The Violent Reality of Islam


Islam is the Most Violent Religion in the World, But Let’s Keep Calling it ‘Peaceful’ Anyway

And here we are again. You might recognize this place. We’ve been here frequently over the past, say, 1,500 years or so. It’s the place where the whole world stands in dumbfounded shock after witnessing unspeakable brutality at the hands of Islamists. Maybe we should stop being so surprised.
This time around, three masked gunmen stormed the offices of a French satirical newspaper, executing 12 people in cold blood, including two police officers. This is the same newspaper that infamously published a cartoon poking fun at the Prophet Mohammed a few years ago, and was promptly greeted with death threats and a Molotov cocktail for their troubles. In fairness, there’s still a lot we don’t know about this attack, but it seems very certain that this was another case of Muslim terrorism. The gunmen took out 12 people while shouting “Allahu Akbhar” and “the Prophet has been avenged.” All of this over some jokes in a magazine.
Can you imagine Christian radicals committing mass murder at The Onion offices because they’re upset about something they found on its website? Can you even fathom such a thing? Probably not, because it never happens. It just never happens. And it’s not like Christians don’t have plenty of provocation. I still remember stumbling upon this lovely little gem from The Onion last year. It’s a hysterical article imagining that Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, became a prostitute to make ends meet. Haha?

This is the kind of thing Christians encounter all the time. Brutal mocking and ridicule dressed up as “humor,” but designed only to offend. There’s no wit, no punchline, just scorn heaped upon people of my faith. Kind of like this “Family Guy” episode, featuring an adulterous Jesus looking to have sex with a man’s wife. Or that hilarious “Curb Your Enthusiasm” episode a few years back where Larry David peed on a picture of Jesus. Or of course the famous “Piss Christ,” a crucifix dunked in a bottle of urine and passed off as art. Or the painting of the Virgin Mary smeared in elephant dung. Or “Dogma.” Or “The Da Vinci Code.” Or a thousand other examples.
Yet nobody ever died because of any of that. And, oh man, if anyone did, can you imagine the backlash? Can you imagine the media reaction if just one Christian murdered just one person as a reprisal for some offensive joke or provocative cartoon? We’d be ready to ban the entire religion in this country. Progressives are so desperate to prove that Christianity is just as violent as Islam that they frequently cite the murder of abortion doctors as an example. Only, none of those attacks were carried out in the name of Jesus. As far as I’m aware, none of the murderers shouted “Praise be to Christ” when they pulled the trigger. And how many incidents are we even talking about here? I’ll tell you: eight. Eight abortionists and abortion clinic workers have been killed in the U.S. in the past 40 years. It’s happened once in the last decade and a half. Once.
Yet Christians are held to such a high standard that even these extraordinarily rare killings, not even done in the name of the faith, and always condemned by nearly every prominent Christian, are cited in almost every conversation about religious violence. Meanwhile, Muslims just gunned down 12 people over a cartoon this morning, and what do we immediately hear? Islam is a religion of peace.
A White House spokesman came out within hours of the attack and spent about 40 seconds condemning the violence before immediately repeating this same slogan. While another dozen bodies lay dead in the street, we’re told that it all happened at the hands of a “peaceful” religion.

(But at least he didn’t repeat
Obama’s quote from 2012: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”)

This is a sick joke. Islamist militant wreak havoc across the globe, and the best our simpering, kowtowing, politically correct leaders can do is continuously suck up to the religion that produces these travesties like it’s operating some kind of terrorist assembly line. It’s pathetic. It’s shameful.

