Third Temple Is Being Built

User Name

Greatest poster ever

Oh, sure. "Plans" are underway. Plans have always been underway. Doesn't necessarily mean that anything will actually come of it. All talk and no action in terms of actual building is what it is. I remember hearing talk exactly like this back in the 1980s (e.g., Hal Lindsey's nonsense comes to mind), and you can go to a library and read books that were making the same claims almost a century ago. Fabrications all.

patrick jane

Oh, sure. "Plans" are underway. Plans have always been underway. Doesn't necessarily mean that anything will actually come of it. All talk and no action in terms of actual building is what it is. I remember hearing talk exactly like this back in the 1980s, and you can go to a library and read books that were making the same claims that were written almost a century ago. Fabrications all.
Maybe it's God's Will that it happens :idunno:

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Maybe it's God's Will that it happens :idunno:

Then only God knows when. But people have been flipping their lips about rebuilding the Third Temple ever since the destruction of the last one, so it's all just a lot of hot air until such time as groundbreaking and bricklaying actually begins. And there's no sign of that actually happening yet.


New member
Do you travel to a church assembly on Saturday?

I live in a small town, there are no Sabbath services available.

SDA's are totally out of the question. They have some very non-biblical beliefs.

So I utilize TOL for assembly.


New member
Then only God knows when. But people have been flipping their lips about rebuilding the Third Temple ever since the destruction of the last one, so it's all just a lot of hot air until such time as groundbreaking and bricklaying actually begins. And there's no sign of that actually happening yet.

Actually, all the necessary preparations have already been made to build the Temple. All the gold, brass and silver implements have been replicated (except the Ark) and the priests have been trained and provided with garments.
The only thing lacking is the actual site of the previous Temples. The Jews seem "stuck" on the so-called "Temple Mount"; however, that is actually the site of the Roman 10th LEGION fortress. The "Wailing Wall" was part of the Roman Fortress Antonia.
The Bible clearly states that the Temple was built in the City of David, which lies just south of the so-called "Temple Mount". So, there needs to be an overwhelming "revelation" to the Jews where to build the coming Temple, as they are currently Stuck-On-Tradition (S_____d).


Well-known member
The Israel of God have Christ formed within. They don't trust in tanks, jets and nuclear weapons. Faith is the greatest of all weapons and could remove mountains if properly wielded.

How many mountains have you seen moved by any man....even those of great faith?


Well-known member
The man who conquered sin did as he was told.

Jesus was not ordered to suffer and die. He laid down His life willingly. He came for that very purpose.

The man who conquered sin said this, "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets."

He came to fulfill the law...which He did.

Matt. 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.​

The man who conquered sin specifies the law he was referring to a few verses later.

It was the law placed in the ark of the covenant.

He fulfilled them all.

Mark 2:27-28
And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.​


Active member
re: "Jesus was not ordered to suffer and die. He laid down His life willingly."

Maybe not exactly. Luke 22:42 has the Messiah saying that it wasn't His will to go through the upcoming events and asked the Father to do something about it. However, it appers that it was the Father's will that the Messiah go through them.


New member
He came to fulfill the law...which He did.

Matt. 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.​

He fulfilled them all.

Good point.

So you think Jesus fulfilled all prophecy, like for example: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away."

When did heaven and earth pass away?

I would have liked to have seen that. I'm sorry I missed it.

What planet are we on now?


New member
Mark 2:27-28
And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.​

Yes, the Pharisees had greatly perverted the Sabbath as if they were lord of the Sabbath.

Instead of a day of rest Sabbath observance had become a heavy load.

Jesus explained he was Lord of the Sabbath and knew how to observe it.


New member
And one other thing, glorydaz, I am not a teacher, I am a technician.

I've spent my working life as an electronics technician.

I was never a teacher of electronics, just a technician.

I operated by my own paradigm to define the problem, isolate the problem, resolve the problem.

That's what I do with theology questions, I can't help it, it's ingrained.

If someone disagrees with my resolution that's fine with me.

If I were a teacher I might care, but as a technician I don't care.

To each his own.

Christ doesn't use me as a teacher, but as a technician.

I don't teach theology, I just resolve theological issues that are broken.


Well-known member
I live in a small town, there are no Sabbath services available.

SDA's are totally out of the question. They have some very non-biblical beliefs.

So I utilize TOL for assembly.

Is turning on a computer much the same as kindling a fire?

Is using a computer on the Sabbath the use of an instrument designed for customary work on the other six days?
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New member
Is using a computer on the Sabbath the use of an instrument designed for customary work on the other six days?

I live in a small town, but we do have electricity.

My computer works on electricity.