Those Who Pervert God's Word With Religion

Robert Pate

Well-known member
How many times now have you repeatedly posted that same comment and questions?


There are many questions that you are not able to answer.

Here is one that totally and completely refutes your false doctrine.

If God has ALREADY reconciled us and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. Then what good is Calvinism or any religion?

Did you know that the doctrine of predestination came from Islam?


Well-known member
If God has ALREADY reconciled us and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. Then what good is Calvinism or any religion?

That's another scripture that has been repeatedly explained to you, but you don't like the answer because it disagrees with your false freewill gospel of works.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
That's another scripture that has been repeatedly explained to you, but you don't like the answer because it disagrees with your false freewill gospel of works.


No one has been able to answer that question. Not even Mr Religion. Maybe you would like to try? Scripture only please.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Problem is, the effort is futile because you don't believe the scriptures.


Just as I suspected, you can't answer the question either. There are a lot of question that you don't have an answer for.

I believe the scriptures. I believe that when the scripture says "world" it means all of humanity and when it says "whosoever" it means everyone.


Well-known member
Just as I suspected, you can't answer the question either. There are a lot of question that you don't have an answer for.

I believe the scriptures. I believe that when the scripture says "world" it means all of humanity and when it says "whosoever" it means everyone.

You are in error. There is the elect world God Loved and gave His Son for John 3:16.
And also exists a reprobate world, the tares, which the devil sowed. Mat. 13:38-39.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are in error. There is the elect world God Loved and gave His Son for John 3:16.
And also exists a reprobate world, the tares, which the devil sowed. Mat. 13:38-39.


The devil does not have the power to create humans that are tares. That is another Calvinist fairy tale.

There is no scripture that says elect world.

In order for you to follow Calvinism, you must distort and twist the scriptures.


Well-known member
Peter must have been wrong with that whole "denying the Lord that bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves" thing. Reprobates were supposedly never bought at all and the elect sooner or later can't deny Him nor face destruction for doing so. But now we know better than Peter because Calvinism.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Peter must have been wrong with that whole "denying the Lord that bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves" thing. Reprobates were supposedly never bought at all and the elect sooner or later can't deny Him nor face destruction for doing so. But now we know better than Peter because Calvinism.

No doubt about it. There are many on this Forum that deny the Lord and his Gospel. Calvinism evolved from Islam. So, what does that tell us?

Ben Masada

New member
What are you going to do about the 8,000 Jews that heard and believed the Gospel after Peter preached the Gospel to them? Acts 2:14. Some of which had participated in the crucifixion of Christ, Acts 2:36.

Now, you are going to tell me that those who crucified Christ were the elect, chosen from the foundation of the world.

You are not able to receive truth because you are void of the Holy Spirit.

No Jew participated with the crucifixion of Jesus. Even his own disciples did not. Jesus was crucified by the Romans themselves with the help of Jesus' own disciples who acclaimed Jesus king of the Jews at the entrance of Jerusalem. (Luke 19:37-40)Hence, Pilate commanded that his verdict be nailed on the top of his cross which read INRI. And that speech in Acts 2 was never delivered by Peter and accusing his own people. Peter knew who had crucified the Jews; the Romans, not the Jews. Luke, the author of the book was a Hellenist.

Ben Masada

New member
Do you believe the Father called everyone who has ever lived into a relationship with Jesus Christ?

Yes, everyone will have an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ's love and sacrifice, even Cain.

This is not the only day of salvation.

What "Christ" are you talking about because, it couldn't be Jesus as he was dead for some long time already.

Ben Masada

New member
Lord of elect and non elect:

For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living. (Romans 14:9 ASV)

There are living elect and non elect.

Faithful is the saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief: (1 Timothy 1:15 ASV)

Jesus did not come to save sinners but to revive the Law and the Prophets. He could not save sinners because he was a sinner himself as he broke the Golden Rule about 15 times only in the text of Matthew 23:13-33. The Golden Rule covers the whole second part of the Decalogue. Serious transgression right there.


Jesus did not come to save sinners but to revive the Law and the Prophets. He could not save sinners because he was a sinner himself as he broke the Golden Rule about 15 times only in the text of Matthew 23:13-33. The Golden Rule covers the whole second part of the Decalogue. Serious transgression right there.

Where in the law is the golden rule

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There are many questions that you are not able to answer.

Here is one that totally and completely refutes your false doctrine.

If God has ALREADY reconciled us and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. Then what good is Calvinism or any religion?

Did you know that the doctrine of predestination came from Islam?

Even the damned are included in the reconciliation of Messiah.

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