You’ll soon hear, if you haven’t already, that this latest bout of Islamic violence should be “put in context.” That these murderers are “in the minority.” I’m even being informed that the people who provoke Muslims are partly to blame themselves. But I’ll know we’ve finally progressed as a people, and grown some semblance of a collective spine, when we stop putting Jihad into context and when we stop making excuses for it. These are bloodthirsty barbarians. They don’t have a point. They don’t need to be understood. They don’t deserve any considerations at all.
I don’t know where we go once we’ve reached that point. I don’t have an easy solution to the kind of animalistic behavior that has infected Islam since its inception. But I do know that it starts with honesty. It starts with having the fortitude to say, without qualifier, without equivalency, that Islam is the most violent religion in the history of the world. You can ask why or how, but the “what” really isn’t up for debate.
I didn’t say that all Muslims are violent, or even that most Muslims are violent. I didn’t even say that Islam is the most destructive religion in the world — that title belongs to progressivism, which murders babies, destroys families, and damns souls.
Yet it is the most violent, and we all know it.

Does Islamic law call for its followers to slaughter the innocent? Certainly that’s how a fair number of them throughout history have seen it, but I don’t claim to be a Muslim theologian. I assume there are different ways to interpret Muslim scripture, same as Christians argue over interpretation of the Bible. What’s the “correct” interpretation? I have no idea. But my religion’s Holy Book tells me that by their fruits you shall know them. I am looking at the fruits of Islam, and I see something that so often blossoms into death and terror. That’s the reality. It’s right before my eyes. All I have to do is open them to see it.
But even now, as the news tells us of another Muslim atrocity, and as Islamists continue their thousand year war against every other religion on Earth, and as they violently persecute Christians across the Middle East and Africa, and as they visit death and misery upon millions worldwide, we here in the West are still too afraid to notice that which cannot be avoided.
And when we do notice, we don’t say, “look, Muslims are executing blasphemers, crucifying Christians, and beheading children.” Instead, we use meaningless qualifiers to stipulate that these are “radical” Muslims or “fundamentalist” Muslims. Then we quickly bury even that observation in a bunch of wimpy babble about how all religions have these sorts of “violent elements.”

Hopefully we soon come in contact with a dictionary, or any book actually, because if we do we’ll see that a “fundamentalist” is simply someone who follows the fundamentals of a religion. Saying that “Islam isn’t the problem; fundamentalist Islam is the problem” is the same as saying “Islam isn’t the problem; the basic, fundamental nature of it is the problem,” which is the same as saying “Islam isn’t the problem; Islam is the problem.”
And although it might make us feel better to assume that no culture and no religion carries its own unique flaws and pitfalls, the fact remains that Christians and Jews are not often found brutalizing innocent civilians in the name of their religion. And if such an anomaly were to occur, it would be quite easy to tell that the murderous Christian is not a fair representative of his Creed. After all, his Savior spoke rather extensively about the need for peace and mercy. His Savior also wasn’t a militant figure in His own right, killing infidels and taking child brides along the way.
Rather, our Savior told us to turn the other cheek, and that’s what Christians have consistently done. They were pursued, captured, beaten, killed, and made into lion’s food for 300 years before they finally emerged as a dominant religion. If Christianity is inherently violent, it would have been born in violence and spread through violence, but it wasn’t. Unlike Islam.
These are the simple facts, and I’ve pretty well had my fill of these friendly people, with their polite ways, who are so terribly tolerant that they feel like they have to pretend that, somehow, mysteriously, the impression every rational human being on Earth has — that Islam is more violent than other religions — is off-base. They can’t explain why it’s off-base, they can only offer some trite platitude about how the violent Muslims are not “true” Muslims.
Bull crap, you cowards. There is disagreement about the “true” nature of every religion. Put 100 Christians of different denominations in a room and they’ll argue over virtually every aspect of their faith. What they won’t do, however, is debate whether they’re supposed to be out killing cartoonists, shooting up schools, murdering soldiers at the Canadian parliament, or taking hostages at a cafe in Sydney. Only one religion has to even entertain that discussion. And that, to me, clearly indicates some very serious and inherent flaws.
And, please, don’t tell me that Muslims tend to be violent because they’re a historically oppressed people. All religions have been oppressed at one time or another, but Muslims have also always controlled wide swaths of the globe. Ever hear of the Ottoman Empire? And don’t try to work the Crusades into this conversation, unless you want to prove my point for me. The Crusades were waged against Muslim aggressors after several hundred years of persecution at the hands of Arabic forces. The Crusades were a war of defense, sparked, as usual, by Muslim conquest.
No, there’s no way around this. Islam is more violent than any religion that’s ever existed anywhere.
We have to face that fact. Muslims especially have to face it.
And then we can take the next step, whatever that is.

