toldailytopic: Do you want Obamacare to be repealed?

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Ask Mr. Religion

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I need medical insurance having been without it now for five months and unable to get it because of my wife's pre-existing conditions. Unless, as TH noted, universal health care is instituted, the current plan will provide me a means, albeit, expensive, to obtain medical coverage.



New member
Absolutely! I signed the petition. Huckabee speaks about it on this site

The House Votes to Repeal ---
The First Step to Victory!

Dear Diane,

As you've probably heard, the new crop of stand-up-and-be-counted Republicans in the House of Representatives will vote to repeal the HealthCare act. Bravo!

They’ve made REPEAL the number one priority of the new Congress and we applaud them for listening to -- and obeying -- the will of the people.

But it won’t be enough. That's the truth.

We'll have to make up the difference in the Senate and we’ll have to make sure the margins are “veto-proof” by forcing at least two-thirds of both houses to vote for repeal. We can -- and will.

It’s why our massive petition drive, led by Mike Huckabee, is so important.

We have to turn “symbolism” into “reality” and surprise every pundit and political schemer with the bedrock truth that we, the people, have the clout to take our country back!

Right now we’re bringing about 25,000 new people a day onto our petition demanding immediate repeal
-- our TV ads and website are working! But we need to get that number to more than 50,000 people a day. This is how we get it done

We’ve made a new TV spot with Mike Huckabee and are ready to film a new Michael Reagan spot. Any help you can give us with getting these spots on the air would be greatly appreciated. The new Huckabee ad focuses on the damage to senior citizens and the hypocrisy of exempting the President, Vice-President, cabinet officers and Congressional leaders and committee staff from the very HealthCare Act the rest of us are being subjected to!
Together, we will get this done.

Sincerely Yours,

Ken Hoagland, Chairman
Repeal HealthCare Act


Well-known member
It didn't go far enough. We should have the sort of system they have in Canada. Nobody should be denied healthcare because of his inability to pay. Period. We're talking about human lives, not mere commodities.

I agree with the qualifier that I don't think the Canadian system could/should fly in the U.S. However I do think basic health care in a western nation is a right. The current bill isn't great, but it is far better than the status quo.

Why the Republicans feel that a symbolic vote for repealing health care is the FIRST thing they must do is beyond me. They've been smoking too much of their own product.



I need medical insurance having been without it now for five months and unable to get it because of my wife's pre-existing conditions. Unless, as TH noted, universal health care is instituted, the current plan will provide me a means, albeit, expensive, to obtain medical coverage.


But it means that taxes will increase. What's your life worth, AMR? After all, there are profits that have to be made. :nono:


I agree with the qualifier that I don't think the Canadian system could/should fly in the U.S.

Why not. The simplicity of the Canadian system impresses me. If you get sick, you go to the doctor. The government takes it from there. As well it should be. :idunno:


New member
It didn't go far enough. We should have the sort of system they have in Canada. Nobody should be denied healthcare because of his inability to pay. Period. We're talking about human lives, not mere commodities.
My daugther in law was from Canada and she said when she had tooth ache she had to wait 6 months to see a dentist, so the Canadians come here to get it done quicker.

It's against the law for hospital to turn someone down that needs help and is why hundreds of hospitals have closed down all along the border between Mexico and America.

I'd like to know Tra, why you consider yourself a right-winger?


My daugther in law was from Canada and she said when she had tooth ache she had to wait 6 months to see a dentist, so the Canadians come here to get it done quicker.

As opposed to here in America, where, if you can't afford to see a dentist, you...don't see a dentist. :nono:

I'd like to know Tra, why you consider yourself a right-winger?


1. I believe that abortion should be illegal.
2. I believe that "gay marriage" is a contradiction of terms.
3. I believe that there actually is such a thing as a right to one's property.

I'm not a socialist/communist in the strictest sense. I don't believe in wealth redistribution for the sake of itself.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It really all depends on how big you think the power of the central is supposed to be?

Do I think that the poor should have access to excellent healthcare options? Yes. But, I'd argue that the church would be a better option than the state for providing.

