The Wages of Sin is DEATH


TOL Subscriber
I emphasize on obedience to Jesus and most of them don't like it. So they tell me I am "work based salvation".

I claim everything based on what Jesus said.

In mainstream churches, they don't esteem Jesus' word much.

It seems the language barrier is part of the problem, with English not being your first language. It certainly appears you are advocating salvation is by works alone, totally apart from faith and grace.

Like I said, it might help if you would spend time attempting to word things differently. Your emphasis on obedience indicates you are speaking of earning salvation by what you do. If that's not what you mean, it would help if you would take a different approach with different words.


Dispies claim Jesus' word is for the Jews, not for the gentiles.

this is the most outlandish claim I ever heard.


It seems the language barrier is part of the problem, with English not being your first language. It certainly appears you are advocating salvation is by works alone, totally apart from faith and grace.

Like I said, it might help if you would spend time attempting to word things differently. Your emphasis on obedience indicates you are speaking of earning salvation by what you do. If that's not what you mean, it would help if you would take a different approach with different words.

Nope, I am doing fine. they just don't like Jesus' word being emphasized.

Jesus' word need to be spread to the world.

Jesus said "make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey I have commanded you".

You see Jesus says to teach them to obey everything He commanded us.


New member
I think if you would learn to more effectively express what you're saying, others wouldn't think you're promoting salvation by works. It certainly seems so.

I think what she has been saying is what I have also been saying.....that we cannot earn our salvation without accepting Jesus' sacrifice for us. That comes first. THEN we follow in his steps (and work out our salvation with earnestness, or, as Paul said, with trembling).

"For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in his steps." (I Peter 2:21, NASB)

"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:12b, NASB)

Ben Masada

New member
Dispies claim Jesus' word is for the Jews, not for the gentiles.

this is the most outlandish claim I ever heard.

Meshak, you are right when you say above that, to claim that Jesus' words are for Jews and not for the Gentiles is something you have never heard before. I believe you because this is an evidence that you don't read your NT. Now, you are going to hear about it: open your Bible in Mat. 10:5,6. When Jesus sent his disciples on a mission to spread his gospel of salvation, he forbade them to go to the Gentiles but only to the Jews. Now, what do you have to say?


Meshak, you are right when you say above that, to claim that Jesus' words are for Jews and not for the Gentiles is something you have never heard before. I believe you because this is an evidence that you don't read your NT. Now, you are going to hear about it: open your Bible in Mat. 10:5,6. When Jesus sent his disciples on a mission to spread his gospel of salvation, he forbade them to go to the Gentiles but only to the Jews. Now, what do you have to say?

You are a liar.

Stop addressing me.

Ben Masada

New member
You are a liar. Stop addressing me.

As I can see, you either read the quote I gave you or prefer to stand against the truth. And worst than any thing else, you choose to insult me with calling me a liar when, deep down, you know I am the one with the Truth. Pity!


As I can see, you either read the quote I gave you or prefer to stand against the truth. And worst than any thing else, you choose to insult me with calling me a liar when, deep down, you know I am the one with the Truth. Pity!

I just reported your false witnessing about Christianity.


TOL Subscriber
I think what she has been saying is what I have also been saying.....that we cannot earn our salvation without accepting Jesus' sacrifice for us. That comes first. THEN we follow in his steps (and work out our salvation with earnestness, or, as Paul said, with trembling).

"For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in his steps." (I Peter 2:21, NASB)

"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:12b, NASB)

And I mentioned to her that it would be helpful for her to express in such a manner instead of the way she has communicated since she's been on TOL.

Her denial of the divinity of Christ is a separate issue beyond the above.


And I mentioned to her that it would be helpful for her to express in such a manner instead of the way she has communicated since she's been on TOL.

Her denial of the divinity of Christ is a separate issue beyond the above.

I don't need your advice, dear.

You don't seem to know what Jesus teaches or commands.

This is what you don't know that Jesus says: "go therefore make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you".

You continually dismiss this every time I mention this to you.

I wonder why.

Ben Masada

New member
I just reported your false witnessing about Christianity.

Thank you! Now, tell me, did you read the quote I gave you of Mat. 10:5,6 where Jesus forbade his disciples not to go to the Gentiles with his gospel of salvation? You told me I was a liar for that when the truth is very clear in the quote. I would like to tell you that you broke the Golden Rule not to say to others what you would not like that others said unto you. How can you be a loving Christian and offend others without reason?


As I can see, you either read the quote I gave you or prefer to stand against the truth. And worst than any thing else, you choose to insult me with calling me a liar when, deep down, you know I am the one with the Truth. Pity!

runt all you want while you can.


TOL Subscriber
I don't need your advice, dear.

You don't seem to know what Jesus teaches or commands.

This is what you don't know that Jesus says: "go therefore make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you".

You continually dismiss this every time I mention this to you.

I wonder why.

I don't and haven't dismissed it at all; I've just ignored it.

Faith will result in works; works will NOT result in faith. No one who has true faith will refuse to obey. But it's not about keeping the law. It's about whether one is kept by Christ unto obedience.


