toldailytopic: Does your opinion about homosexuality change if the behavior turns out


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Which actually is the major point for this topic. Without proof of the existence of God, there is no logical argument against homosexuality outside of religion.

Except for one thing, Rusha. I believed that it was a matter of self control before I became a Christian (the actions, not the attraction).


Hall of Fame
Except for one thing, Rusha. I believed that it was a matter of self control before I became a Christian (the actions, not the attraction).

The same standard would hold true for heterosexuals though. It is ill advised for anyone to have promiscuous sex.


New member
Who else is physically impacted when two disease free homosexuals have consensual sex?

Physically? Really?
You are smart enough to recognize that I said that individuals, families, and societies are harmed by allowing homosexual behavior to be tolerated, so give yourself as much credit as I give you and start connecting the dots.


It appears that those who have had sex changes (the "T" in the GLBT acronym) are over represented in that category.

"Transgender communities in the United States (US) are among the groups at highest risk for HIV infection."

Neither myself nor my partner (both trans, she wants the surgery, I don't) have HIV and it's not like it is going to magically appear out of nowhere.


Hall of Fame
Physically? Really?
You are smart enough to recognize that I said that individuals, families, and societies are harmed by allowing homosexual behavior to be tolerated, so give yourself as much credit as I give you and start connecting the dots.

Yes ... really. A relationship is between TWO individuals. I am not sure what impact it would have on a family unless you are referring to upsetting parents, siblings, grandparents, etc.

I do not consider society to be part of any couples private relationship.


Hall of Fame
You are correct, which is why I condemned adultery before talking about homosexual acts.

I also condemn adultery, though probably for a different reason than you do. However, I also do not see adultery as being an action worthy of the death penalty.


Yes ... really. A relationship is between TWO individuals. I am not sure what impact it would have on a family unless you are referring to upsetting parents, siblings, grandparents, etc.

I do not consider society to be part of any couples private relationship.

Funny thing is, sometimes family members are OK with it, so in those cases families are not impacted at all.


Who else is physically impacted when two disease free homosexuals have consensual sex?

"...espousing the libertarian idea that we really shouldn’t care what others do as long as they don’t hurt anyone else. To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, however, this is much like having a fleet of ships and saying that you don’t care how the vessels function as long as they don’t crash into each other. Obviously, if they don’t function properly, they may not be able to avoid crashing into each other."

"Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites . . . . Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters."

"The libertarian chant, “I don’t care what you do, just lemme alone” sounds very reasonable, indeed. But as hate-speech laws, forcing people to buy health insurance and a thousand other nanny-state intrusions prove, when people become morally corrupt enough, they don’t leave you alone. They tyrannize you."


New member
If you want some real nightmare fuel, consider a theocratic country that possesses this kind of screening tech. And that stones their gays.:shocked:

At the very least they'd need to develop a watch list.

Yea that would be a nightmare. Thankfully things are changing. There would be a small minority that will try to retrain and stuff, I think, realistically anyways. Hopefully if this scenario happens they don't try to do radical things but there is always the chance. It's just really odd that people who believe in free will want to impede it. It's not enough for some to just state they're opposed to it morally and think it's an abomination, some people have to try to stop it like it can even be stopped.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Neither myself nor my partner (both trans, she wants the surgery, I don't) have HIV and it's not like it is going to magically appear out of nowhere.

Have you both been tested? If you both have a negative test and just stay with each other, then you are low risk. I still don't approve of it though. :nono: Not all sins result in physical disease. There are other consequences--of course you don't believe in those...


Hall of Fame
Funny thing is, sometimes family members are OK with it, so in those cases families are not impacted at all.

Well, families also at times have issues with individuals dating outside of their race.

Prior to getting married, whenever I was getting ready to go out on a date with someone new, my mother's first question would be "he's not a black guy is he". :rotfl:


Hall of Fame
"...espousing the libertarian idea that we really shouldn’t care what others do as long as they don’t hurt anyone else.

ASC ... exactly how are YOU hurt when two strangers you do not even know have a consensual relationship?


Have you both been tested?
We have. I actually had to have myself tested a long time ago thanks to a former girlfriend (I probly have to specify that she was a genetic female). A few months after we split she was in jail on her third prostitution conviction. I never knew about the first 2 that happened before I met her. She also was in possession of crack and a pipe. I know how to pick them.

If you both have a negative test and just stay with each other, then you are low risk.
My partner and I just celebrated 4 years together 2 weeks ago, no plans to split up, I couldn't be happier. I'd say we are at no more of a risk than you and your husband.

I still don't approve of it though. :nono:
I never asked. Your approval is not required.

Not all sins result in physical disease. There are other consequences--of course you don't believe in those...
I'll start believing in them when I start seeing proof. That doesn't say I will agree with them.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The same standard would hold true for heterosexuals though. It is ill advised for anyone to have promiscuous sex.

I hold everyone to the same standard I hold myself to. If I can control my own urges (I've been a single mom since 1999 and haven't had a stream of men or women coming in and out of my bed.), why shouldn't I expect others to do the same? My only problem with homosexuals, in general, is that I would never know they were homosexual if they didn't either tell me or overtly act super feminine (men) or super butch (women). I wouldn't be able to discriminate against them if I didn't know. I don't make it a point to make sure everyone knows my sexual preference when I meet them on the street.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
My only problem with homosexuals, in general, is that I would never know they were homosexual if they didn't either tell me or overtly act super feminine (men) or super butch (women). I wouldn't be able to discriminate against them if I didn't know. I don't make it a point to make sure everyone knows my sexual preference when I meet them on the street.

I have noticed that too. Many homosexuals where their lifestyle on their sleeve as if it is a fashion statement. :down:. If they didn't do that, they would be flying into all the flak that they do.


New member
"Act only upon that maxim which you at the same time could will to become a universal law."

"Act so as to treat humanity always at the same time as an end in itself, never merely as a means to an end."

"Act always as though you were a law-making member of a kingdom of ends."

Bonus points if anyone knows what I'm quoting.

What do these have to do with homosexuality?


New member
How pleasant it is as always to observe the crypto-theocracts advocating execution for private sexual acts between two consenting adults that they don't personally approve of.

They have more in common with the Mullahs of Tehran and the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia than they do with anything in the United States. What a disgrace and insult to the personal liberty they enjoy every day.

Ted L Glines

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 16th, 2011 10:12 AM

toldailytopic: Does your opinion about homosexuality change if the behavior turns out to be genetic?

A great question, Knight. But, how would you know? If you do not hang out with gay people, you would have no way of knowing about their genetics or ancestry.

Regardless, the answer to your question would likely be "No" because the anti-gay prejudice is a psychological preset regardless of its cause, and not really subject to mitigation.