They Made Me Gay


Bain, don't you want to come to know Christ man? Or do you already?

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, there are connections, and clear ones. 1) Parents of, owners of. In all cases, these parents and owners are involved and 'should' have a say. 2) All of them are proven to shorten and degenerate quality of life, especially as some of those viruses come from the clear tie-in. They ARE connected. 3) Biblically -they all necessarily are tied together as unacceptable by a Christian people, even Christian voting people in a democracy or republic 4) All have been and in some places, still are against the law, not because bigots are in charge, but because it concerns and harms all the above and all involved. Our current culture doesn't like hearing this, but it is the same reason we, as a society have banned smoking in public areas: the activity harms not just self, but others around the activity. I realize there is a rebuttal, but I'm trying to answer the wish upon the dim star in a way that has some sense, reason, and meaning. It is harmful and I see the harm with young adults in my extended family. It will kill them/cost them an early life. I see it. I don't believe they have the right to hurt their immediate and extended families. In Him -Lon

thank you Lon - it's nice to hear some reason wrt this topic, rather than the blather from the retarded supporters of perversion that it inevitably draws

i was hoping, when I made my post #249, to get a direct response from quip - turns out he's far too twisted to give a direct response to a direct question

:think: much like others here who support him

still, one can hope :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
town demonstrates his rejection of God::
...the irrational approach of attempting to parallel homosexuality with pedophilia and beastiality ...

God sez they're all perversions

town sez God's "irrational"

hmmmm :think:

who should i believe?



Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
town demonstrates his rejection of God::

God sez they're all perversions
They're all sins and any sin is a perversion of the will of God, like adultery or bearing false witness. I don't reject God, but I will reject someone who pretends to represent him by being dishonest. You, for instance.

town sez God's "irrational"
No, I don't. And you know better, so you should consider where your sin leads you. Here's the full context for my comment, the thing people like Sod will by necessity truncate to create the thing they can condemn:

"Why people use beastiality and pedophilia, neither of which can involve the essential element of consent present in homosexual relations, as a parallel for homosexuality is a mystery...until you realize the objection isn't rooted in reason, so expecting reason to attach beyond it is a little like wishing on a star...a dim, dim star."

Consent has nothing to do with sin or moral judgement and Sod, though more intellectually limited than I realized, is bright enough to recognize it. The minute you read the word consent you must understand the context that's used and being considered is a legal one and is in response to a treatment under law, isn't an effort to abrogate the faith and value of anyone.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... I don't believe they have the right to hurt their immediate and extended families. In Him -Lon

my nephew struggled with opiate addiction for years as a young adult - oxy and then heroin. These retarded protectors of the "rights" of consenting adults to do whatever they choose never had to watch the anguish my nephew's choices caused my parents/his grandparents, or his mother/my sister, never consider the fact that I had to keep my young sons away from him, and that they never got to know the sweet, lovable, generous, funny kid he used to be before the drug got its hooks in him.

No, like him at the time, these retarded supporters of perversion glorify selfishness and a rejection of Godly principles, chief of which is selflessness

and they'll answer for their selfishness Rev 20:12

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Consent has nothing to do with sin or moral judgement ...

sure it does town - it's the way retarded supporters of perversion like you and artie and quip justify your sin of supporting perversion

and God will surely execute His moral judgement on you :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
my nephew struggled with opiate addiction for years as a young adult - oxy and then heroin. These retarded protectors of the "rights" of consenting adults to do whatever they choose never had to watch the anguish my nephew's choices caused my parents/his grandparents, or his mother/my sister, never consider the fact that I had to keep my young sons away from him, and that they never got to know the sweet, lovable, generous, funny kid he used to be before the drug got its hooks in him.

No, like him at the time, these retarded supporters of perversion glorify selfishness and a rejection of Godly principles, chief of which is selflessness

and they'll answer for their selfishness Rev 20:12

Well, nobody's arguing or supporting that people can break the law or advocating their getting addicted to drugs for a start. Got squat to do with consenting adults having the right to a private life outside of heterosexual marriage that religious busybodies would enforce if they had their way.

Oh, and quit with the faux moral outrage dude, really doesn't suit you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Sorry about the lateness of this, Lon. We had very bad weather here and I've lost a couple of responses that couldn't be executed and, because they were written here and without a back up, were lost. I'll give you the shorter version.

