Are you going to discuss things or are you just going to troll?
Neither, actually. Just playing the "I am superior" game you started.
A bit rich coming from someone who's first post in the thread accused all liberals of supporting affirmative action and of desiring to create divisions in the workplace. Then in subsequent posts you mutter stuff about "progressives".
:rotfl: Wasn't an accusation. It was factual observation, your errant characterization notwithstanding.
And what have I asserted anyway? That you have not justified your statement? That is obvious to everyone.
You have asserted yourself as some intellectually superior arrogating entity. All you did was deny the premise by using yourself as an example. I have no reason to suspect you are universal in that regard. Your replies are the fairly standard muddling tripe I've come to expect from those who try and pass off obfuscating balderdash as rational thought.
Obviously not, if I wanted you to think for me I'd say "Yes Frank! Of course Frank! Liberals are stupid Frank! What else do you want me to believe Frank? Be a Christian, move to the USA and vote Republican? Yes sir, Frank!"
No, you wouldn't. As a liberal you see no difference between dictatorship and rational persuasion. I do agree that some liberals are stupid and thanks for bringing it up. Of course you want someone else to do your thinking for you, preferably someone who will reinforce your bloated self-image.
Instead I asked for your argument and evidence so I can assess the logic and reasoning for myself rather than just take your word on it.
No, you didn't. You made up a scenario which fits your pre-conceived template.
In what universe does that count as asking other to "think for me"?
Simply describing the behaviour I see. I leave the door wide open for you to show otherwise but so far you have chosen not to. I ask you a question about what you say and you choose not to respond to it, so I fill in the blanks as best I can myself.
Pre-conceived arguments, pre-conceived conclusions, not based on anything factual, simply your notion of how your own narrative should proceed.
I notice you are yet to actually address the topic of this thread other than obliquely in your swipe at liberals. I've made several posts on it, care to do the same? Perhaps respond to one of them if you are just going to respond to my current questions with further insults, assertions and general trolling?
I addressed it as far as I needed to. You didn't like it which was a "so what" moment for me.
You can either come up with something tangible or continue to flail wildly in the breeze hoping for some overtly emotional response you can pick at.