toldailytopic: Are you planning to take part in the "National eat at Chick-fil-A Day"


Well-known member
No, I won't be.

But best to you all... I hope it went well with the fast food chicken sandwiches.


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Hall of Fame
I think I am going to go tomorrow (Friday) during the LGBT "kiss-in" protest. Each time a couple attempts to kiss...I am going to put a chicken sandwich between their faces.


New member
5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday

"By rallying behind [Chick-Fil-A], Christians put an issue above people. And it’s impossible to follow Jesus when issues trump people."
-Matthew Paul Turner

I post this with the understanding that at least half the people on TOL will either not read it and insult the article, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it, or read it and insult it, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it.

But the American Christian community truly dropped the ball throughout this entire situation.


Well-known member
5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday

"By rallying behind [Chick-Fil-A], Christians put an issue above people. And it’s impossible to follow Jesus when issues trump people."
-Matthew Paul Turner

I post this with the understanding that at least half the people on TOL will either not read it and insult the article, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it, or read it and insult it, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it.

But the American Christian community truly dropped the ball throughout this entire situation.

I could not get your link to open for me. It may be my old lap top not cooperating ... but here are my thoughts anyway.

The people, who I knew that went ... went for the same reason I did. To protest government leaders who felt that they needed to threaten to use their authority to punish an American citizen because he expressed a view that they did not like. This is an attack upon our American right to free speech... and certainly is an expression of their intolerance of people, who do not share their views.

For elected officials, who actually have the power to carry out their threats, to insinuate that they plan to harm a fellow citizen and an American company because of the owner's views is appalling, insulting, and a threat to all citizens.

I say that you and your article may have misunderstood the issue... and have jumped to a prejudice conclusion that this was just a Christians event. Many different people attended this Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.


New member
5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday

"By rallying behind [Chick-Fil-A], Christians put an issue above people. And it’s impossible to follow Jesus when issues trump people."
-Matthew Paul Turner

I post this with the understanding that at least half the people on TOL will either not read it and insult the article, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it, or read it and insult it, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it.

But the American Christian community truly dropped the ball throughout this entire situation.

What were they supposed to do?

Why, they, we, were supposed to just be silent and let the liberal, left-wing, progressives (read Marxists), trample on the US Constitution because it had to do with free speech of a Christian. Everyone knows, or is supposed to know, that only Party members in good standing have the freedom to speak their minds in public, and then, ONLY IF they are going to utter Partyspeak.



New member
5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday

"By rallying behind [Chick-Fil-A], Christians put an issue above people. And it’s impossible to follow Jesus when issues trump people."
-Matthew Paul Turner

I post this with the understanding that at least half the people on TOL will either not read it and insult the article, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it, or read it and insult it, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it.

But the American Christian community truly dropped the ball throughout this entire situation.

Very interesting!
As a citizen, I support your right to draw specious conclusions and natter on about them same as anybody else!
It is called Freedom!
The owner of Chick-Fil-A is exercising his freedom and the support shown by thousands of Americans is also an exercise of freedom.


New member
Hall of Fame
5 Reasons Why the Church Failed Yesterday

"By rallying behind [Chick-Fil-A], Christians put an issue above people. And it’s impossible to follow Jesus when issues trump people."
-Matthew Paul Turner

I post this with the understanding that at least half the people on TOL will either not read it and insult the article, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it, or read it and insult it, Matt Turner, and myself for posting it.

But the American Christian community truly dropped the ball throughout this entire situation.

Buzzword, that's the most ridiculous thing I've read all week. Seriously. :nono:

Chick-Fil-A came under attack for its owner's beliefs. Those that shared those beliefs or were simply offended by the nature of the attack came to their defense in showing support for them. You and this Matt Turner guy can't see that because you're blind.

The entire blog post completely ignores (quite obviously because the author is utterly blind to it) that there are two groups of people here. One group on the attack and the other come to the defense of those under attack. In your mind and the authors, quite obviously, you have those roles reversed. In your mind Chick-Fil-A and all those that defend them are on the attack, and unjustly at that.

Blind. And worse, the blind leading the blind.


New member
Hall of Fame
I think I am going to go tomorrow (Friday) during the LGBT "kiss-in" protest. Each time a couple attempts to kiss...I am going to put a chicken sandwich between their faces.

LOL please have a friend or family member or even a bystander take pics of that and come back and show us! :)


New member
Hall of Fame
LOL please have a friend or family member or even a bystander take pics of that and come back and show us! :)

Nothin' like some good-old fashioned assault to pass the time. Me, I kill an Indian on my Friday afternoon break. Figure it's their fault, being on our land before we got here.:smokie:


New member
Hall of Fame
Nothin' like some good-old fashioned assault to pass the time. Me, I kill an Indian on my Friday afternoon break. Figure it's their fault, being on our land before we got here.:smokie:

Sad. My heart goes out to the Indians, if anyone in this country was ever discriminated against and treated unfairly, its them.

Im not sure where chatmaggot said he was going to assault someone either.


New member
Hall of Fame
Gotta love those tolerant liberals:

Conservatives blast Chick-fil-A 'Tastes like hate' vandalism

Southern California Chick-fil-A employees were greeted Fridays morning with the words "Tastes like hate" scrawled in large black lettering mimicking the chain's advertising across the back wall of one of its Torrance restaurants. The vandalism comes on the same day that gay marriage supporters have called for a national same-sex kiss day.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sad. My heart goes out to the Indians, if anyone in this country was ever discriminated against and treated unfairly, its them.

Im not sure where chatmaggot said he was going to assault someone either.

Just got back from Chick-fil-A. Had a chicken sandwich, waffle fries, and chocolate shake. No kissing gays...but it was pretty full of chicken eating folks.