No, there are connections, and clear ones. 1) Parents of, owners of. In all cases, these parents and owners are involved and 'should' have a say.
I'm not sure of your point on this one so I'll have to ask for clarification.

2) All of them are proven to shorten and degenerate quality of life, especially as some of those viruses come from the clear tie-in. They ARE connected.
There is a long list of sins covered by that same description which are both perfectly legal and receive nary an outcry from the faithful. The question is then do we want to attempt to recreate the law that condemned us or do we want to continue the work of grace, set the example in our walk and proclaim the way out of bondage.

3) Biblically -they all necessarily are tied together as unacceptable by a Christian people, even Christian voting people in a democracy or republic
Our Republic protects the right of the faithful to act in accord with their conscience and leaves most of that between the individual and God. It does not advance any particular faith in this protection. The law balances right between parties and the state. And because of this we haven't had religious purges and associated violence of the sort that destroyed so much of Europe, as Christian slew Christian over thin dogmatic distinctions, to say nothing of those outside of the faith and those advancing other faiths.

4) All have been and in some places, still are against the law, not because bigots are in charge, but because it concerns and harms all the above and all involved.
I don't believe that's true given the wide assortment of harmful sins available in most of those societies throughout history. I think its more an intersection of sin and natural inclination, social taboo and our inherent response to the other.

Our current culture doesn't like hearing this, but it is the same reason we, as a society have banned smoking in public areas: the activity harms not just self, but others around the activity
It's an actual assault on your person, does damage to you. It should be outlawed altogether for anyone who has children and in any public place.

I realize there is a rebuttal, but I'm trying to answer the wish upon the dim star in a way that has some sense, reason, and meaning.
That rhetoric was harsh. I don't mean to argue that if your singular objection to homosexuality is a dogmatic and moral one that it makes you stupid or that it's stupid to stand on it, so I let my ire with people who attempt a bit of hypocritical and largely hateful advance taint my response on the point and I apologize for it. I also hold a strong opinion on sin and I don't think it's irrational at all within the context of the faith, nor is adopting that context irrational.

What I was getting to is that you cannot argue people out of a position that was not arrived at by reason, a thing I note from time to time around here. True of many positions. The problem comes, for me, when I see those people ignoring their own sin to heap coals on the head of an easier target and when they attempt to do what so many do who raise the pedophile and homosexual in the same sentence. Yes, they're both sins and yes all sin is a perversion, but it's interesting how that word perversion is only really used against the other fellow, against the homosexual and for the same reason that he/she is lumped with the pedophile, because it degrades and offends and removes them from us, from the rest of the sinners. There is a hypocrisy buried in it that offends me and in that offense I've been a little careless and hard.

It is harmful and I see the harm with young adults in my extended family. It will kill them/cost them an early life. I see it. I don't believe they have the right to hurt their immediate and extended families. In Him -Lon
But we do, Lon. And we will, in any number of ways. It's part of the nature of us, of our condition and our struggle.

sure it does town - it's the way retarded supporters of perversion like you and artie and quip justify your sin of supporting perversion
No, that's just your proud, wrathful and false witness.

Your anger isn't righteous, it's personal. It's why you followed Rusha about telling her how you were looking forward to her suffering. It's why you're about to smile at the end of your last sentence. It's why I know you have no real understanding of grace beyond, I hope, accepting it for yourself.

and God will surely execute His moral judgement on you :)
Rather, God in his love and by His grace has released me from the bondage of sin and death. I hope He does the same for you or gives you enough misery to break whatever it is in you that keeps you from the joy you should have inherited.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, nobody's arguing or supporting that people can break the law or advocating their getting addicted to drugs for a start. Got squat to do with consenting adults having the right to a private life outside of heterosexual marriage that religious busybodies would enforce if they had their way.

Oh, and quit with the faux moral outrage dude, really doesn't suit you.

have fun burning in hell artie :wave2:


Well-known member
In a sense, homosexuality is more perverse and sinful than bestiality.

As far as I've ever read (not that I want to) there's no one who says people should have the full legal right to have sex with animals on the grounds it's just another normal, healthy expression of human sexuality. They know it isn' animal is an animal. They're choosing to do what they know is unnatural but you don't see them marching in the streets for the right to practice it.

