toldailytopic: Cats or dogs? Which makes the better pet?

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The Graphite

New member
Why do people feel the need to explain just how not-homo they are if they're not homo? :think:
You totally missed the point, neighbor.

All of the above is no secret around here, in all the years I have come to TOL. My point was that the post I was responding to seemed to completely ignore what was already fairly common knowledge, and interpreted my previous post 180 degrees backward.

I don't need to prove anything to anyone. And I wasn't trying to.


New member
You totally missed the point, neighbor.

All of the above is no secret around here, in all the years I have come to TOL. My point was that the post I was responding to seemed to completely ignore what was already fairly common knowledge, and interpreted my previous post 180 degrees backward.

I don't need to prove anything to anyone. And I wasn't trying to.

Did you forget to take your sense of humor pill this morning? :idunno:

You've been a very serious Joe from your very first, heavily over-analyzed post in this thread...

Where's that characteristic Graphite wit?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
That poor kitty cat. And I don't think you'd need much to clean it up if you just give the dog enough time to finish the job thoroughly.

...actually, I figured it would be the dog which would require the pity. :think:
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The Graphite

New member
...actually, I figured it would be the dog which would require the pity. :think:
My sentiments, exactly! My very average-sized Norwegian forest cat was able to stare down dogs 6 times her size, including a boxer. They knew not to mess with her.

TomO, that picture is hilarious! All it needs is a little .WAV file to go with it, of Keanu Reeves saying, "Whoa... I know kung-fu."

Brother Vinny

Active member
Hopefully you're not referring to that lonely place. :vomit:

Oh that is so gross.

On dogs/cats and masculinity/femininity, I would think the contrary to what was suggested is true. Pop culture refers to men as dogs, a fight between girls as a catfight, and will make reference to female genitalia using feline terminology. R&B song "Atomic Dog" by George Clinton refers to the male singer's lust as "the dog in me," while he plaintively asks the questions, "Why must I be like that? Why must I chase the cat?"

Also, many guys I know (usually sci-fi/gamer types) are messy, smelly, etc., while women are, in general, a hygienic lot.
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