The Wedding of Jesus


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Your idea that Jesus was not a Jew is paradoxical. Jesus was born from a Jewish couple, Joseph and Mary, went through all the rituals of a Jew and now you say he was not a Jew! That makes no sense to me but, go on!

Two reasons why Jesus IS not the Messiah. First, because the Messiah cannot be an individual but the People according to the collective concept of Messiah. And second, Jesus is dead and, the Messiah is not supposed to die but to remain as a People before the Lord forever. (Jeremiah 31:35-37)
You have already been shown in scripture where the Messiah is not a group of people but is one person.

The individual is born, lives his span of life and dies. Are we supposed to expect a different Messiah in every generation? Obviously not. Then, we have Prophet Habakkuk who said, "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His Anointed One." (Habakkuk 3:13) That's what Messiah is, the Anointed One of the Lord, aka Israel, the People, not the individual.
True of humans, not true of God's Son who defeated death by rising from the grave. That is why there is only one Messiah for ALL generations. You see, one prefect man was needed because the Jews could not keep the their covenant with God. The Jews could not possible be the messiah for that reason alone.

Ben Masada

New member
You're a law breaker and a hypocrite who rejects his own holy books! Read it again.

For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? John 5:46,47

Jesus never said those words but the Hellenist who wrote the gospel he attributed to John for apostolic credibility. Anyway, if you show me evidences that Moses wrote about Jesus and I fail to explain what Moses is talking about, I give you my word that I'll become a Christian just as you are. Do we have a deal?

Ben Masada

New member
You have already been shown in scripture where the Messiah is not a group of people but is one person.

True of humans, not true of God's Son who defeated death by rising from the grave. That is why there is only one Messiah for ALL generations. You see, one prefect man was needed because the Jews could not keep the their covenant with God. The Jews could not possible be the messiah for that reason alone.

I have been shown a lot of nonsense from the gospel of Paul. It doesn't mean I'll accept something just because it has been shown to me. Did you know that the Anointed One of the Lord is His own firstborn Son? It follows the same concept of the collective Messiah and not of the individual. "Israel is My Son; let My Son go that He may serve Me." Said the Lord in Exodus 4:22,23.

Regarding the Covenant with God which you claim we could not keep, I wonder why the Lord made a New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jeremiah 31:31) That was the New World Order reported by Ezekiel 37:22 and under execution to the present day.

Ben Masada

New member
Now go ahead and provide documentary proof for these two wholly unsubstantiated claims. Post your proof now.

Back to Post #86.

WOMAN, BEHOLD THY SON! John 19:25-27.

There stood by the cross of Jesus Mary his mother and Mary Magdalene his wife also known as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Then addressing first to his mother he said: "Woman, behold thy son!" As in, look at the condition he has come to! I am so sorry to have caused you to go through this! Then turning to his wife Mary Magdalene he said: "Behold thy mother!" As in please take care of her. She is your mother-in-law. "And from that hour Mary Magdalene took her to her own home."

Why did the Church replace Mary Magdalene with John? Probably to hide the fact that the disciple whom Jesus loved was Mary Magdalene his wife and not John. Several reasons point to the fact that the disciple whom Jesus loved was indeed Mary Magdalene and not John:

1. John is not identified in this text by name while Mary Magdalene is;

2. John did not have a home of his own. He lived with Peter. Therefore he could not have taken Jesus' mother to his home. (Acts 1:13; 3:1; 4:13);

3. John had deserted Jesus when he was arrested in the Gethsemane as all the disciples did the same. (Mark 14:50);

4. John would have infringed the Roman policy not to allow any of the disciples of a crucified to be present at the act of crucifixion but only very close family of the female gender. Hence his mother and his wife.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I have been shown a lot of nonsense from the gospel of Paul. It doesn't mean I'll accept something just because it has been shown to me.
So why do you expect people to believe what you say? Especially since you have to actually show us anything that actually supports your claims.

Did you know that the Anointed One of the Lord is His own firstborn Son? It follows the same concept of the collective Messiah and not of the individual. "Israel is My Son; let My Son go that He may serve Me." Said the Lord in Exodus 4:22,23.
And the this son of whom you speak failed to honor all of the Covenants of God.

Regarding the Covenant with God which you claim we could not keep, I wonder why the Lord made a New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jeremiah 31:31) That was the New World Order reported by Ezekiel 37:22 and under execution to the present day.
Shouldn't you be wondering how it was possible for Jesus to make a covenant in God's name? What man has the authority to make Covenant with other men in the name of God?

Ben Masada

New member
So why do you expect people to believe what you say? Especially since you have to actually show us anything that actually supports your claims.

I have shown but, Christian preconceived notions won't allow you any other gospel but the gospel of Paul.

And the this son of whom you speak failed to honor all of the Covenants of God.

And I wonder why the Lord never rejects us forever. (Jeremiah 46:28)

Shouldn't you be wondering how it was possible for Jesus to make a covenant in God's name? What man has the authority to make Covenant with other men in the name of God?

