toldailytopic: 4 years later, how has Obama impacted this nation?

Nathon Detroit

Hermit, that's the point: these people are interchangeable. Doesn't matter who's in there; the show goes on, the system keeps on feeding, the wheels keep rolling.
You are wrong granite.

Case in point... Jimmy Carter sucked as a president and Ronald Reagan got this country firing on all cylinders. Those two presidents were NOT interchangeable.

Similarly... Obama has been a dramatically worse president than anyone before him (although Carter is a close second).


Hermit, that's the point: these people are interchangeable. Doesn't matter who's in there; the show goes on, the system keeps on feeding, the wheels keep rolling. What does it tell you when you're sure anyone in there would have done at least as crummy a job as the current guy in the big seat?

Doesn't matter who's in there. Blame the ones they serve, not the empty suits.

I am not blaming Obama for the sate of the nation as it existed when he took office. I am blaming him for the state of the nation as it currently stands. What McCain or Hillary may or may not have done is quite irrelevant. The matter that is pressing is what this man HAS done to our country.


New member
Case in point... Jimmy Carter sucked as a president and Ronald Reagan got this country firing on all cylinders. Those two presidents were NOT interchangeable.

Isn't it hypothetically possible to intentionally gut a nation through expansion, i.e. getting the country firing on all cylinders? For example, the real estate bubble that eventually popped.


New member
Hall of Fame
I am not blaming Obama for the sate of the nation as it existed when he took office. I am blaming him for the state of the nation as it currently stands. What McCain or Hillary may or may not have done is quite irrelevant. The matter that is pressing is what this man HAS done to our country.

I understand what you're doing, I simply disagree with your approach, outlook, and way of understanding history. Again: I'd say we haven't had truly dynamic presidents--as in those who truly understood how to act independently, and understood where true power lay--since roughly 1968.* Laying the success or failure, perceived or otherwise, of an entire superpower at one man's feet strikes me as near-sighted and foolhardy. We need to be bigger picture people.

* Not to say there weren't puppets before (Rutherford Hayes, anybody?) but we've had nothing but puppets, salesmen, spokesmen, etc., since approximately '68.

Nathon Detroit

Isn't it hypothetically possible to intentionally gut a nation through expansion, i.e. getting the country firing on all cylinders? For example, the real estate bubble that eventually popped.
Are you blaming Reagan for the real estate bubble???

Nathon Detroit

When companies are profitable, and employment is up... we can survive the popping of bubbles. Bring on the bubbles!!!

But when companies and corporations are retracting and moving their wealth out of the country to avoid government penalties bubbles hurt more when they pop.

Currently, the people with wealth are scared. They are not spending money. They are hiding their money because they are afraid of their government. That's what is killing us now.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Exactly what do you expect the president to do? What is his job as commander and chief?


I understand what you're doing, I simply disagree with your approach, outlook, and way of understanding history. Again: I'd say we haven't had truly dynamic presidents--as in those who truly understood how to act independently, and understood where true power lay--since roughly 1968.* Laying the success or failure, perceived or otherwise, of an entire superpower at one man's feet strikes me as near-sighted and foolhardy. We need to be bigger picture people.
* Not to say there weren't puppets before (Rutherford Hayes, anybody?) but we've had nothing but puppets, salesmen, spokesmen, etc., since approximately '68.

Don't get me wrong. I have little more regard fot the Republican party than I do for the Democratic party. Since Roosevelt, they all share in the blame. The point I am trying to make about Obama is that instead of trying to correct the failled ecconomic policies of the past 70 plus years, he has served only to exasterbate and escalate the problem.


New member
If we are being deliberately gutted, and a nation can be gutted through expansion as well as contraction, it follows that it likely doesn't matter who the "leader" is.

Nathon Detroit

Exactly what do you expect the president to do? What is his job as commander and chief?
First and foremost.... a president should help get government out of the way.

Let people make money! It's not a bad thing.

In fact... when people are freed up to make money they might get rich, but in the process they build businesses, they hire people, rent and buy real estate, they buy cars, boats, etc. The are the very engine that drives the economy.

Obama has been hell-bent on making the small business man look evil. Obama has done everything in his power to restrict the private sector.

It's that restriction that is strangling the economy.

Even Democrat business folks see what's happening here and they don't like it.


Well-known member
Just pointing a finger at only the president doesn't reveal the whole problem ... It takes more than one man to ruin a country.

The problem is the supporters of the Dem. Party, which seems to be about 1/2 of our country now. They are the ones who elect these leaders, who set the stage for godless change in our nation. It is a mindset within our citizens that leads them to go along with leaving God out of schools and now to leave Him out of their Party Platform.

When an amendment was made to add God back into the platform ... the nays were louder and actually the amendment was rejected by the Dem citizens ... Yet, the chairman seemed to over rule the majority of nays and called the vote to satisfy political pay back to our wishy-washy presidential candidate Obama, who wanted to put up a good but false front.

The people knew their wish to leave God out was not being upheld and, therefore, the boos followed the political maneuvering.


Well-known member
4 years later, how has Obama impacted this nation?
Well, I suppose he can claim that he staved off total economic disaster. Although that's a claim that can't ever be validated (being of the 'what if' type). And he can claim that the economy has improved, a little. He has increased both the respect and the appreciation of the U.S. among people in the rest of the world. He is not a moron and a fool, which is clearly a step above the last president we had representing us. And he's at least willing to talk about changing things for the better, even if he can't or won't do much about achieving it, except talk.

Nathon Detroit

Well, I suppose he can claim that he staved off total economic disaster. Although that's a claim that can't ever be validated (being of the 'what if' type). And he can claim that the economy has improved, a little. He has increased both the respect and the appreciation of the U.S. among people in the rest of the world. He is not a moron and a fool, which is clearly a step above the last president we had representing us. And he's at least willing to talk about changing things for the better, even if he can't or won't do much about achieving it, except talk.
You liberals are so completely blind it's down right scary.

Not only has Obama not helped, he has hurt this country in ways that we may never recover from. He has taken bad policy and made it dramatically worse.


New member
Hall of Fame
And.... it's that kind of moronic, asinine statement that makes all of us fully realize what a retard you are.


With all due respect, I'd appreciate it if you tried to treat me with some. This is just the latest in a long line of juvenile insults that, frankly, are completely unprovoked. As a paying customer on TOL (and a long-time one at that) I don't appreciate you insulting me for no reason whatsoever, especially when I've tried, repeatedly, to engage in a meaningful discussion on this thread. You're more than capable of a mature discussion. I'd like you to try to have one.

When the American people are stirred up by special interests and pitted against one another for largely fictitious reasons, that angers me. When we're lied to and fed the same slop from two different troughs every four years, that angers me. When we're reduced to name calling and fool ourselves into calling that discourse or debate, that angers me. We're being played for suckers. This is not a liberal, or progressive, or conservative issue--those are labels that don't really even mean that much anymore. They've been turned into brands and memes. I said earlier in this thread that as a people we need to start thinking bigger picture. This small petty partisan garbage we keep lapping up is a disgrace. We're being played. And we need to stop going along with the con.


Well-known member
Not only has Obama not helped, he has hurt this country in ways that we may never recover from. He has taken bad policy and made it dramatically worse.
Where are the examples of this happening? It's easy for you and Rush to spew and sputter, but I see no big changes causing the sky to fall in. I see little change, period. In fact, I think that's Obama's greatest shortcoming - his inability to make any significant changes happen.