It's fundamentalist religion, not ALL people of ANY FAITH. This is why both evangelical conservative Christianity and Islam are being actively criticized and easily picked apart today.

These ancient holdovers such as Christian Dominiunism and Islamic Wa'Habbism are neither compelling or persuadable in today's global beehive.

Religions believers in both faiths seem unable or unwilling to even understand the criticism or respond to it maturely and reasonably.


New member
Religions believers in both faiths seem unable or unwilling to even understand the criticism or respond to it maturely and reasonably.

Again the BS that all religions are equal, and equally guilty.

I'm probably the most fundamentalist here,
and most definitely the most fundamentalist I've ever met in my lifetime
(you wussey fags).

But I don't blow up innocent people, even at abortion clinics,
to terrorize my opponents.

I find the truth of the Holy Scriptures is terrorizing enough.

You lose again.


New member
Again the BS that all religions are equal, and equally guilty.

I'm probably the most fundamentalist here,
and most definitely the most fundamentalist I've ever met in my lifetime
(you wussey fags).

But I don't blow up innocent people, even at abortion clinics,
to terrorize my opponents.

I find the truth of the Holy Scriptures is terrorizing enough.

You lose again.
But you do admit that so-called Christians do blow up abortion clinics and shoot abortionists. And the Klan was/is a self-described "Christian" organization. Yet you would likely admit that none of these are examples of true Christianity, but are only twisted charicatures of our faith. Why is it that you can see when Christianity is twisted to justify an atrocity by sickos, but you can't admit that the same could be the case in Islam. I'm not equating the validity of the two faiths as equal by any means. I'm simply saying that exceptions don't make the rule.

patrick jane

the reality is predictable. The Bible tells us. but even if you take the Bible out of the equation, Islam WILL cause the "end times". world war 3 if you like. not as a whole faith, but the radical extremists. it's inevitable. it will all come from the middle east. it just so happens, The Bible tells us this. look out your window, it's happening :bang:


New member
Why is it that you can see when Christianity is twisted to justify an atrocity by sickos, but you can't admit that the same could be the case in Islam.
The answer to your question is simple:

Christianity does not teach killing your neighbor to spread Christianity.

Islam does.


New member
But you do admit that so-called Christians do blow up abortion clinics and shoot abortionists. And the Klan was/is a self-described "Christian" organization. Yet you would likely admit that none of these are examples of true Christianity, but are only twisted charicatures of our faith.

Its accepted that stupid people and crazy people and people with big chips
on their shoulders are everywhere, and no race or country has a monopoly.

Its accepted that both harsh conditions and brainwashing of children
multiply the crazies exponentially.

The two cases don't make simple parallels however,
and are NOT equivalent or congruent cases in which
one only needs to substitute a different religion. See below.

Why is it that you can see when Christianity is twisted to justify an atrocity by sickos, but you can't admit that the same could be the case in Islam.
The cases are not the same.

(1) The two "holy books" are not equivalent.

The Bible is a collection of writings spanning several thousand years,
and reflects the real experience and accumulated knowledge of many ages
and cultures, and roots itself in real history, including controversy.

As a careful edited collection of real historical events and
authentic tribal and community experiences, it actually reflects a wide and rich sample of
philosophical and ideological development and experiment.

The Koran is a quickly slapped together collection spanning a single generation,
and reflects the narrow experience of a single Arab leader in the 6th century,
drawing from haphazard debates with local theologians of other religions,
and plagarizing arguments from local tribal quarrels long lost.

