TOL is for Dialogue!!!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what happen to 18 and 19?

gone, like it never even happened

didn't you have a nice dialogue with meshak?

no one is going to believe it

what is with this new avatar?

it's breitbart

isn't he political?

was political

what are you trying to tell us?

we have a big election coming up

so you are going to be political?

what did you expect?


Eclectic Theosophist


gave you a positive rep
to make up for the negative ones you may get from those mad people
they may just call you a name
you are lucky

Thank you, I give out pos reps regularly, and happy to share the love. The name-callers come and go, but reality remains is timeless. All else in the theological arena is subject to change, interpretation, translation and personal bias, among other things. 'God' has many names and forms,...furthermore the gift of language helps illumine as well as distort truth. Happy is the seeker who recognizes this and more.

MAD folks concern me little, and these days both 'pos' and 'neg' reps don't really affect your current 'score' anyways, as far as we know. So, its mostly 'cosmetics' if but only a 'gesture' of 'approval' or 'disapproval'. Its easy to relegate 'this' or 'that' to any given 'dispensation' when such a view suits your preferred POV ;)
Its just a 'POV' (point of view).



Eclectic Theosophist
For Pete's sake................

For Pete's sake................

so they are kicking peter around again

they even have a name for it

peter primacy

Oh yes,.....Peter comes under fire when the papacy rears its regal head :) We still have some extant threads on Peter which I've added to, its always a fun subject.

someone has to be in charge

you mean like the president


some think the bible is in charge

whose interpretation?

doesn't it mean what it says?

is that a joke?

Well,....there is the place for leadership, direction and vision in any given religious movement, so some persons fill that role to whatever degree. We only have limited instances in the records giving primacy to Peter, and the key-passage itself (Matt. 16:18) is subject to 'interpretation' so that Peter might not after all be the 'sole' keeper of the keys (so to speak), as we see in a related passage that all believers are given the 'keys' to the bind and to loose. Therefore, it is a universal grant to the church, although some persons will of course be in positions of leadership using those KEYS for kingdom services.

someone has to make the call

every time there is a pitch

How lovely the metaphor above,...since yes...there are various 'callings',...and various 'pitches' order to sell various religious propaganda or doctrines. Hence the need for 'discernment'....wisdom.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
looks like freelight needs some attention

he just needs another hand


on one hand he has this and on the other he has that

maybe he is afraid to commit

you have to start with a premise

won't that prevent him from considering all the possibilities?

only reason and logic will do that

why not push the envelope

I prefer to think outside the box

what allows you to do that?

reason and logic


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so who is breitbart?

someone who took on the liberal media and won

what does that mean?

you can't trust the liberal media

what about fox?

someone needs to keep them honest

so what did breitbart do?

he started a web site for news you might not get elsewhere

how did you find out about this?

I read a book


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so what's with the four horsemen?

it is always popular

so why did you start up the thread again?

had a new insight into the four living creatures

doesn't the kjv refer to them as beasts?

that is very confusing

so what was your insight?

the lion is God, the ox is a beast, and the man is a man

so what does that tell you?

the rider of the white horse is a good guy

the rest are not?



So dialogue, darn it!

Of course I, too, believe in dialogue on these forums. What I have run into, unfortunately, are monitors who have decided my ideas are un-Christian and are upsetting fellow believers.

This is not true. I do tend to focus on Jesus instead of the theology that grew up around him after his crucifixion, but I try to be fair and judicious by setting out my ideas along with biblical verses that confirm them.

I still wonder about Meshak. Here was a person who called us out for not following a lot of what Jesus said, particularly about the poor.
She would post verse after verse that showed Jesus talking about the destitute, but for some reason she was banned.

She did upset a lot of folks, but I am in favor of inviting all to share our community meal. After all, Jesus advocated sharing food and drink with people we would normally turn our noses up to.

The more dialogue, the more we can expand the pool of meaning.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Of course I, too, believe in dialogue on these forums. What I have run into, unfortunately, are monitors who have decided my ideas are un-Christian and are upsetting fellow believers.

This is not true. I do tend to focus on Jesus instead of the theology that grew up around him after his crucifixion, but I try to be fair and judicious by setting out my ideas along with biblical verses that confirm them.

I still wonder about Meshak. Here was a person who called us out for not following a lot of what Jesus said, particularly about the poor.
She would post verse after verse that showed Jesus talking about the destitute, but for some reason she was banned.

She did upset a lot of folks, but I am in favor of inviting all to share our community meal. After all, Jesus advocated sharing food and drink with people we would normally turn our noses up to.

The more dialogue, the more we can expand the pool of meaning.

interesting that you would use meshak as an example

do you think she engages is dialogue?


interesting that you would use meshak as an example

do you think she engages is dialogue?

Yes, because I did see her responding to others' posts to her.

The posters who kept making fun of her hat were not really taken seriously by her and she did not dialogue with them. After all, what's the point? You cannot dialogue with people who are actively attacking and mocking you.

Her verses from the New Testament certainly seemed to have enraged a lot of folks on this site.


Eclectic Theosophist
dialoguing for God.............

dialoguing for God.............

looks like freelight needs some attention

he just needs another hand


on one hand he has this and on the other he has that

maybe he is afraid to commit

you have to start with a premise

won't that prevent him from considering all the possibilities?

only reason and logic will do that

why not push the envelope

I prefer to think outside the box

what allows you to do that?

reason and logic

I'm all about 'creative dialogue', but that takes 2 engaging in a creative flow, a synergy of sorts.

This space is our to engage, in whatever endeavor we set our intention towards.

Consciousness arises from 'no-thing' yet translates itself into and as 'every-thing'.

In theology we explore, articulate and expound on the concept of 'God' and the 'God' beyond concept :)



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm all about 'creative dialogue', but that takes 2 engaging in a creative flow, a synergy of sorts.

This space is our to engage, in whatever endeavor we set our intention towards.

Consciousness arises from 'no-thing' yet translates itself into and as 'every-thing'.

In theology we explore, articulate and expound on the concept of 'God' and the 'God' beyond concept :)


what about reason and logic?

what about purpose and meaning?


Eclectic Theosophist
Dialogue is limited or 'conditioned' by various factors...

Dialogue is limited or 'conditioned' by various factors...

Yes, because I did see her responding to others' posts to her.

The posters who kept making fun of her hat were not really taken seriously by her and she did not dialogue with them. After all, what's the point? You cannot dialogue with people who are actively attacking and mocking you.

Her verses from the New Testament certainly seemed to have enraged a lot of folks on this site.

meshak is limited to her own context of study/knowledge, as when I share resource sites and research-portals with her, she is not interested in such scholarly or comparative works usually,...but goes on her own 'interpretation' of what Jesus teaches. I've noted the whole comparison and differences between Jesus and Paul's teaching is a controversial area as the tenets of Judaism and Paul's anti-law teachings conflict, as well as other controversial aspects challenging the validity of Paul being a true disciple of Jesus. Many contest that, - I as well have problems with Paul on various levels, but agree with his universal and gnostic insights on some particulars. Unfortunately some have exalted Paul's letters and 'his' gospel as the height or pinnacle of revelatory truth,...and it is appealing...since its a 'free meal-ticket' to heaven for a lot of folks, hailing the 'faith without works' concept.

You usually see where people are limited and if they are willing to really research and dialogue, attempting to see where the other is coming from, both trying to understand and respect the others point of view,...and know where to pursue discussion and where its been exhausted,.....that's the challenge.
