The Word Made Flesh

Bright Raven

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I NEVER said that I disagreed with that. Christ came to take the form of man and die for our sins. Being a creation he could be the Lamb of God.

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Being part of the creation there is no way that He could be a sin sacrifice. The sacrifice for sin had to be without blemish, perfect. Only God is perfect.


New member
Yes I do because being a creation he could die. If he was God he could not die. Christ is a created copy of God. He is a form of God, not God. He is the spiritual son that God used to create everything.

Paul said, "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins."
(Colossians 1:13-14)

So we are conveyed into the kingdom of the Son of his love. That would be the Son who bled. Obviously, that would be Jesus.

Since this secondary spirit you refer to as Christ couldn't bleed, what was the purpose of this imaginary character you created?

Keypurr, you have given birth to your own little pet theory, it's your baby and you continue to nourish it. Why?


Well-known member
Paul said, "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins."
(Colossians 1:13-14)

So we are conveyed into the kingdom of the Son of his love. That would be the Son who bled. Obviously, that would be Jesus.

Since this secondary spirit you refer to as Christ couldn't bleed, what was the purpose of this imaginary character you created?

Keypurr, you have given birth to your own little pet theory, it's your baby and you continue to nourish it. Why?
Jesus was human, the Christ in him became flesh.

I share my thoughts because I sincerely believe in what God has given me. This Universe was not created through a man. The express image of spirit is spirit. Open your mind to what could be friend. I am very excited about this subject for it tells me who Jesus Christ really is.

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Well-known member
He is not just the form of God. He is the EXACT representation of God. That is what I have been trying to get you to see for over Ten years.

Since when is an exact copy of a subject become the subject?

Are you unable to see the difference?


If Jesus died then he is not God for God can not die.
The Spirit of Christ did not die.

The Spirit of Christ
entered into your world
by the womb of a woman
and exited your world
by execution on the cross.

And then returned
and re-entered
into your world again
into the same body that
it inhabited from the
womb of a woman.

Then exited again from
your world in that very same body
having perfected it.
As it were before the
days of Eve's sin.
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New member
Jesus was human, the Christ in him became flesh.

Do you believe Christ was the Creator of everything? If so why couldn't he create a human body for himself? Why would Christ need to inhabit someone else's body? I don't think that would even be legal.

Unless you are saying Christ became human by being born of woman. Is that what you are saying?

A redeemer had to be next of kin.


New member
His son is perfect. Express image of the only true God.

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27)​

All humans are born in the image of God ... and Christ in us makes us an express image of God. This is the kingdom of God.