The result is a clumsy paramilitary cult handbook which is
neither a continuation or legitimate development of Middle Eastern religious thought,
nor does it form a self-congruent body of work reflecting any true
religious experience.
One reason for its popularity in 3rd-world countries is its inherent level
of near illiteracy and tribal / bigoted outlook.

(2) The statistical results are completely opposite in the modern world.

All truly authentic and legitimate religions may have problems,
and moments in history whereby general illiteracy, and bad reasoning
result in horrific injustices, sometimes even on a national or global scale,
but viable religions develop by abandoning tragic experiments and
unworkable rules
, philosophies and ideologies.

It may even be said that this self-correcting activity, that causes
testing and modification of beliefs, and accumulation of knowledge and wisdom,
legitimizes the title "religion" and the status of any potential "holy writings".

Even when a 'revolutionary' religion is created in a single generation,
such as "Christianity" was born in a time-span comparatively short,
it did so with three key ingredients -

(A) a truly inspired and new message,
which actually met the universal needs of humankind
in a wide variety of circumstances and times and places.

(B) the grass-roots support of a large and already established religious base,
which provided a cultural background of valuable wisdom and experience,
such as Judaism did as a birthing-place and nurturing environment.

(C) the expansion and spread by non-violent means,
by convincing people of a better way of doing things,
by offering a superior product in an open market of competative ideas.

We claim quite clearly that some religious products are inferior to others,
and that ISLAM will always remain in the quagmire of violence and ignorance,
because the base material, the KORAN, is a poorly written paramilitary handbook,
and there is no acceptable means within the cult for improving itself,
or replacing the Koran with better materials.

Our proof is the fact that even here in the 21st century,
a revival of Islam has meant in practical terms
a resurgence of violence, war, murder and mayhem,
and the disruption of peace, commerce, learning and real scientific advance.

The statistics are horrific, but absolutely plain:

Islam has inspired 25,000 radical terrorist attacks in the last few decades,
while radical elements in Christianity have been connected to nearly zero.

I'm not equating the validity of the two faiths as equal by any means. I'm simply saying that exceptions don't make the rule.
When the exceptions are so overwhelming in numbers as to become
not just a significant 'minority' but rather the rule, you must concede it.

One of the reasons the astronomical numbers of terrorist attacks
are not being seen or understood properly is this:

You don't require or need the majority of 'believers' or nominal members
of a dangerous cult to be murderers or extremist radicals.
You only need an infrastructure, overt or hidden that perpetuates the
dangerous activities.

We already know this from the example of bike gangs and mafias.
MOST people in a bike gang are not murderers or drug-lords.
They don't have to be, and in fact bike gangs prefer to have plenty of
law-abiding members, because that acts as a cover, smokescreen,
and distraction from their criminal operations.

Its the same even for legitimate corporations and governments.

Most workers for Oil Companies don't know about overseas operations
or "oil wars", and wouldn't consent to paramilitary crimes directed by
and committed on behalf of the company.

Most government workers are not bloodthirsty cutthroats who routinely
kill people and beat up citizens, but that is precisely the kind of people
that governments deliberately employ for security services, police,
and military personnel.


New member
Just as some governments, some countries, some corporations
are much better than others,
so are some religions much better than others.

And some governments are criminally intolerable
(e.g., Libya under Qaddafi, or Entebbe under Idi Amin,
or the 3rd Reich under Hitler).

Some corporations are criminally intolerable,
as for instance ENRON and other examples.

And some 'religions' (i.e., cults) like ISLAM
are criminally intolerable:

APPROXIMATELY 8,000 Killed and 10,000 injured
Approximately 570 (1-2 a day) a year Killed and 715 (2 a day) a year injured
Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians
(Since 9/11)
UAE lists over 80 Muslim 'terrorist' groups