I don't and haven't dismissed it at all; I've just ignored it.

I know, you don't like to follow Jesus' commands.

Faith will result in works; works will NOT result in faith. No one who has true faith will refuse to obey. But it's not about keeping the law. It's about whether one is kept by Christ unto obedience.

Your works is to ignore Jesus' commands.

So convenient.


TOL Subscriber
Thank you! Now, tell me, did you read the quote I gave you of Mat. 10:5,6 where Jesus forbade his disciples not to go to the Gentiles with his gospel of salvation? You told me I was a liar for that when the truth is very clear in the quote. I would like to tell you that you broke the Golden Rule not to say to others what you would not like that others said unto you. How can you be a loving Christian and offend others without reason?

You really need to go to a Talmudist forum or a CIA shill forum or something. You're a Zionist plant to monitor and disinform, etc.

You're a deluded Kaballist; but a low grade and nominal bottom-runger, likely trying to work your way up.

Biblical Judaism is extinct, and you know it. You're a poser and an infiltrator. You think you can fool the "Goy", but you're overt and obvious. Go worship your egregore with your Luciferian peers, foul spirit of hell.


New member
There are many subtelties as "a" gospel, but that isn't possible. There is no indefinite article in Greek, while English is utterly driven BY the indefinite article. There can't be other gospels, numerically; so there can only be qualitative gospels, but Galatians says they're NOT another. There is only one Gospel, and we are to all speak the same thing. English structural miscomprehension is one huge impediment for that unless/until hearts and minds are conformed to something besides the patterning effects of their English first language.

How would you define the gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:3b-5 is Paul's definition, but some deny that Paul ever preached 'Christ died for our sins' to unbelievers.

We have access BY faith INTO the grace wherein we stand. Repentance is granted. That's why the Monergism of the Reformed tradition is more functionally applicable for modern western minds; while Synergism was more functionally applicable for more ancient and eastern minds.

Without synergism, man is rendered as something less than a worthwhile creation.

It requires understanding the interface of God's timelessness with the chronological form of time in the fallen earth ages of the cosmos. For God, there is NO time. Time is created, as is space and matter. God is both "no-when" and "every-when", just as He is "no-where" and "every-where". There is no linearity or sequentiality or duration or elapsation for God in any manner related to time. Most views depend on varying fallacies of superimposing time upon God to understand what is theologically referred to as "Ordo Salutis" (order of salvation).

The "here" and "now" for all peoples of all earth ages since creation ALL have a sense of contemporaneous "nowness" to God. This takes some time and effort in the spirit to understand and be conformed to as the renewing of the mind. It can (and should) be discipled and taught; and it is epistemological and ontological, with methodologies emerging as the "doing" from "being"... in Christ.

This is not happening in the modern Church-at-large.

And this relates to the compatibilism issue - which we have touched on before. God's sovereignty and man's responsibility must be balanced else polemic follows. Maybe part of the problem lies in the acronym TULIP which nowhere mentions that Calvinists, whilst affirming that God is sovereign, believe that men remain responsible. It's in the Canons of Dordt of course - from which the five points where formulated.


New member
The overwhelming majority are dealing with sin/s (whether regarding salvation or ongoing Christian life) as the verb/action (sinning) and the resulting act/noun (sin/sis).

Sin is a noun, and it is a something-lessness. Hamartia is from a- and -meros. Meros is "no share/part, and a- is "no/not" as a negation. Hamartia, the noun, is "the missing share or part. It's a noun in the sense of a hole or pit. It's a void of something, not a something.

Everyone has the perception that sin is a verb and is a something as an action. The English mind has a difficult time processing by any other construct because of its structure and effects on epistemological functionality.

Thus the focus is always on actions/acts. The doing and the done. That's not the void or "hole" that is the somethinglessness of sin, the noun. Sin is the source of all actions, and it's a void that is in our nature and our members. And this is why Anthropology Proper is so important; to understand the substance, essence, nature, and outward appearance of man relative to spirit, soul, and body, etc.

Everyone believes something/s and thinks something/s and wills something/s and desires something/s. What matter is whether the source of all being and doing is Christ or one's self. And the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things; so it has to come by the Spirit from without or within.

So you are saying that sin (noun) is the anthropological absence (the something lessness) of the Christ essence or hypostasis? And from this our actions follow?

So, essentially, faith is the recognition of one's something lessness and the receiving of it (that which is missing) - the Rhema?


New member
Yes, essentially the summary.

Both of those ARE the verb form (hamartano). The verb is the bringing forth into action of the condition or state of being within oneself, which is the (articular) noun. The anarthrous noun is another issue altogether, and vital.

I understand what you are saying but am confused by you language.

within oneself - don't you mean without Christ?

which is the (articular) noun - this is in reference to what?

The anarthrous noun is another issue altogether, and vital. - this is in reference to what?


I understand what you are saying but am confused by you language.

within oneself - don't you mean without Christ?

which is the (articular) noun - this is in reference to what?

The anarthrous noun is another issue altogether, and vital. - this is in reference to what?

PPS likes to use a big words.

good luck trying to learn from him.

His username represent him well, big word.