toldailytopic: 4 years later, how has Obama impacted this nation?

Nathon Detroit

Where are the examples of this happening? It's easy for you and Rush to spew and sputter, but I see no big changes causing the sky to fall in. I see little change, period. In fact, I think that's Obama's greatest shortcoming - his inability to make any significant changes happen.
Have you ever heard of Obamacare?


Well-known member
Have you ever heard of Obamacare?
You mean Romneycare renamed? Sure. But it's hardly what anyone would call a big change. It's just a collection of band aids being applied to a terminally ill health care system. And it's hardly going to make the sky fall in.

I really wish we actually could have made the changes Obama wanted. Real changes, that would have had real and positive results. But the lobbyists weren't going to allow it. Their bosses in the medical, insurance, and pharmaceutical industries are all making big fat profits from the dysfunctional mess that we have now, and they aren't about let anyone fix it.

Like I said, Obama's flaw is his inability to enact real changes. Not the changes he's actually made.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Have you ever heard of Obamacare?

I've heard of it, but I don't really know what it means in detail. As far as how it effects me or my boss I have no clue.
I think the insurance companies did have some shady stuff going on and some reform/ regulation was in order. Insurance companies are bookies and they weren't paying up when they lost the bet.

The thing I don't get is we have Medicare, Medicaid, and now Obama care, why don't we just one way of dealing with the poor on this?
I bet we are paying tons of government employees to do redundent tasks. Nobody ever wants to address that.

That's why I think Romney might be good at the job, that's what he did, bought broken things, took them apart and made new stuff from the parts.


No, that was George Bush. All Obama has been is our first black president. Other than that, he hasn't really done anything outstanding.

The legecy of Omama's presidancy could I think, be best echoed in the words of F.D.R. "This is a day that will live in infamy!":Commie:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, that was George Bush. All Obama has been is our first black president. Other than that, he hasn't really done anything outstanding.

But he's only half Black, so the title of first Completly Black President is still to be had.

Also to be had are;
Native American
People not born here or not covered under the convoluted set of laws we have, had, will have.
We got a Mormon up to bat by I have a feeling that most "Christians" have no idea what that means.
Interesting times.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Other than Obamacare, the consumer protection bureau, rescuing the auto makers and the economic stimulus that saved us from a great depression.
You do realize that Conservitives don't see all that as all being good things right?


And what is so horrible about Obamacare? It's a free market Republican idea (created by the Heritage institute) and there is no other Republican alternative to healthcare reform.

You guys should be overjoyed that a democrat had the temerity to push through a Republican idea instead of expanding medicare when he had the chance.

Obama care is an unmitigated dezaster no matter which party is responsible for it. Have you not done the math on this?


Well-known member
You do realize that Conservitives don't see all that as all being good things right?
Yes, I recognize that.

Though I have a hard time seeing the complete and utter flip flop by the right on the individual mandate, since it was a Republican idea. It's almost as if, when Obama proposes something, no matter what it is, it must be opposed by the right. :think:

Oh wait . . .


I was responding to "he hasn't done anything outstanding".


Well-known member
Obama care is an unmitigated dezaster no matter which party is responsible for it. Have you not done the math on this?

Explain how it is a "dezaster".

It eliminates lifetime caps on insurance coverage.

It helps people with pre-existing conditions get coverage. I have a friend that has been totally unable to get coverage for years and was able to under this law.

It creates markets where people can buy insurance more cheaply.

It allows young people to stay on their parents plans for longer.

As good as it is, a single payer system or a system like Switzerland or Germany's would be better. Insurance coverage shouldn't be tied to employment. It's a needless burden on businesses.


Well-known member
I've heard of it, but I don't really know what it means in detail. As far as how it effects me or my boss I have no clue.
I think the insurance companies did have some shady stuff going on and some reform/ regulation was in order. Insurance companies are bookies and they weren't paying up when they lost the bet.

The thing I don't get is we have Medicare, Medicaid, and now Obama care, why don't we just one way of dealing with the poor on this?
I bet we are paying tons of government employees to do redundent tasks. Nobody ever wants to address that.

That's why I think Romney might be good at the job, that's what he did, bought broken things, took them apart and made new stuff from the parts.
Medicare and medicaid are essentially the same thing. One is government health insurance for the old and disabled and the other is for the children and the poor. And actually it works surprisingly efficiently. It's far more cost-effective than private insurance because there is some ability for price limiting and collective purchasing. And believe it or not medicare/medicaid are actually managed much more efficiently than private insurance because they are uniform in coverage and in their system requirements.

Basically, it's an expanded version of medicare that includes everyone that most of the other nations on the planet use to provide health care to their citizens. And it would be the obvious method for us to use to do the same. It would cost us half what we pay now, and everyone would have health care.

But we can't do this because the insurance, health care, and pharmaceutical industries are making big money from the messed up system that we have, and they spend a lot of money bribing the legislature to make sure things stay the way they are. That's how we ended up with the mess we are now calling "Obamacare" even though it was "Romneycare" back when Romney did it and is not what Obama originally proposed or wanted.


Well-known member
But he's only half Black, so the title of first Completly Black President is still to be had.
No one cares about anyone being "half black". The point is that he is the first non-white president. And that is a milestone whether good or bad.


Well-known member
You guys should be overjoyed that a democrat had the temerity to push through a Republican idea instead of expanding medicare when he had the chance.
He never had the chance. The democrats in the legislature are just as bought and paid for by the lobbyists and their corporate bosses as the republicans are. That was the wall Obama ran into when he tried to actually reform the health care system the way it should be done.


Well-known member
He never had the chance. The democrats in the legislature are just as bought and paid for by the lobbyists and their corporate bosses as the republicans are. That was the wall Obama ran into when he tried to actually reform the health care system the way it should be done.

True. I do remember the senate being a mess with the "blue dogs". I don't know that everyone was bought, but enough were to stop appropriate reform. It still doesn't make sense for Republicans to fight against the mandate though. It should be big time profits for insurance companies since they get so many more clients. But maybe not AS big as without reform. >.<


Well-known member
True. I do remember the senate being a mess with the "blue dogs". I don't know that everyone was bought, but enough were to stop appropriate reform. It still doesn't make sense for Republicans to fight against the mandate though. It should be big time profits for insurance companies since they get so many more clients. But maybe not AS big as without reform. >.<
Every other nation on the planet that has national health care has done it by limiting costs. Both the cost of the insurance (if they do it that way) and the cost of medical materials and procedures. When we implement Romney/Obamacare, it's probably going to be expensive, because we are not limiting the cost of either of these. This increase in expense will place the profits of insurance, health care conglomerates, and drug companies squarely in opposition to health care for everyone, AND focus our attention on the insanely high cost of insurance, health care, and drugs in this country.

I think that's what these corporate bosses are really afraid of: that we will begin to realize that we are being gouged, and have been price-gouged by these companies for decades. They know that at their current profit margins, we simply cannot sustain health care for everyone.