Is timelessness biblical?
Does scripture support time as being created and had a beginning?
For this thread, my position is that time is not created but has always been and always will be.
Perhaps an opening question could be ..... Would there be any purpose at all that would make it necessary for GOD to have the capability to back into the past or to go into the future?
A form of Personification, but slightly different.
Anthropomorphism is the art of placing human characteristics onto non-human objects or beings.
For this study it is the art of placing human characteristics on GOD in scripture --- GOD is said to have eyes, arms, hands, hair, etc.
The argument sometimes arises that this is a means GOD uses in scripture to "dumb down" what is really happening so that humans can better understand it by having a visual imagery of things we are accustomed to seeing.
Along with this argument is that GOD cannot have arms, eyes, hair, etc., so even though He is spoken of with those terms, we are not to REALLY think of Him as having these characteristics.
They don't like the idea of thinking of GOD in any form at all, much less as similar to man.
For this thread, my position is that being similar to man IS how we are to envision GOD.
And my question would be "Why shouldn't we envision GOD as similar to a man" if that is the very imagery He provides us with?
*** I have included both these subjects in the same thread because in some theology groups these are used often and have some overlap to express what GOD is and how He operates, although they can also be talked about in this thread separately.
It is to keep another thread from going down an off-topic rabbit hole. ***
Chose your poison and go with it!
Is timelessness biblical?
Does scripture support time as being created and had a beginning?
For this thread, my position is that time is not created but has always been and always will be.
Perhaps an opening question could be ..... Would there be any purpose at all that would make it necessary for GOD to have the capability to back into the past or to go into the future?
A form of Personification, but slightly different.
Anthropomorphism is the art of placing human characteristics onto non-human objects or beings.
For this study it is the art of placing human characteristics on GOD in scripture --- GOD is said to have eyes, arms, hands, hair, etc.
The argument sometimes arises that this is a means GOD uses in scripture to "dumb down" what is really happening so that humans can better understand it by having a visual imagery of things we are accustomed to seeing.
Along with this argument is that GOD cannot have arms, eyes, hair, etc., so even though He is spoken of with those terms, we are not to REALLY think of Him as having these characteristics.
They don't like the idea of thinking of GOD in any form at all, much less as similar to man.
For this thread, my position is that being similar to man IS how we are to envision GOD.
And my question would be "Why shouldn't we envision GOD as similar to a man" if that is the very imagery He provides us with?
*** I have included both these subjects in the same thread because in some theology groups these are used often and have some overlap to express what GOD is and how He operates, although they can also be talked about in this thread separately.
It is to keep another thread from going down an off-topic rabbit hole. ***
Chose your poison and go with it!