However, that is the bottom line of the homosexual rights movement: it's just as normal and healthy as actual sex (man/woman) even though God says it self-evidently is not and anatomically/biologically is clearly isn't. And yet...

From that perspective, which one is more willfully warped?
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What I was getting to is that you cannot argue people out of a position that was not arrived at by reason, a thing I note from time to time around here.

this assumes two things - first, that the position with which you disagree was not arrived at by reason, and secondly, that your position is, of course

which is quite convenient for you

as an aside, it also shows that you have no experience with children :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
this assumes two things - first, that the position with which you disagree was not arrived at by reason, and secondly, that your position is, of course

which is quite convenient for you

as an aside, it also shows that you have no experience with children :chuckle:

Yeah, I mean it's not like the guy's a dad or anything...


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In a sense, homosexuality is more perverse and sinful than bestiality.

As far as I've ever read (not that I want to) there's no one who says people should have the full legal right to have sex with animals on the grounds it's just another normal, healthy expression of human sexuality. They know it isn' animal is an animal. They're choosing to do what they know is unnatural but you don't see them marching in the streets for the right to practice it.

However, that is the bottom line of the homosexual rights movement: it's just as normal and healthy as actual sex (man/woman) even though God says it self-evidently is not and anatomically/biologically is clearly isn't. And yet...

From that perspective, which one is more willfully warped?

i see your point

one aspect that troubles me about the inevitable push to socialize pedophilia is that estimates of prevalence of pedophilia are much greater than those of homosexuality

so if an argument is to be made for whether or not pedophilia is a "normal variant of human sexuality", it's a stronger argument than that which was successfully made for homosexuality in the early seventies

and the countering argument by the retards stamping their feet and shouting "consent" has been dismantled before


Well-known member
one aspect that troubles me about the inevitable push to socialize pedophilia is that estimates of prevalence of pedophilia are much greater than those of homosexuality

so if an argument is to be made for whether or not pedophilia is a "normal variant of human sexuality", it's a stronger argument than that which was successfully made for homosexuality in the early seventies


You're absolutely right.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
this assumes two things
It doesn't assume anything. You're just either too limited by your hostility or your lack of discernment to see what's actually being said. Here it is again:

What I was getting to is that you cannot argue (reason) people out of a position that was not arrived at by reason, a thing I note from time to time around here.

And it's true. When people don't reason their way to a point you will never convince them to abandon the point by using reason. And I've seen that evidence more than a few times here on any number of topics.

first, that the position with which you disagree was not arrived at by reason
The quote you misrepresent doesn't assume that at all. Neither do I.

, and secondly, that your position is, of course
Also not an assumption. I don't take a position without coming to it by that means and/or examining it by that light. I advance arguments on positions, with reason and illustration in support, as well as authority when it can add to the meat of the thing. And I am willing to meet counter on and by those terms.

as an aside, it also shows that you have no experience with children :chuckle:
All evidence to the contrary present in this very conversation.

and the countering argument by the retards stamping their feet and shouting "consent" has been dismantled before
Not even a little true, so at least you're consistent.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i see your point

one aspect that troubles me about the inevitable push to socialize pedophilia is that estimates of prevalence of pedophilia are much greater than those of homosexuality

so if an argument is to be made for whether or not pedophilia is a "normal variant of human sexuality", it's a stronger argument than that which was successfully made for homosexuality in the early seventies

and the countering argument by the retards stamping their feet and shouting "consent" has been dismantled before

Well, no, it hasn't been "dismantled" by anyone as the 'slippery slope' fallacy has no credence to it to begin with.

You really would have to have several screws loose or be an abject moron to think that pedophilia would be accepted in society or that laws would change to legalize it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When people don't reason their way to a point ...

which, again, assumes that you know whether or not their position is based on reason

or rather, that, because of your superior powers of discernment, your use of reason is more compelling than their weak effort

either way, you win!

yay! :roses:

and you wonder why people refer to you as a pretentious, self-impressed bore :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, no, it hasn't been "dismantled" by anyone as the 'slippery slope' fallacy has no credence to it to begin with.

You really would have to have several screws loose or be an abject moron to think that pedophilia would be accepted in society or that laws would change to legalize it.

run along little retard :wave2:

somewhere there's a pot of paste that needs eating