  1. Boko Haram (literally means “western education is sin) Nigeria
  2. Naxalbari, in West Bengal
  3. PKK-Kurdistan Worker’s Party:Turkey
  4. IRA Irish Republican Army
  5. Armed Islamic Group:Algeria (GIA)
  6. Aden-Abyan Islamic Army:Yemen
  7. Jamaat Ansar al-Sunn
  8. Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia or FARC (Marxist-Leninist terrorist group)
  9. Boko Haram:Nigerian
  10. al-Nusra Front:Syria and Lebanon
  11. Muslim Brotherhood:palestine
  12. Hamas: Palestine (After the offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood)
  13. Lashkar-e-Toiba: Saudi Arabia
  14. Hezbollah: Iran, Lebanon and Syria- Shia’ist militant group based in Lebanon
  15. Isis: Iraq and Syria -Sunni jihadist
  16. Islamic State
  17. Tehrik I T Pakistan
  18. Taliban : Afghan chapter
  19. Al-Qaeda (Osama)-objective is to unite the Muslims across the world in global jihad and strict interpretation of Sharia law.Caliphate- Turkey is claiming this because of Ottoman Empire



New member
GOOGLE AND YOUTUBE are censoring what the Islamic Terrorists
actually are saying
when they take hostages and make demands.

The reason for the coverup is that they all make it absolutely clear
that they are part of a formal war run by terrorist groups,
and NOT individual crazy people:

Watch the actual videos by the terrorists here,
which were taken down by GOOGLE.

Sydney Hostages Appear in Videos Relaying Terrorist Demands (Censored by MSM/YouTube)

In #SydneySiege, Archive, Australia, ISIS, Islamic State, Terrorism on December 15, 2014 at 9:25 AM Four of the hostages being held in the Lindt cafe in central Sydney have appeared in videos, relaying demands of the terrorist linked to the Islamic State (now identified as Man Haron Monis) who is holding them captive. The videos are continuously being removed from YouTube and mainstream media has chosen not to air them. As you may know, LeakSource hates censorship of any kind, so here are the four videos that have been released:


  • Send an Islamic State flag to the cafe and 1 hostage will be released
  • Broadcast on all media that this is an attack on Australia by the Islamic Stateand 2 hostages will be released
  • To speak with Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott on a live feed and 5 hostages will be released
  • 4 bombs located in and around the cafe will be detonated if demands not met
UPDATE: Police Storm Cafe (VIDEO)



New member
Yet with all that has been said YOU can't recognize it when hatred has taken over your life. You don't realize that you exemplify the antithesis of Christ's teachings. Your words more closely mimic those of the Islamist (not Islamic) Imam preaching fear, hatred and vengeance than anything Christ or the apostles ever said.
James 1:22-27

22 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his [x]natural face in a mirror; 24 for once he has looked at himself and gone away, [y]he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. 25 But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but [z]an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in [aa]what he does.

26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not [ab]bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained [ac]by the world.


New member
Naz, you mentioned that Christianity has a long history based on Judaism, so therefore it could gradually learn from the mistakes of the past. Yet you limit Islam to the one generation during which its prophet lived because of the Koran. Yet in reality the Bible is based on one man's life and fewer than 70 subsequent years. We may include an OT, but that is basically the historical basis you spoke of. Yet Islam also includes the Talmud as part of their holy books since they believe their faith is also rooted in the line of Abraham. In fact our Bible is yet a third holy book to them since those they consider Jesus a prophet (yet not the Messiah).

You also wrote about how legitimate religions grow toward a more peaceful end. Yet later you wrote about a "resurgence" of violence. Resurgence indicates that there had been an abandonment of said practice for a time. Since not all Muslims did not return to the violent practices, but only a small minority did, it would be reasonable to assume that the minority would be considered an aberration, especially by those who adhere to mainstream Islam theology.

You also mentioned Islam interfering with scientific progress; yet wasn,'t it the Muslims who gave us our basis for science and mathematics. Were they not quickly advancing while European Christians were still in the Dark Ages, beating each other over the heads with clubs and hack in at everyone around us with swords? In fact, in essence aren't we still doing that? We are not advancing; we have been in a downward spiral for quite some time. Believing otherwise is delusion.

