toldailytopic: Do you support or oppose tightening gun control laws in USA?


Well-known member
At this time I still oppose it. Though this incident has made me more aware of the issue. I will continue to investgate the reasonable alternatives and remain in opposition until I see good reasoning to change that opinion.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
Thousands of locks, too.
Apples and oranges Bub! Government doesn't ban locks. Thus no underground lock running. But the Government does ban guns. Thus underground gun running. What did Prohibition do? Ask my friend Elliott Ness.

So not a single bit of gun control legislation you can possibly in any situation imagine prevents a single crime. Ever. Is that what you're saying?
There are more crimes prevented by the presence of guns than there are crimes prevented by guns laws. Did the scores of thousands of gun laws we already have stop what happened in Connecticut?

There's no easy solution to our situation at all. We are, overall, a violent country. Always have been. There's a heartsickness at work here that we need to fight. With that said, what we're doing now just isn't working.
There you have it! You said "heartsickness." And you said that what we are doing now [banning guns] is not working. Thank you!

Pastor Jim's solution,

"Changing laws will not change anything. Changing hearts will."

The pagan state kicked out the Great Physician of men's hearts! You don't want to give the Great Physician a try. Why not if what we are doing now is not working?

More of the same isn't any kind of solution.
Yet you promote more of the same (gun laws).

As a gun owner I'm getting really, really sick of other gun owners talking tough about their "rights" and "liberty" when they don't seem to have much appreciation or respect for the self-discipline and restraint inherent to the exercise of liberty, and rights, and the prudence and reason required to be a responsible gun owner.
My issue is not rights and liberty. I have said nothing about rights and liberty. I believe that Christ called His followers to give up everything for Him including their so called rights.

My issue is that gun control laws have proven ineffective. I want a solution that works. I am content with or without guns.

Question: Awash as we are in firearms already, what about, say, a five-year moratorium on weapons sales (excluding sales between private citizens or in extraordinary circumstances?) A national time-out, so to speak. A break. A breather. Enough already. Stop the escalation and freeze the weapons race we seem to have amongst ourselves.
Did a moratorium stop the bootleggers and the liquor running during Prohibition? You are NOT calling for a moratorium on guns really. You are calling for the Government to create underground crime.
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This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I accept and openly admitted the situations are different.....

Guns are here. Guns are part of our culture, like it or not (I like it). Therefore when people say... "well in England..." bla bla bla... That's not helpful to the discussion because the USA isn't England. Our culture is different and guns are already here. You can't make them magically go away.

If you were decide that having 6 years old shot by assault weapons isn't something you should just accept, you don't wait for it to magically go away, you do something about it.

a) You look at a law that will work or have a positive effect.
b) You debate and create consensus and pass the law.
c) You then enforce the law.

No that isn't easy, most american politicians are scared stiff and don't know how to do it, things don't change by magic, they change by people making a moral call and setting out to change things.

As others have said the 'it can't' change argument could of applied to slavery, or could be applied to abortion today. Just because something hard to do doesn't make it wrong.

I also get its annoying when people do the 'in our country ....... that better than your country posts', but you have lived with these happening so often and gun crime being such a part of your culture you thinks your current situation is normal normal, even worse you think its inevitable.

It is not, there are other options that could work better for you (UK, and Switzerland being two very different examples).

I do get liking guns and weapons, I like older weapons lots myself, but if they became a significant risk to people in the UK id happily band Antique and Samurai swords.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I don't like gun control, but if there was a ban on assault weapons that mother wouldn't have had the gun her crazy kid used in the recent school shooting. That one gun was able to go through several children in one shot.

What is the need for assault rifles?

The better option, in my opinion, would be to put armed guards in every school. We guard our money better than we guard our kids. That's sick. Armed guards would be a deterrent, as well. These cowards usually shoot themselves at the first sign of a gun that might be used against them.

I find the biggest fault with the mother who knew her son was loopy and had the guns where he could get them. Unfortunately, while most people are responsible gun owners, too many aren't.

I guess, in the end, I'd opt for more the the the hands of retired cops or trained guards.


New member
Hall of Fame
Apples and oranges Bub!

Hey, I know it. Find me a perfect analogy and I'll find a hat to eat.

What did Prohibition do?

Gee, I dunno. Maybe the same thing the war on drugs is doing right now?

There are more crimes prevented by the presence of guns than there are crimes prevented by guns.

This is very debatable, actually. More goes into preventing crime than folks just packing heat.

