First, let's see that in its' proper light, nang...
That out of the way, let's put this dishonesty of yours, in its proper perspective also, nang.
Moving on, let's bring in another witness against you, nang...
Let's add to that, your own witness - of your incompetence...
Just as, when asked the following; you lied...
What was it you replied?
The fact is, you lying incompetent, that the field of Medicine gets its' word "ORTHOdontics" from the same Greek word "orthos."
ORTHOdontics deals with the issue of making teeth STRAIGHT, RIGHT, or ARIGHTing them.
Just as the word ORTHOdox is the issue of that which is considered the normally accepted STRAIGHT, or RIGHT doctrine.
Further, in Medicine there is the word TricoTOMY, which is the issue in the practice of surgery, of a three-fold CUT, or DIVISION.
In 2 Timothy 2:15's Greek word "orthotomeo" the "ortho" part of the word is NOT, as you not only have incompetently asserted, but have also dishonestly asserted the Spirit led you to conclude, is the word "divide" or "expound."
Orthos is the word "right" or "straight" (as in what you proved yourself incapable of - of being STRAIGHT with us).
It is the word "tomeo" that refers to DIVIDING or CUTTING, you dishonest incompetent.
This is the STRAIGHT skinny about you, to you, by your own witness against the Spirit, you liar.
Yours is not RIGHT. You are not RIGHT.
Do RIGHT by yourself right about now - CUT to the chase; do the RIGHT thing; be STRAIGHT with yourself, and slap yourself into next week just after you read this.
Why right away?
Because it is the RIGHT thing to do...
"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil" - Ecclesiastes 8:11.