As it stands, the church either can't or won't do it so something needs to be done. That said, like TH, I think significant work should be done to revising the plan, and if that isn't going to happen, then it ought to be repealed. In fact, it make far more sense to repeal the plan, make changes to it, and then re-implement it instead of the whole trial and error bit.
I seriously doubt any of this would come to fruition?


Speaking of dentists:

I actually have a coworker who doesn't have dental insurance. She's a secretary. One of the doctors was out because he had a toothache the night before and had to see a dentist. She said: "It sure must be nice to be able to afford to see a dentist right when you start having tooth problems." She's apparently been living with a broken tooth for a while now. It recently was infected. Her face was all swollen. She went to the emergency room to get antibiotics. She still has a broken tooth, so far as I know. :nono:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

I need medical insurance having been without it now for five months and unable to get it because of my wife's pre-existing conditions. Unless, as TH noted, universal health care is instituted, the current plan will provide me a means, albeit, expensive, to obtain medical coverage.


What it seems you are saying is that when one very much needs it, but hasn't it, one looks through another lens? I have it well covered, taking all into consideration. Having it and using it, even to my advantage, seems like waiting in a sterile waiting room, without expectation. More of the same: I find myself fading out, feeling stupid. and near:dead:


Well-known member
They’ve made REPEAL the number one priority of the new Congress and we applaud them for listening to -- and obeying -- the will of the people.
The "will of the people" is partly opposed to health care because you've all bought the republican lie that it is a "government takeover".

That particular phrase is Politifact's "top lie of the year".

Others oppose the bill because it didn't go far ENOUGH!

But a closer reading of the poll by U.S. News and World Report opinion editor Robert Schlesinger puts those results in a new light. One of every four people who said they were opposed to reform said it didn’t go far enough. If you add those people to those supporting reform, a clear majority of Americans ’ 56 percent ’ are opposed to Republican efforts to dismantle or defund the bill.


If Republicans were actually serious about replacing the reform they would allow amendments, but for all the openness talk at the beginning of the session, the vote is only up or down to repeal.

But it won’t be enough. That's the truth.
Ain't gonna happen. THAT is the truth. And all of us will be better off, ultimately, assuming more tweaks and reforms are made to the bill as it goes forward.


What it seems you are saying is that when one very much needs it, but hasn't it, one looks through another lens? I have it well covered, taking all into consideration. Having it and using it, even to my advantage, seems like waiting in a sterile waiting room, without expectation. More of the same: I find myself fading out, feeling stupid. and near:dead:

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away" (Revelations 21:4).

Take hope in that, Ktoyou. :sigh:


Well-known member
My daugther in law was from Canada and she said when she had tooth ache she had to wait 6 months to see a dentist, so the Canadians come here to get it done quicker.
No system is perfect. The current health care law is not even remotely close to Canada's system. Did you know that nobody goes bankrupt in Canada due to health care costs?

Did you know medical costs are the cause 60% of all bankruptcies in the U.S.?

It's against the law for hospital to turn someone down that needs help and is why hundreds of hospitals have closed down all along the border between Mexico and America.
And that is why the new law is so important. It forces people to pay into the system, to pay for their care ahead of time rather than racking up huge costs by showing up at hospitals.


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Hall of Fame
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away" (Revelations 21:4).

Take hope in that, Ktoyou. :sigh:

I know you mean well; however, Revelations means very little to me.


I know you mean well; however, Revelations means very little to me.

I'm not referencing any end-of-the-world themes. No, I merely mean this: "For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise out of the earth. And I shall be clothed again with my skin, and in my flesh I will see my God. Whom I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold, and not another: this my hope is laid up in my bosom" (Job 19:25-27).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm not referencing any end-of-the-world themes. No, I merely mean this: "For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise out of the earth. And I shall be clothed again with my skin, and in my flesh I will see my God. Whom I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold, and not another: this my hope is laid up in my bosom" (Job 19:25-27).

That is not what I believe either, being clothed in my own skin sounds more like hell. My flesh will cease, but my spirit lives on. One of the main reasons I hold other than Catholic views, is the concept, 'resurrection of the body'. The hallmark of heaven is being fully spirit.

Call me Rene Descartes, if you want, as I have reasons, which were not imaginable as desirable in his age. Job would have also never understood it, had God revealed higher perfections possible to him.
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