ECT "Things that are different" included Gentiles


I've shown over and over who the two groups are and that both groups included Gentiles consistently with scripture.

The two groups are Jew and Gentile. The two groups became one body. That's pretty much the theme of Paul's epistles.

Prior to the New Covenant, there were God fearing Gentiles and Gentile proselytes living amongst the Jews. However, they never had the same status as the Jews. Jews were not allowed to marry those Gentiles, those Gentiles were not allowed in the inner court of the temple, etc.

Just because there were some Gentile proselytes amongst the Jews, does not change the fact that the two groups were Jews and Gentiles.

Again, the two groups (Jew and Gentile) becoming one in Christ is one of the main themes of the NT.


You're not a "sheep" LOL

Christ Jesus is the head of the body, He is the shepherd of the flock, He is the cornerstone of the building.

You are obsessed with only the body metaphor, and completely ignore the other metaphors.

Which is another reason your posts have so many errors.


TOL Subscriber
I won't be surprised if she soon closes down this thread - a habit of hers when things don't go her way - as with that major hypocrite on here, Musterion.
I close threads when they have run their course and have been overrun by topics that have nothing to do with the OP itself. It is my prerogative to do so.


I already did cite verses from the so called NT.

No you didn't.

Don't you ever wonder why the Apostle Paul never, ever said that one day in the future after all the Christians get raptured away, that God was going to restore the kingdom of Israel again?

Paul never, ever even hinted at such a thing.

God's Truth

New member
I dare any madist to say aloud to God, in the name of Jesus, that they repent for following the false teachings of madists.

If you do not think it is false to repent of such a thing, repent anyway, what will it hurt?

I am telling you, when I humbled myself in such a way many years ago, something happened and it is a powerful testimony.

I challenge anyone in their denomination, or doctrine to do that.


The NC has nothing to do with the OP. It is your lousy excuse for hijacking this thread, but it has zero to do with the OP.

It has everything to do with the OP.

The main reason your OP is so flawed is because of your denial of the NC.

You somehow think that Gentile proselytes and Jews who first believed in Christ Jesus became one twain with pagan Gentiles who later believed in Christ Jesus.

That's pure craziness, that cannot be supported with scripture.