Spam, according to your own definition. :spam:
Rather, as I understand it, which I suppose is true for everyone and any word. The rest is up to the mods.
Is that like a black man can't be a racist? :think:
No, more like a giant can't be a midget.
lain: Or, it's more like the person who decides what the topic is can't be off topic.
You could have asked me to stop asking you questions.
Just because you put a question mark at the end of it doesn't necessarily make it a question. By way of example: have you always been a loon? See? Not really a question, just a way to pass an insult.
Or: "She's just that that into you. Why do you think that is?"
Or: "Is this your scrapbooking party? Do you sell candles, too?
Or: "You seem to have a lot of time on your hands. You're not a very good lawyer are you?"
Or: "Is this your trip down memory lane thread? These observations are not so great."
Or: "Do you mean--got pwned by SerpentDove?
Those being just a few of your "questions"...
Frequently. Not always.
You are open-minded--as long as others agree with you.
You're an ostrich.
lain: And you dance to polka music.
:yawn: Ad hominem. You're projecting again. :noway:
No. I've never been banned for stalking. Sod was.
I never received and infraction or ban for conduct. Sod did.
I've never started multiple threads about another poster. Both Sod and chrys have done that about me. And I've never tracked another posters profile comments. :chuckle: Both Sod and chrys have done that.
It isn't projecting behavior. It's their actual behavior. You don't have to like me or agree with me to be honest about the facts...well, you shouldn't. You were about the bullying nonsense. So this is disappointing.
Re: Sod banned for stalking.
Did you report him, too? :banned:
About as frequently as he reported me. But only one of us managed to get kicked to the curb and penalized and it wasn't because I'm more popular with the mods.
But way to get at what's really important.
So? Can't you win a debate on the merits of your argument?
As decided by who? You? :rotfl: Like asking a Klansman to advise on Affirmative Action. Else, reading profile comments has no bearing on anything other than evidence of an obsessive character. The last thing I want to read more of is you talking to people on your profile page. If I did that I'm sure you'd find it odd.
I am referring to your new comments.
Which weren't the subject of nearly any of your quotes above.
You said that you do not like people "reading over [your] correspondence".
No I didn't. Cite? I noted it as evidence, coupled with other salient facts, of obsessive behavior on the part of someone who otherwise loudly announces their disdain and dislike for the poster they're following about. :chuckle:
You reported Chrysostom and S.O.D. for doing this very thing. :dizzy:
No. I've never reported anyone over discussing issues. I don't think I've reported chrys before. But he ADMITTED to spamming my thread with a large chunk of scripture absent commentary or aim. He even said WHY HE SPAMMED Observations. Sod I reported for stalking and spamming long after I'd put him on ignore, removed myself from threads started by him and ceased communicating or attempting to communicate with him at all.
Everyone felt free to discuss issues until you tried to turn TOL into China. :Commie:
Never did and I've never had any power here.
this thread started by Chrysostom?
Nope. Cite to me "rebuking" him.
That's what you do in your observation thread.
No, it isn't. I never invited debate in Observations. The OP of meshak's thread specifically set up a discussion between us that she then precluded.
Anyone who differs with you is a "spammer" and you lock the thread.
No, people like you, who launch a series of non responsive insults like the ones I reposted above from you would qualify.
gossip, cut and run. :hammer: How is what you do any better than what Meshak does?
I engage on any point of argument, again, IN THE THREAD WHERE THE ARGUMENT IS ONGOING. Meshak doesn't. There is a vast difference between not arguing and not arguing the same points in two different threads. I've set this out prior. If you're still confused it's because you mean to be and I won't go over this point with you again.
Now you're repeating yourself within the same thread...and you're still wrong. I've kept answering you, haven't I?
You found a loophole, lawyer. :Shimei:
No, just letting you know another thing among many that you have wrong. I don't need a loophole. Report away any old time you think you have a case. Won't bother me a bit.
[URL=""]Lie of the day
No. You don't understand what a misquote is, apparently. It isn't omitting your attempt to add scriptural citation after a point. Show proof otherwise using any recognized grammatical authority. Here's your chance. When you realize you can't you owe me an apology on the point.
But I don't think you'll even try.
He's the baby?
Go to Gather in his name and see if you find me spamming that thread.
You're a meddling gong show.
That's nice. :cheers: