There was no house of Israel in the 1st century

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Instead of stalking people who don't agree with Darby and your Dispensationalism, why don't you actually try making a post about the subject of the thread.

I have, you snotty, little arms/no chin punk, but due to your 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV problem, and your obsession, you don't get it. Of course, that's rich, you embarrassing clown, whose "posts"(loosely employed here) consist primarily "Darby...Bullinger...You follow the fallable teachings/inventions of men....You are in denial...Death knell...One verse destroys..." spam/copy'npaste dung, and straight word-for-word plagiarizing from J. Stuart Russell, Max King, Ken Gentry, Hank Hannegraaf, Josephus..............and most of TOL laughs at you, admitted Jew hater, anti-Semite, troll.

Gives us another "Darby..Bullinger," like above, you loser. Please, Gomer Craigie? Please, teach us.

And tell everyone on TOL, why you do not follow Paul, since you are unemployed.

What's the problem, obsessed troll?

"Stalking," you quip? You stalk this whole site, with your obsession, and your "man crush" on dispensationalists. So much so, that you ignore your family, spending half your miserable waking hours, on TOL, satisfying your dispy addiction.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No you haven't.

You haven't made one post about the House of Israel and/or the 10 tribes in this entire thread.

You've not answered 56 of my last 67 posts, you habitual liar, and actress, as that is your MO on TOL-hypocrisy, acting, lying, evasion, followed by crying, wining, and "Darby" spams. That is all you have, you embarrassing infidel, clown.

Get off this site, troll, actress, habitual liar, and ant-Semite. We smell your sulfur.

And get a job, dispy addicted clown.


New member
"I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

This promise is through Isaac and Jacob.

Under the old covenant when sacrifice and offering were still being made. Under the new covenant God blesses those who preach the gospel and curses those who keep the law. There is no sadder aspect of modern Christianity than deluded Gentiles who try to be ethnic Jews - it's like comedy hour especially when they dress up and blow the ram's horn, lol


New member
Here's how I understand it:

The Israelites from the 10 tribes were removed from their Northern nation and scattered amongst the Gentiles. They were very numerous, because Joseph had the birthright blessing (Judah the Sceptra). There were millions of them.

Before they were scattered, they acted like pagans, and worshipped pagan gods.

After 700 years of intermarrying with pagan Gentiles, and acting like pagans, they could not be distinguished from a pagan Gentile in the first century.

However, the promise of the New Covenant was still in effect for them. So, the only way the promise could be kept was to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. This included Gentiles who had no lineage to Jacob, Gentiles who did have a lineage to Jacob, and Gentiles who had a mixed lineage.

IOW, the Gentiles included the descendants of the 10 tribes. That is how "all of Israel shall be saved".

The gospel went to the Jews only before the cross because it would have been against the Law for a man to re-marry his divorced wife. The house of Israel was the divorced wife.

That's why before the cross Jesus tells His Disciples not to go amongst the Samaritans or Gentiles, but then after the cross, Jesus tells them to preach to the Samaritans and Gentiles.

I agree with this mostly.


Still 12 tribes in the first century. Fact.

10 of them had been divorced from God BEFORE the cross.

If a wife is divorced from her husband, is she still a wife?

James wrote his epistle AFTER the cross.

AFTER the cross, the House of Israel was remarried to God.

The 10 tribes were the "other sheep".

James 1:1 proves your denial of the New Covenant wrong.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
10 of them had been divorced from God BEFORE the cross.

If a wife is divorced from her husband, is she still a wife?

James wrote his epistle AFTER the cross.

AFTER the cross, the House of Israel was remarried to God.

The 10 tribes were the "other sheep".

James 1:1 proves your denial of the New Covenant wrong.

Still 12 tribes in the first century. Fact.