Things Everybody is Thinking but Nobody Want's To Say


Hall of Fame
Everybody's thinking...

"This is America. If you want to live here, learn the language! Signs, directions, instructions, etc., should be in English only."

I can't stand it when I call a business and the recording asks what language I wish to listen in ... and then repeats the question in Spanish. What I *want* to say wouldn't be repeatable on a family forum. :D


Well-known member
Everybody's thinking....

"Not keeping score in young kids' sports for the sake of not wanting to upset them is stupid!"

"Why are all these kids getting trophies including the losers? Now they get to grow up thinking their entitled to everything."
What I'm thinking is: I've never heard anyone actually propose that but the people who are always ranting against it. I'm sure somewhere amongst the 320 million humans in the United States, someone, somewhere, is proposing this idea of non-competition/non-reward. But I've never actually come across anyone who has.

Yet I hear you conservatives whining about this, constantly!

I can only conclude that it must be one of the ongoing "talking points" for conservative media, and that's based mostly on fantasy (as so many of them are) and that gets repeated because it's an easy way to rile up the conservative mind-set. A mindset that is very enamored with the idea of people winning and losing.

The question on my mind is why do you conservatives love the idea of having big winners and big losers so much? Why do you love the idea of people competing with each other to be the big winner so much more than the idea of people cooperating with each other so that everyone wins?

Sometimes I think you conservatives just don't like other people. You want to see them suffer, so long as it's not you. I hope I'm wrong!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Things Women Are Thinking But They Don't Want's To Say:

"Dear Diary, I met this cool, charismatic, handsome, brilliant, and humble guy on TOL recently, named the great, humble, saint John W. I really dig him, and I hope he likes me. But I can't tell anyone, cuz boys have coodies...."

Does the diary say,

"Today I said 'Hello Doll' to saint john w the great"