You mentioned all of the atrocities propagated by Islamists in recent history. Yet you continue to ignore the millions unjustly slaughtered by us in the West. It's easy to condemn "them" for doing what we justify doing ourselves on a larger scale. Do you really want me to post several of my pictures of women and children blown to pieces or burned alive simply so we can maintain our advantaged lifestyle?
Last edited:


New member
Naz, you mentioned that Christianity has a long history based on Judaism, so therefore it could gradually learn from the mistakes of the past. Yet you limit Islam to the one generation during which its prophet lived because of the Koran. Yet in reality the Bible is based on one man's life and fewer than 70 subsequent years. We may include an OT, but that is basically the historical basis you spoke of.
Yet Islam also includes the Talmud as part of their holy books
since they believe their faith is also rooted in the line of Abraham. In fact our Bible is yet a third holy book to them since those hey consider Jesus a prophet (yet not the Messiah).

Your inaccuracy is stunning.

The Muslims do not consider the Talmud a holy book of equal stature
to the Koran. In fact it is impenetrable to them
, as it is to Englishmen generally.

The Talmud is written in a form of Babylonian Aramaic, not really
resembling Hebrew or later Arabic, except in the most general classification.
Effectively the Talmud is now a secret language something like Yiddish,
only inaccessible to anyone but Jewish scholars.
The best English translations are terrible copies with many misleading errors.
To make things worse, the way the Jewish scholars and rabbis use the
Talmud is entirely differently than the way a Baptist fundamentalist or
a Muslim extremist would use their own Holy Scriptures.

The Talmud is a compendium of conflicting rabbinic opinion from the time of
Jesus, but mostly from the various Pharisee schools of thought.
Sadducee tradition is all but lost, and the Essene beliefs and teaching are
still held for the most part in the hands of University scholars.

The Talmud is viewed as a record of various traditions and rulings of councils
on various subjects, and in this it is similar to the various Nicea councils
of Christian tradition and history, far distant from both origins of Judaism
and fundamentals of doctrine. There are accompanying Rabbinical commentaries
which do much to 'interpret' and 'correct' the ideas and
the scope of rulings found therein.

The Talmud is called "the oral tradition" although now written down.
It purports to preserve ancient teachings originally preserved only orally
by the priests of Ancient Israel, but no one knows which parts are
really ancient and which parts are accumulated lore and traditions.

Although the Talmud is greatly respected by Rabbis (the only ones who
can actually read it), it is not treated as Holy Scripture or interpreted
as a Fundamentalist document, but rather as a means of
maintaining alternate opinions and traditions and allowing free speech
within Judaism, something Muslims have little experience with.

The final point about the Talmud is that its contents are wholly unknown
by Muslims
, in fact they are wholly unknown even by the most advanced
Muslim scholars, and actually they are for the most part unknown by most
Jews! In fact, they are largely unknown even by Jewish Rabbis, and
only the most serious and perservering Jewish scholars have a real grasp
of the contents of the Talmud and the religious meaning it contains.

So the idea that the Talmud is recognized by Islam as one of the "Holy Books"
is pure nonsense, driven by the ignorance of Western apologists.

Your claim and your logic is fatally flawed here.


New member
You also wrote about how legitimate religions grow toward a more peaceful end. Yet later you wrote about a "resurgence" of violence. Resurgence indicates that there had been an abandonment of said practice for a time. Since not all Muslims did not return to the violent practices, but only a small minority did, it would be reasonable to assume that the minority would be considered an aberration, especially by those who adhere to mainstream Islam theology.
Already answered with the shocking statistics posted.

The idea of a 'minority' is a useless concept here,
since Islam is an entrenched underground Criminal Mafia.

Of course it hides behind large numbers of naive and unsuspecting followers,
just like every other criminal organization in the world.

No one is claiming that all Muslims are master-criminals or terrorists.

But Islam is a Terrorist paramilitary cult, and a criminal organization,
and can never be a 'religion'.

