The Wages of Sin is DEATH


New member
Sin can be articular or anarthrous, singular or plural noun in any case, and sin can be a verb in any tense, mood, or voice. And sin can be hamartia/hamartiai or hamartema. The latter is the resulting acts of the verb. The former is what everyone presumes is the verb or the resulting acts OF the verb, whether regarding initial salvation or the ongoing Christian life.

Sin is hamartia, a noun. It is from a- and -meros, with meros being "share/part" and a- being a negation of "no/not". Sin is the missing share or part. It's a noun, but it's a noun like a hole or pit or void is a noun. It's a "something-lessness". And in it's singular articular noun form, it is the missing share or part in us that is the void or our condition and state of being requiring inner resurrection.

Righteousness. The missing share/part that is the void is our lack of God communing His righteousness to us because of the spiritual death during our spiration into physical existence at conception.

Righteousness is God's standard for inner character for outer conduct. Without God communing His standard, we must rely on our own. So our condition and state of being is what is brought forth into action as the source of all our doing, whether benevolent or malevolent. Even the best works are sin, because they are our own standard elevated to accomplish what we self-determine as the standard for inward character and outward conduct.

Hence 'original sin' means something quite different from whatever I have struggled to understand by that term....


New member
I'm never concerned with whether you or anyone else is or isn't impressed with me. All I care about is declaring the truth and destroying untruth.

One cannot be saved by one's works in trying to produce faith. Faith, though, will always result in works. You need to learn this and quit trying to earn your salvation. You never will.

Romans 4:1-5
What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”

Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation. However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.

Romans 9:30-32, Romans 10:1ff, Galatians 3:1ff etc.


New member
Meshak, you are right when you say above that, to claim that Jesus' words are for Jews and not for the Gentiles is something you have never heard before. I believe you because this is an evidence that you don't read your NT. Now, you are going to hear about it: open your Bible in Mat. 10:5,6. When Jesus sent his disciples on a mission to spread his gospel of salvation, he forbade them to go to the Gentiles but only to the Jews. Now, what do you have to say?

I am still not getting your point. Yes, Jesus came to the Jews. Why is this a big deal?


New member
Thank you! Now, tell me, did you read the quote I gave you of Mat. 10:5,6 where Jesus forbade his disciples not to go to the Gentiles with his gospel of salvation? You told me I was a liar for that when the truth is very clear in the quote. I would like to tell you that you broke the Golden Rule not to say to others what you would not like that others said unto you. How can you be a loving Christian and offend others without reason?

Mat. 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,



They claim to be Paul's followers instead of Jesus' followers because Jesus' word is just for Jews and not for the gentiles.

Are you afraid of them?

Their talk is kind of intimidating for new comers.

Dispies and MADists.

If you don't know what I am talking about, just ask them.

There are tons of them in this site;John W, Saul to Paul, hair, Steko and many others.

You are not a newbie it seems, and you don't know who they are?

This site owner is MADist, it seems.


New member
So you are MADist too?

You believe Jesus' word is just for the Jews and not for the gentiles?

Jesus came to the Jews - after all, he was prophesied to them - but Christ is for all men. Romans 11 - gentiles are grafted in.


New member
They claim to be Paul's followers instead of Jesus' followers because Jesus' word is just for Jews and not for the gentiles.

Are you afraid of them?

Their talk is kind of intimidating for new comers.

Dispies and MADists.

If you don't know what I am talking about, just ask them.

There are tons of them in this site;John W, Saul to Paul, hair, Steko and many others.

You are not a newbie it seems, and you don't know who they are?

This site owner is MADist, it seems.

Dispensationalists? I think there is some confusion here.


Jesus came to the Jews - after all, he was prophesied to them - but Christ is for all men. Romans 11 - gentiles are grafted in.

You are avoiding my question.


I ask you again.

do you believe Jesus' word in the new testament is just for the Jews and not for the gentiles?


New member
So you are MADist too?

You believe Jesus' word is just for the Jews and not for the gentiles?

The baton, for now has passed to the gentiles - gGd working through the (true) chiurch - until the fullness comes in. (romans 11)

Matthew 21:33ff


New member
You are the one who is confused.
Are you being pretentious?


Dispensationalism is an religious futurist interpretive system for the Bible. It considers Biblical history as divided deliberately by God into defined periods or ages to each of which God has allotted distinctive administrative principles.


The baton, for now has passed to the gentiles - gGd working through the (true) chiurch - until the fullness comes in. (romans 11)

Matthew 21:33ff

You don't seem to know what Christianity is all about.

do you know Jesus gave His disciples great commission?