnation for people eating catfish and shrimp.

Well, you know, some people just don't like seafood. He probably used "abomination" to let us know He really meant it.
Please provide the verse that says those that eat seafood shall be put to death and their blood will be upon them.


New member
Look, you already answered my questions, and your answers clearly revealed that you don't think homosexuality a sin, but that you do think homosexual temptation and homosexual acts are sin.

Let's confirm that is what you believe.
Then homosexuality is not a sin in your view.

You're just opposed to certain sexual acts, and apparently only when homosexuals engage in them.

You seem to be unclear on what homosexuality is, but this is what I believe:
Homosexual desires, however, are not in themselves sinful. People are subject to a wide variety of sinful desires over which they have little direct control, but these do not become sinful until a person acts upon them, either by acting out the desire or by encouraging the desire and deliberately engaging in fantasies about acting it out. People tempted by homosexual desires, like people tempted by improper heterosexual desires, are not sinning until they act upon those desires in some manner.​


Well-known member
Homosexual acts are sin but homosexual desire is a temptation to sin.

Then your position is homosexuality is not a sin, and God approves of homosexuals who do not succumb to their temptations.

Homosexual desire is a temptation to sin, and God does not approve of temptations to sin, He approves of overcoming the temptation and not sinning.

Who knows what you mean by temptation. :idunno:

I asked you about MaryContrary's statement. She expressed continuing attraction for the same sex. Does God approve of Mary? Yes or no.

I say yes, God approves of Mary regardless of her same sex attraction.

Even people that are not homosexuals can live the homosexual lifestyle without engaging in homosexual acts by having pleasure in those that engage in homosexual acts.

Can you give me an example of how a heterosexual can have pleasure in those that engage in homosexual acts? What you're claiming doesn't make much sense.

Homosexual desire is a temptation to sin, homosexual acts are sin, but married heterosexuals do not perform homosexual acts with each other because they are not the same gender. Sexual acts that a married heterosexual couple do are not sin, but those same acts do become sin when done by two people of the same gender.

Okay. So you believe sodomy is fine for heterosexuals. Thanks for clearing that up.

Now I'm certain you are a moral relativist.


New member
Hall of Fame
Is the homosexual attraction MaryContrary is describing above sinful? Yes or no.

My answer: No.
My answer: Yes.

Never mind Matthew 5:28, it's obviously contrary to the will of God. Don't chase your tail and pretend you're talking about an act, that your argument here is that it can't be called a sinful behavior because it not a behavior. Homosexual attraction itself is sinful. Having the attraction establishes that you're a sinner. Acting on it is sinning. The entire mess in condemned and none of it is approved by God.

You need to quit playing games with such serious issues. All you do is mislead. Who can tell from one post to the next what your position is on anything?
I say yes, God approves of Mary regardless of her same sex attraction.
For example. Who asked if God approves of me? Am I homosexuality? Am I homosexual desire? Or the act? Or anything remotely related to anything anyone has said on this thread?

You do nothing but confuse every point, every issue, every word even. :nono:


New member
Can you give me an example of how a heterosexual can have pleasure in those that engage in homosexual acts? What you're claiming doesn't make much sense.

I have been assuming all this time that you are a heterosexual who was defending the homosexual lifestyle, which would qualify as a good example of how a heterosexual can have pleasure in those that engage in homosexual acts.

If I am wrong in my assumption, it would explain a lot.