You also mentioned Islam interfering with scientific progress; yet wasn,'t it the Muslims who gave us our basis for science and mathematics. Were they not quickly advancing while European Christians were still in the Dark Ages, beating each other over the heads with clubs and hack in at everyone around us with swords? In fact, in essence aren't we still doing that? We are not advancing; we have been in a downward spiral for quite some time. Believing otherwise is delusion.
Again you are offering a fake history of Europe which was popularly taught
in the West recently but has no historical basis.

At the height of the Black Death for instance, (1350 circa),
Islam was in as a confused, ignorant state as was the Western half
of the Latin former Roman Empire.

That a handful (not many) Greek math tracts were preserved in Arabic
in Spain had little impact on the actual case of the "dark ages" of
Western Europe and the advancement of Science, which was by far
more dependent upon the Enlightenment in Northern Europe and the
Reformation than any influence by Arabic 'knowledge' or math.

You mentioned all of the atrocities propagated by Islamists in recent history. Yet you continue to ignore the millions unjustly slaughtered by us in the West.
War is hell, to be sure, but we are at the point now that the West was
when confronted by Hitler.

Chamberlain's naive and idiotic claims of "peace in our times"
were pure BS, and we need a Churchill like leader to combat this
global threat, not a pacifist who will lull everyone into falling asleep
as a massive war machine amasses at the Western border,
and our gates are already compromised by unchecked and unscreened

It's easy to condemn "them" for doing what we justify doing ourselves on a larger scale. Do you really want me to post several of my pictures of women and children blown to pieces or burned alive simply so we can maintain our advantaged lifestyle?
You keep using "we" when most people in the West alive today
have no experience in past conflicts and no moral culpability in any
historical injustices.

I don't owe my crumbling post-Christian society to atrocities done by
the RC Church against Natives, nor do I owe my technology to Arabs.
I don't owe my current wealth and prosperity to Malthus' xenophobia,
nor to Asian skermishes overseas.

I DO owe my wealth, prosperity and position to a combination of
the abolishment of Slavery and the Protestant work ethic brought
to the West after the Reformation.

I DO owe my blessings to the God of the Universe who helped to build
the British Commonwealth and the USA using the Gospel and fine
democratic principles.

Its unfortunate that Natives were nearly wiped out in North America,
but it must be remembered that they themselves largely had the morals
of renegade biker gangs.

Its sad that the Spanish destroyed the Mexican 'empire' but it must be
remembered they were found busy engaging in horrific Human Sacrifice
and other barbaric torture-rituals.

Its tragic that the Congo was largely mined as a source for slaves,
but it must be remembered that the Muslims were the ones engaging
in the most horrific form of slavery for millenia and White men were
largely prevented from entering Africa at its height.

Blacks were Enslaved by ISLAM

It should also be remembered that the Muslim slave traders were guilty
of almost wiping out all the Blacks from Northern Africa, and have
tortured and killed more Blacks than any other group of people.

It is sad that slavery was engaged in especially in the Southern USA,
but it must be remembered that half of the American populace
fought to abolish slavery and won.

We have a democracy and a modicum of civility and freedom here
in the West, and we need not be ashamed of our achievements.

At this time we need rather to defend what little we have achieved.


Again the BS that all religions are equal, and equally guilty.

I'm probably the most fundamentalist here,
and most definitely the most fundamentalist I've ever met in my lifetime
(you wussey fags).

But I don't blow up innocent people, even at abortion clinics,
to terrorize my opponents.

I find the truth of the Holy Scriptures is terrorizing enough.

You lose again.

There has and always will be a difference between FACTS and FAITH.

Jesus was a man: statement of FACT
Mohammed was a man: statement of FACT

Jesus was the Messiah: statement of FAITH
Mohammed was the last prophet: statement of FAITH

If the word "religion" did not ever have an "s" at the end of it, you might be on to something. But the commonalities between all religions does not mean they are "equal." Each faith is necessarily filtered through a specific cultural and historical framework.

That is the sense of similarity I meant.


