Why do you say that? How could he be happy? He's deader than a doornail.
No, he is not deader than a doornail.
Death DOES NOT mean cessation of existence.
After my body perishes, I will continue to exist.
You said:
The Bible says that the wages of sin is death, but you don't think death is a harsh enough punishment.
The Bible says that the wicked will be destroyed, but you don't think that being destroyed is a harsh enough punishment.
The Bible says that the wicked will perish, but you don't believe that the wicked will perish.
If I understood you correctly, you believe that nonexistence is harsh enough punishment for Adolph Hitler for the killing of 11+ million people, from my example.
That for me would be a reward, not a punishment.
The worst perishing in the world is realizing, AFTER it is TOO LATE, that one is separated from God for eternity.
The worst death in the world is realizing, AFTER it is TOO LATE, that one is separated from God for eternity.
It is my hope that Adolph Hitler is awake and well aware of what he did and where he is and his punishment being that he sees the majority of the faces he exterminated looking back at him and he wishing, for eternity, he could be in their places and he, for eternity, still hating that all he did, did nothing to exterminate God’s people and he, for eternity, unable to do anything about their heritage, which is being with God for eternity. Now, that is punishment, for me.
Hell for me is being separated from God for eternity realizing that one has rejected the only way to be with God for eternity – Jesus Christ and His work on the Cross of Calvary — Old or New Testament times. Different terminology; same conclusion.
I hope I emphasized 'for eternity' enough.