TOL is for Dialogue!!!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it's rather dull in town

anna will think that is a reference to town

don't see much of her lately

arthur may also react

somebody has to protect him

why is that?

I can only speculate

I love it when you speculate

it may just be an excuse to attack someone you don't like

that is interesting

why they don't like someone is also interesting

how would you know that?

can't really know that

more speculation?

victims need to hold someone responsible

what else can they do?

hold themselves responsible



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it's rather dull in town

my fair lady?

a great story

was she a feminist?

no way

she threw his slippers at him

at least she got them for him

so not a victim

she took advantage of every opportunity

she was a good girl

and she knew it


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it's rather dull in town

is about town?


about tol?


so what is going on?


isn't that better than chaos?

to some extent that is true

so we need someone to stir the pot?

not when you are cooking

to stimulate dialogue?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it's rather dull in town

so what is with this quixote stuff?

he is my hero

so why didn't you use his name?

just didn't think of it at the time

so it bothers you someone else is using it?

someone that doesn't know what it is all about

how do you know that?

he won't tell us

how did you figure it out?

I don't know, I just did

so how did it interest you?

the song to dream the impossible dream

anything else?

my sister gave me a wooden statue of don quixote?

did you know why?


anything else

the girl I married had three pictures of him

so you had to find out what it is all about?

sure and I tried to read the book

did you finish it?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it's rather dull in town

so what is with this quixote stuff?

it's rather dull in town

there is other stuff

better than dreaming the impossible dream?

so you see yourself fighting windmills?

others do

is town one of them?

my favorite one


he is dangerous

how is that?

he provides cover to those who are not so clever

what is wrong with that?

you should be able to defend your views on your own

but you need the pope

we need the pope to identify wrongheadedness

but you don't always agree with him

that is because I think

and others should as well?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it's rather dull in town

so what is with this quixote stuff?

it's rather dull in town

do you see a difference with meshak and res gone?

we still have wordsponge

does it depend on whose ox they are goring?

I can only speculate

I love it when you speculate


that's your speculation?


that keeps the post short

I love short posts


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it's rather dull in town

are you picking on town again



he is dangerous


he helps others ignore the fact that the democratic party supports abortion

how does he do that?

with sophist arguments

how does he do that?

by misrepresenting the republican party as actually supporting abortion

he says they aren't doing anything about it

that is not true and that completely ignores the fact that the democrats are doing everything they can do to block whatever the republicans try to do


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what is going on?

I am just trying to show that the republicans oppose abortion

why is that necessary?

town and rusha don't think so

don't they say they are pro life?


so why don't they believe the republicans are?

I can only speculate

I love it when you speculate

they want to vote for democrats

the democrats support abortion

it doesn't make any difference if the republicans also support abortion

the republicans are doing whatever they can to restrict abortion

and the democrats are fighting them every step of the way

town and rusha don't see that?

go figure


Well-known member
Do you accept that Christians are only those people who are 'in Christ'

And do you accept that Christians differ in no way from the Lord Jesus Christ, except in only one way and this is that the Lord Jesus Christ is head of the body of Christ?

Do you hold this belief?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what is going on?

I am just trying to show that the democrats support abortion

everybody knows that

but they still want to be able to vote for democrats


unions, teachers, environment, lawyers, blacks, feminists, homosexuals

no wonder they win so much

all they have to do is ignore the abortion problem

how do you do that?

convince others that the republicans also support abortion

their platform is pro life

convince others that is meaningless

will that work?

it is working

are voters that stupid?

no, they just need a little cover

so you can fool some of the people?

you don't have to fool that many


depending on the turnout the democrats have a lock on 45% of the vote


Eclectic Theosophist
The spiritual 'Christ'.......

The spiritual 'Christ'.......

Do you accept that Christians are only those people who are 'in Christ'

Depends on who you ask ;) Those early Jewish followers of Jesus who did not accept Paul, probably would disagree on the qualifications of what makes one a 'Christian' defined by later gentile Christian standards and modern day innovations. As you know, the mystical term of being "in Christ" is a spiritual notion and position in some mystical 'Christ'.

And do you accept that Christians differ in no way from the Lord Jesus Christ, except in only one way and this is that the Lord Jesus Christ is head of the body of Christ?

We can assume a spiritual oneness of being and purpose within all of God's creations, all souls who are aligned to the Christ-consciousness, so in this sense....we are all individual expressions of Spirit, being one community. Obviously relationally, Christ is assumed to be the head of a spiritual body of sons, so as long as he's assumed to be the 'head',....there is a noted distinction there.



Eclectic Theosophist
Creative dialogue.....

Creative dialogue.....

sometimes you do have to stir the pot

Stirring is good, and the adding of just the right 'seasonings' :)

Trouble is that some find both actions a bit disturbing or threatening to their pre-scripted religious recipes...which cant be altered one iota, lest the wrath of god comes down and burns them to a crisp.

I've always been an advocate of 'creative dialogue',....which only a few here really endeavor to pursue, but its the more positive, constructive, innovative route to go, in the interest of maintaining an engaging discussion 'respectfully', without demonizing, condemning, ad hominems, attacks, and other malicious condescending tactics, which are far from the fruit of the Holy Spirit, to say nothing of human courtesy and decency.

If TOL is for dialogue, remains for each dialoguer to make the forum into what it is, and expand it to what it can be. The sky is the limit :)

Spirit is INFINITE.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what is going on?

I am just trying to show that the democrats support abortion

everybody knows that

so why are they bashing the republicans?

they didn't do anything when they had the chance

the democrats were blocking everything they tried to do

what did they try to do?

put conservatives on the court

what would that do?

allow laws restricting abortion and protect marriage

protect marriage?

marriage protects the child

based on what?

what is good for the child


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what is going on?

I am just trying to show that the democrats support abortion

everybody knows that

so why is the barbarian bashing the republicans every chance he gets?

maybe he supports abortion

he says he is pro life

why would he bash the only party that is pro life?

he is a teacher

that explains a lot

he supports unions

that explains everything

it also explains why he is despicable

for supporting unions?

for ignoring all the babies that are killed for the sake of unions


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

wake up

what happened?

somebody just posted

oh no, not another homosexual thread

somebody is bashing the republicans

the barbarian?

no, it's a right winger

are you sure?

can you believe what they say?


why not?

they could be liars

why would they lie about a thing like that?

liberals get beat up around here

what if you are just a trouble maker?

you get banned

so who is causing trouble?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame

wake up

what happened?

somebody got banned

you woke me up for that?

they are also talking about the whore church

did you tell them it is a city?

well they have a better understanding of scripture

so when it says city, it doesn't mean city?

you have to be inspired to know that

you have to test the spirits

test is not in their bible

how will they know they are being tested?

they don't have to be tested


they are already saved




Well-known member
Hall of Fame

wake up

what happened?

you got reported

soon there will be nothing to report

I think you got warned

saw that

maybe you need to take a break

just had one

it's rather dull in town

squeaky and wordsponge will keep it going

you forgot pate

that is a good thing

don't you get tired of the catholic bashing

there is enough republican bashing to make it interesting

this will be a long campaign