The answer to your question is simple:

Christianity does not teach killing your neighbor to spread Christianity.

Islam does.
One of the main arguments to your answer is simple:

In John of Patmos's Book of Revelations it clearly states that the blood of the unbelievers will reach the level of the horse's bridle in the big Divine Ethnic Cleansing of the world at the end of time.

Sorry to be blunt, but this is evident that killing one's neighbor to spread Christianity is a part of the Christian faith.


New member
Naz, til now you seem to be intentionally missing my main point. I'll try and make this as simple as I can. If a Muslim ( or atheist, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.) surfing the web read your posts do you think that your words would help them see Christ and Christianity as Christ would want; or would your posts only reinforce the impression of Christianity that they already have? Again I will quote:
James 1:22-27

22 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his [x]natural face in a mirror; 24 for once he has looked at himself and gone away, [y]he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. 25 But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but [z]an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in [aa]what he does.

26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not [ab]bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained [ac]by the world.
Matthew 28:16-20
The Great Commission
16 But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 [e]Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you [f]always, even to the end of the age.”
I'm handing you that mirror.​


New member
In John of Patmos's Book of Revelations it clearly states that the blood of the unbelievers will reach the level of the horse's bridle in the big Divine Ethnic Cleansing of the world at the end of time.

Sorry to be blunt,
but this is evident that killing one's neighbor to spread Christianity is a part of the Christian faith.

Sorry to be even more blunt, but you are misreading scripture again,
and blaspheming God in the process.

All the End Time scriptures are to be taken together to form the full picture.
Both Old Testament prophets and New Testament statements.

Revelation is itself put together using the symbology of the O.T.,
and cannot be interpreted without it.

The Gist of the prophecy (for it is all one prophecy)
is that all the armies of the earth, and all the warmongers
will be brought together
in the Last Days,
and destroy each other.

This is no way resembles a crusade, or a physical battle
between Christians and unbelievers,
but rather a battle between factions of Unbelievers.

The result will be the anniilation of all unbelievers at one location,
Armageddon, or the Gehenna, the Valley of Hinnom, and Syria.

Good luck finding any Christians there at the time of the great battle
of Armageddon.

Because the only people on God's side doing any fighting,
will be avenging Angels from Heaven led by Jesus on the Clouds
and the Archangel Michael.


New member
Sorry to be even more blunt, but you are misreading scripture again,
and blaspheming God in the process.

All the End Time scriptures are to be taken together to form the full picture.
Both Old Testament prophets and New Testament statements.

Revelation is itself put together using the symbology of the O.T.,
and cannot be interpreted without it.

The Gist of the prophecy (for it is all one prophecy)
is that all the armies of the earth, and all the warmongers
will be brought together
in the Last Days,
and destroy each other.

This is no way resembles a crusade, or a physical battle
between Christians and unbelievers,
but rather a battle between factions of Unbelievers.

The result will be the anniilation of all unbelievers at one location,
Armageddon, or the Gehenna, the Valley of Hinnom, and Syria.

Good luck finding any Christians there at the time of the great battle
of Armageddon.

Because the only people on God's side doing any fighting,
will be avenging Angels from Heaven led by Jesus on the Clouds
and the Archangel Michael.

It is interesting to read prophecy and theorize about the meanings. The problem is that none of us has the mind of God so we can only speculate as to the truth. I can only point out that when Christ came there were innumerable scholars who each had their own ideas about interpretation of prophecy, and none were right. Prophecy is not intended to give us a detailed preview. It gives us an extremely general idea of the outcome in order to keep us from losing heart. Then when the prophecies are fulfilled the Spirit will open the eyes of some to see how the writings confirm what has already occurred as that fulfillment. In other words, prophecy isn't so much a revelation of future events, but a revelation that current and historical events are part of God's plan, and then only to those the Spirit shows. Jesus was rejected by many of the scholars simply because His appearance didn't match their predictions. Yet we have a handful of examples of even Council members that came to understand.