Did the scores of thousands of gun laws we already have stop what happened in Connecticut?

Owning a gun didn't help Nancy Lanza, either.

You didn't answer my question. I'll ask it again: So not a single bit of gun control legislation you can possibly in any situation imagine prevents a single crime. Ever. Is that what you're saying?

There you have it! You said "heartsickness." And you said that what we are doing now [banning guns] is not working. Thank you!

You're either being deliberately dense or just genuinely numb today, Wile. We AREN'T "banning guns." Where in the name of all that's rational and sane did you get this bugwitted idea? What we're doing now, and what you're proposing, is very simple: NOTHING. So far, "don't do a thing" is the only thing you've suggested. And here we are, twenty-six victims later, in just the latest installment of American Shoot Em Up.

Pastor Jim's solution...

Who? Wait, a pastor. Like I'd care.

Yet you promote more of the same (gun laws).

Wrong. Again. See above.

My issue is not rights and liberty. I have said nothing about rights and liberty. I believe that Christ called His followers to give up everything for Him including their so called rights.


How's giving up your PC comin' along?


New member
The harder you make it.... the less people will do it. That's just common sense.

The less folks have weapons the less the society will have to combat wicked people. The less we can combat wicked people the more wicked people will harm innocent people. It's common sense, or at least it should be.
The entire "if everyone has guns, crime will go down" theory is up for debate. On the other hand, I could not imagine everyone packing heat. Think about some of the people in this world, would you really (I mean, really) want them to have ease of access to a firearm? I could see fire fights breaking out over a woman at the bar, over a shopping cart bumping into a car, or someone running a stop sign. No thank you. Having a firearm within your own home for personal protection is one thing, issuing everyone a Smith and Wesson with their high school diploma is quite another.


New member
I support gun control

I support a good faith effort to close loopholes.

It is easy to go online, sign up and buy guns without a background check or sell guns without a Federal Firearms License. Criminals and even honest people who don't want to be subject to background checks or don't want their guns registered in certain states, can subvert the law.
(this site employs the necessary legal jargon to cover themselves but lying on your part enables you or anyone to bypass those hurdles)


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 20th, 2012 10:56 AM

toldailytopic: Do you support or oppose tightening gun control laws in USA?

No. All gun control laws do is make it harder for law abiding citizens to own them and use them for protection. The end result: the path is made easier for criminals to commit crimes against society. They don't have to face armed citizens. A citizen trained in the use of the weapon is a deterrent. With gun creasing gun control laws, only criminals will have guns.


New member
No. All gun control laws do is make it harder for law abiding citizens to own them and use them for protection. The end result: the path is made easier for criminals to commit crimes against society. They don't have to face armed citizens. A citizen trained in the use of the weapon is a deterrent. With gun creasing gun control laws, only criminals will have guns.
If someone doesn't value their own safety enough to take a class on a saturday, sign/fill out a few forms, and wait for a background check; then it's on them.


New member
Hall of Fame
The entire "if everyone has guns, crime will go down" theory is up for debate. On the other hand, I could not imagine everyone packing heat. Think about some of the people in this world, would you really (I mean, really) want them to have ease of access to a firearm? I could see fire fights breaking out over a woman at the bar, over a shopping cart bumping into a car, or someone running a stop sign. No thank you. Having a firearm within your own home for personal protection is one thing, issuing everyone a Smith and Wesson with their high school diploma is quite another.

People who say "an armed society is a polite society" seem to like the idea of not daring to offend anyone, or hesitating to speak one's mind, just in case you might get shot. What kind of madness is this?


TOL Subscriber
I could see fire fights breaking out over a woman at the bar, over a shopping cart bumping into a car, or someone running a stop sign. No thank you.

That's what they said when Florida was passing the Castle Doctrine and the Concealed Weapons Laws....the problems never materialized!


Well-known member
I can appreciate that US is different when it comes to the culture surrounding guns and the deep rooted idea of guns for self defense. What I do not get is why civilians needs to be able to buy assault rifles and sniper rifles that were designed to disable vehicles.


New member
I oppose more gun control laws in the US. Instead, they should enforce the laws already on the books.

The laws currently on the books have loopholes that need to be closed.


Is it ok to close this loophole?
It is easy to go online, sign up and buy guns without a background check or sell guns without a Federal Firearms License. Criminals and even honest people who don't want to be subject to background checks or don't want their guns registered in certain states, can subvert the law.
(this site employs the necessary legal jargon to cover themselves but lying on your part enables you or anyone to bypass those hurdles)