toldailytopic: Do all religions eventually lead to the One True God?


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 27th, 2012 08:03 AM

toldailytopic: Do all religions eventually lead to the One True God?

I believe people from other religions will be in heaven. That isn't to say that all religions are equal, or equally close to the truth.


Well-known member
I agree with Buzzword:
People who are seeking the ONE true God with all their heart will find HIM... because He is real, alive, and knows what is going on in their hearts. He is able to reveal himself.

Yet, once they find the only ONE God, who is The LORD and Savior of mankind. They must then turn from any religion that denies HIM.
Isaiah 43:11 KJV
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New member
I agree with Buzzword:
People who are seeking the ONE true God with all their heart will find HIM... because He is real, alive, and knows what is going on in their hearts. He is able to reveal himself.

Yet, once they find the only ONE God, who is The LORD and Savior of mankind. They must then turn from any religion that denies HIM.
Isaiah 43:11 KJV

I find we often fight God calling as long as we can. No , It cant depend upon my efforts, or it is not free salvation but earning a position . but after all how can a sinful person be come holy enough to be in God's prescence?


New member
I believe people from other religions will be in heaven. That isn't to say that all religions are equal, or equally close to the truth.

Only those with a personal one on one relationship with Jesus will be in Heaven.

Religion, any religion, is man's attempt to reach God.

Christianity, true Christianity, is what God has done to reach man.

(Remember, God doesn't attempt but accomplishes)


New member
I do not know and I don't think I care. What does "lead to God" mean anyway?

"Lead to God" means the same as "What must I do to inherit eternal life" as the rich young ruler asked Jesus.

it suggests we are separated from an intimate relationship with God.


New member
Jesus said he is the only way to the Father, but he did not say that only those who know (or accept) him will make it to the Father.

Jesus is the source of all truth and therefore when anyone discovers truth they are actually discovering Christ. They may not have the information to know that Christ is the source of the truth they have found, but he is that source nonetheless.

God has ,through Christ, deposited truth throughout all time and space. That's why virtually all religions have similar value systems (truth). The image of God is still actively instructing all men everywhere and at all times about what is right and good.

Now Jesus is the clearest picture of God man has ever seen and we can gladly affirm he is the truth. But he is also the source of all truth no matter where or when.

Many people of other religions have not or do not have the opportunity to learn of Christ in their lifetimes. But that doesn't mean they will all automatically go to hell- see Romans 1 and 2.

We can affirm that Jesus is the only way without saying there is no truth in other religions. Whatever truth there is in those religions still comes from Christ, they just don't know it.

And Jesus never said that only those who know him will go to heaven. He said he is the only way, which is true, but that is a long way from saying that only those who have accepted him are pleasing to God.

He also said God looks at the heart and sees whether or not someone is living by faith. That may or may not include a knowledge of Christ. Otherwise we have to believe that millions of souls will go to hell simply because they lived or are living at the wrong place and time. That doesn't sound like a God of perfect love to me.


Well-known member
No, absolutely not.

All religions have at least some smidgeon of truth in it.

But just enough for a teaser.

Scripture is God's word to mankind.

John 17:17



New member
Instead of looking at truth in other religions as a tease how about looking at it in terms of incomplete truth.

Jesus is the complete truth and our mission is to help them get more light, the light of Christ.

Why do we think God would tease anyone?

Most people do not choose the culture or religion they are born into. They are ignorant of the real truth, Christ, but they don't know it.


TOL Subscriber
That's a funny word. What's an "animous" and how do you "un-" it?


But :idunno: how you "un" it... Maybe thats what happens at the end of the game?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I talked to a young lady a while back that told me she had attended a service at a place that "accepts all religions". I have since wondered if they accept religions that instruct people to "kill the infidels"?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
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In fact you need not be religious at all to eventually find yourself in front of the One True God.

Exactly! Everyone will get their chance to see the one true God...

Is. 45:22 Look to me, and be you saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else.
Is. 45:23 By myself have I sworn, the word is gone forth from my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that to me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

Rom. 14:11 For it is written,
“‘As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘to me every knee will bow.
Every tongue will confess to God.’”

Phil. 2:9 Therefore God also highly exalted him, and gave to him the name which is above every name;
Phil. 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, those on earth, and those under the earth,
Phil. 2:11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Well-known member
There is a building at the "Holy Land Experience" in Orlando, Florida where people of all religions are welcome to come. I think they call it the Church of All Faiths.

But I believe the purpose of that building is to welcome people of all faiths in order to share truth about Jesus, and it is not meant to turn someone into a Morman, or a Baptist, Methodist, Jehovah's Witness, or etc.

It is just a welcoming non-judgmental place for anyone interested to assemble. I assume that if "those belonging to a faith that hates "infidels" and / or hates Jesus dared to or wanted to enter there - they would be allowed.


The Dark Knight
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toldailytopic: Do all religions eventually lead to the One True God?


In fact you need not be religious at all to eventually find yourself in front of the One True God.
Ding ding
Ding ding ding

toldailytopic: Do all religions eventually lead to the One True God?

Yes. Christ leads to Him as our Savior, everything else leads to Him as Judge.*

*credit to Bob Enyart.


New member
Seek and you shall find. God can be found in the heart of all religions, but only if you enter the quest. And you can enter the quest without joining a church or religion. God above all, through all, and in all. Ephesians 4:6


New member
Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me"
That means, when we live according to the Christ within each of us, we live the truth. When we don't, we miss the mark; but Christ is still within us. The Christ is our own relationship and expression of the One Higher Self.

Jesus was its exemplar, and He lives. People follow Him, and that's a way of knowing that inner Christ.


New member
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No, there is only one God, The Father, The Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

No man comes to the Father but by Christ. All other paths lead to hell.
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