ECT "Things that are different" included Gentiles

God's Truth

New member
It doesn't matter to them.

The New Covenant destroys their Dispensationalism, so...that's why every Darby Follower has to deny it.

Unbelievable. We are to check the scriptures to see if what we are taught is true, but madists are so ensnared they do not see what is plainly written.


New member

Paul is going to the Jews first and also to the Greek his entire Acts provoking ministry. Have you read Acts?

No, I'm waiting for your hybrid commentary on it :chuckle:

But even your more favorite pet peeve: Shawn, gets that one about the Jew and the Greek wrong.

Right Divider

Body part
Actually RD, the genetic situation of the time matches the miserable geo-political situation I outlined in the essay on the 2 circumstances of 1st century Judea. The genetic would be a 3rd.

You don't know the power of God, then. He can create an 'ethne' out of rocks. But he did create one out of the disaster that Israel was in the 1st century.
You get more hilarious with every post.


BY the cross, not AT the cross

Same thing.

We have now received the atonement (Romans 5:11 KJV),


but Israel waits for it (Acts 3:19-21 KJV).


You know, the covenant you keep trying to make yours (Romans 11:26-27 KJV) not to mention hijack this thread about. Go open your own thread.

Your denial of the New Covenant, is why your OP is so flawed.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

(Gal 3:29) If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Unbelieving Jews are NOT Abraham's seed.

Paul makes it clear that only those who belong to Christ Jesus are Abraham's seed.
The admitted Jew hater, gay boy, anti-Semite, little arms weasel, does not know the difference between the grandpa, Abraham, and the grandson, Jacob.

No, you are wrong, satanic Russell/Josephus/Hanegraaf follower.

Unbelieving Jews are NOT Abraham's seed.

Never said they, i.e., unbelieving Jews, were, satanic false accuser, habitual liar, weasel, admitted Jew hater.

No, Jew hater, Paul makes it clear, God the Father makes it clear, that the believing remnant of the nation of Israel, will be a kingdom of priests, serving as the Lord Jesus Christ's ministers, servants, on earth, to "confirm the promises made unto the fathers," not you, devil boy,when He reigns, from Jerusalem, taking His rightful place, because of what He did 2000+ years ago, not because Israel/anyone deserves it, but to demonstrate to all, including your daddy the devil, that the LORD God, unlike mankind, is faithful, keeping His promises, all to one end.....

For His glory.

God the Father will make do on His promises, and install His King on earth, and there is NADA either your daddy the devil,or you, can do, to stop that, as you will fail in your "ministry," to eliminate the believing remnant of the nation of Israel, even though your daddy the devil keeps urging you to help him eliminate the LORD God's chosen, for service nation, who will be the head, in the future, not the tail, despite you grinding your devilish Preterist/Replacement "theology" teeth, and flipping the bird, at God the Father, and His Christ, gay boy.

And the sissy resorts to his "one verse in isolation"-ist MO on TOL, which he learned from his daddy the devil, who tried that, on the Saviour, in the wilderness.

You vile, wicked, dung mouthed Preterist.

The Apostle Paul was the biggest anti-Semite there ever was:

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God's Truth

New member
Better be careful Danoh.....they HATE me...if they see you being the least bit cordial with me, they will go after you way more than they already have.

The mysteryboy has already spent his morning reporting you and me to the woodshed.

Danoh stood up for me one time, in his own strange way, and they pounced on him for it. However, they still are loyal to him because he is one of them and they don't get how he doesn't act more loyal.