Jesus never made any other covenant besides the one God made with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jeremiah 31:31) The Christian covenant was made by Paul. Don't forget that Jesus did not like Gentiles. So much so that, every time he sent his disciples on a mission to spread the gospel of salvation, he would forbid them to go the way of the Gentiles. (Matthew 10:5,6)


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I have shown but, Christian preconceived notions won't allow you any other gospel but the gospel of Paul.
You haven't shown anything. We are still waiting for you to show us where God commanded His Rabbi's be married. Second, I have quoted NOTHING from Paul in my responses to you. You cannot reasonably claim that I am basing everything on what Paul said.

And I wonder why the Lord never rejects us forever. (Jeremiah 46:28)
I'm sure you are.

Jesus never made any other covenant besides the one God made with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jeremiah 31:31) The Christian covenant was made by Paul. Don't forget that Jesus did not like Gentiles. So much so that, every time he sent his disciples on a mission to spread the gospel of salvation, he would forbid them to go the way of the Gentiles. (Matthew 10:5,6)
So you acknowledge that Jesus had the authority to make a New Covenant in God's name. Where did Jesus get such authority?

Ben Masada

New member
So you acknowledge that Jesus had the authority to make a New Covenant in God's name. Where did Jesus get such authority?

You have misunderstood what I said. I did not say that Jesus made any kind of covenant in God's name. I said that Paul was the one who made a Hellenist covenant with the Gentiles considering that even his gospel was opposed to the gospel of Jesus which was the Tanach.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You have misunderstood what I said. I did not say that Jesus made any kind of covenant in God's name. I said that Paul was the one who made a Hellenist covenant with the Gentiles considering that even his gospel was opposed to the gospel of Jesus which was the Tanach.
Back peddling. Shame on you.

sorry, but you have lost this debate. You have been asked repeatedly to show us where God said teachers had to married. You have stated that you would but you have not. As such, you are no different than any faith healer or prosperity gospel preacher. There is no truth in you.


New member
Old Wives Tales from the Jewish Talmud

The "Talmud" explains the Tanakh, and so
is the source of all understanding of the
Old Testament. The "Talmud" was created
as a result of the destruction of the
Temple, when a "new" Judaism had to be
created, because the Temple was destroyed.


New member
Jesus never said those words but the Hellenist who wrote the gospel he attributed to John for apostolic credibility. Anyway, if you show me evidences that Moses wrote about Jesus and I fail to explain what Moses is talking about, I give you my word that I'll become a Christian just as you are. Do we have a deal?

We have enough unbelieving Christians, we don't need anymore.

Ben Masada

New member
Back peddling. Shame on you.

sorry, but you have lost this debate. You have been asked repeatedly to show us where God said teachers had to married. You have stated that you would but you have not. As such, you are no different than any faith healer or prosperity gospel preacher. There is no truth in you.

Sorry Cabinet Maker, but I think you must be a guy over eighty. How longer further you will keep making the same question over and over again? As I told you, I am not going to keep repeating the same quote. If you forget from a day to another, quit making the same question and check my posts to you.

Ben Masada

New member
We have enough unbelieving Christians, we don't need anymore.

This is evidence that what you want is for us to take your word for it. You have got out in the wrong station, fella. You do know that Moses never spoke about Jesus. But that's okay. Your attitude follows the same pattern as that of Paul's.

Ben Masada

New member
Old Wives Tales from the Jewish Talmud

The "Talmud" explains the Tanakh, and so
is the source of all understanding of the
Old Testament. The "Talmud" was created
as a result of the destruction of the
Temple, when a "new" Judaism had to be
created, because the Temple was destroyed.

The source of all our understanding of the Tanach is found in the Tanach itself. And do you know where is found the source of understanding of the NT aka the gospel of Paul? In Hellenist Greek Literature. If you need an evidence, read Matthew 1:18.


New member
This is evidence that what you want is for us to take your word for it. You have got out in the wrong station, fella. You do know that Moses never spoke about Jesus. But that's okay. Your attitude follows the same pattern as that of Paul's.

Paul is my hero.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Sorry Cabinet Maker, but I think you must be a guy over eighty. How longer further you will keep making the same question over and over again? As I told you, I am not going to keep repeating the same quote. If you forget from a day to another, quit making the same question and check my posts to you.

I figured it needs to be repeated until you actually answer it. Is that an unreasonable request?


New member
No, you are wrong again! The holy writ of Judaism is the Tanach, especially the Torah. The Talmud acts only as a fence around the Torah aka extra-Biblical Literature.

I'm not wrong, I know the truth. You are hiding the truth. Religious Jews revere their Talmud.
It was created after the destruction of the Temple as true "Judaism" is based on Moses' Torah
and after 70AD it became impossible to follow Mosaic Judaism. Also all the rabbinical
old-wives-tales about Yeshu are contained in the Talmud.

Ben Masada

New member
I'm not wrong, I know the truth. You are hiding the truth. Religious Jews revere their Talmud.
It was created after the destruction of the Temple as true "Judaism" is based on Moses' Torah
and after 70AD it became impossible to follow Mosaic Judaism. Also all the rabbinical
old-wives-tales about Yeshu are contained in the Talmud.

True that religious Jews revere the Talmud but not above the Torah or the whole of the Tanach. That's what I meant.